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Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond? - Edward Jay Epstein

Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond? - Edward Jay Epstein
Related:  Poverty

Photographer Captures Bizarre Reality Of Toy Production In 'Real Toy Story' Dig into your old toy chest and you're bound to find an adorable bounty of baby dolls, teddy bears and the occasional rubber ducky. So, if you don't want to forever taint your memories of these darling childhood mementos, we recommend you look away now. Photographer Michael Wolf's series "Real Toy Story" delves inside Hong Kong's toy making factories, exposing the mass production and consumption embedded in the lives of your cuddliest childhood companions. Wolf, a German-born artist who has long called Hong Kong his home, examines the bizarre production sites that manufacture, in massive quantities, the cute creatures that children around the globe grow to love. There is something extremely unsettling about the overflowing boxes of baby heads or Barbie limbs in all their pastel-colored glory, recalling the kind of nightmares that crept into our elementary school consciousness. "Real Toy Story" is currently on view at Shanghai's K11 Art Space until February 10, 2014.

Zastosowanie technik rozciągających w zmniejszaniu ryzyka kontuzji u biegaczy - część teoretyczna | Częste wykonywanie tej samej czynności ruchów przeciążeniowych powodujących ból. U biegaczy rzadko dochodzi do strukturalnego uszkodzenia mięśni lub więzadeł. Istotnym jest, iż ukierunkowany trening biegowy wykonywany jednostronnie angażuje do pracy i wzmacnia poszczególne grupy mięśniowej jaką jest bieg prowadzi niejednokrotnie do powstawania stanów przeciążeniowych powodujących ból. Ponadto na zasadzie hamowania wtórnego (reciprocal inhibition), za pośrednictwem ośrodkowego układu nerwowego, może dochodzić do jednoczesnego osłabienia antagonistycznych partii mięśni. Mięśnie, które na przeciążenia reagują osłabieniem oraz zmniejszeniem napięcia zaliczane są do grupy mięśni fazowych. mięśnie prostujące staw kolanowy (mięsień czworoboczny z wyjątkiem mięśnia prostego uda), mięśnie grzbietowo zginające stopę (mięsień piszczelowy przedni i mięśnie strzałkowe), mięśnie pośladkowe, mięśnie brzucha (skośne, prosty i poprzeczny) [Janda 1984, Rakowski 2002, 2001, Stodolny 1999]. Ryc.1. Ryc. 2.

Does Discrimination Lead to Substance Abuse? People who are discriminated against cope with that discrimination in various ways. Although some cope adaptively and use strategies that are constructive and empowering when they are faced with adversity, others turn to maladaptive coping mechanisms. One such mechanism is the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. Racial discrimination has been shown to be related to increased drug and alcohol use, but has not been proven to be the cause of the increase. So why is it that some people use alcohol and drugs to cope while others do not? Meg Gerrard of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center at Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire wanted to explore this question further. Gerrard conducted three separate studies designed to elicit feelings of discrimination among a sample of African-American adolescents. The findings from this study were gathered only from African-American participants. Reference: Gerrard, Meg, Michelle L. © Copyright 2012 Please confirm that you are human.

Speech perception Speech perception is the process by which the sounds of language are heard, interpreted and understood. The study of speech perception is closely linked to the fields of phonetics and in linguistics and cognitive psychology and perception in psychology. Research in speech perception seeks to understand how human listeners recognize speech sounds and use this information to understand spoken language. Speech perception research has applications in building computer systems that can recognize speech, in improving speech recognition for hearing- and language-impaired listeners, and in foreign-language teaching. Basics[edit] Acoustic cues[edit] Figure 1: Spectrograms of syllables "dee" (top), "dah" (middle), and "doo" (bottom) showing how the onset formant transitions that define perceptually the consonant [d] differ depending on the identity of the following vowel. The speech sound signal contains a number of acoustic cues that are used in speech perception. Lack of invariance[edit]

How Poverty Taxes the Brain - Emily Badger Human mental bandwidth is finite. You’ve probably experienced this before (though maybe not in those terms): When you’re lost in concentration trying to solve a problem like a broken computer, you’re more likely to neglect other tasks, things like remembering to take the dog for a walk, or picking your kid up from school. This is why people who use cell phones behind the wheel actually perform worse as drivers. We only have so much cognitive capacity to spread around. This understanding of the brain’s bandwidth could fundamentally change the way we think about poverty. In a series of experiments run by researchers at Princeton, Harvard, and the University of Warwick, low-income people who were primed to think about financial problems performed poorly on a series of cognition tests, saddled with a mental load that was the equivalent of losing an entire night’s sleep. This explains, for example, why poor people who aren’t good with money might also struggle to be good parents.

what the Dunning-Kruger effect is and isn’t | [citation needed] If you regularly read cognitive science or psychology blogs (or even just the lowly New York Times!), you’ve probably heard of something called the Dunning-Kruger effect. The Dunning-Kruger effect refers to the seemingly pervasive tendency of poor performers to overestimate their abilities relative to other people–and, to a lesser extent, for high performers to underestimate their abilities. The explanation for this, according to Kruger and Dunning, who first reported the effect in an extremely influential 1999 article in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, is that incompetent people by lack the skills they’d need in order to be able to distinguish good performers from bad performers: …people who lack the knowledge or wisdom to perform well are often unaware of this fact. We attribute this lack of awareness to a deficit in metacognitive skill. …So what does this mean in business? 1. 2. 3. Looking at the figure above, it’s not hard to see why this would be.

Top 10 Subtler Forms of Discrimination While society has not completely discarded racism, sexism and homophobia, at least there’s some public awareness of those issues; other forms of discrimination occur every day and are recognized only by the victims. While we praise our open-mindedness on the ‘big’ issues, could we still be harboring unfair—and perhaps unconscious—prejudices against friends and neighbors? Submitted for your approval are 10 Subtler Forms of Discrimination, and it might open your eyes a bit. NOTE: I’m not the subtlest of human beings. Bias against bald people started early. The 20th century’s youth-obsessed culture viewed baldness as old age incarnate, and fueled a billion dollar hair care and restoration industry. But, there is hope. So bald men can be sexy now. We could be going faster, but we’re headed (groan) in the right direction. <a href=" src=" Think again. That’s not happening. Maybe not.

Gdzie tanio spać w podróży? | Podróżuj tanio! | Blog dla miłośników przygody | Paragon z podróży Podczas podróży na własną rękę jedną z najważniejszych kwestii do rozwiązania jest – gdzie spędzić noc? Jeżeli budżet mamy ograniczony to nie możemy wejść do pierwszego lepszego hotelu i wziąć pokoju na noc. Musimy kombinować. Jeżeli mamy namiot to potrzebujemy dobrego miejsca do jego rozbicia i zazwyczaj szukamy go na bieżąco. Przykład z życia. Wpadłem więc na pomysł żeby stworzyć miejsce w Sieci, gdzie takie informacje można znaleźć. Jesteś w Sienie. O zaletach noclegów „na dziko” pisaliśmy już nie raz w tekście Top 10 noclegów na dziko. Oczywiście sami nie jesteśmy w stanie zapełnić mapy świata i mamy nadzieję, że nam w tym pomożecie. Poniżej znajdziecie link do mapy wraz z dokładną instrukcją obsługi.
