Family & Consumer Sciences Student Web Links Child Development & Child Care Child Care Resources Children's Health & Safety Children's Learning Child Advocacy Child Care Resources Administration for Children & Families Child Care BureauPart of the U.S. (The) Center for Early Childhood LeadershipDedicated to enhancing the management skills, professional orientation, and leadership capacity of early childhood administrators. Child Care ExchangeAssociated with Exchange magazine for child care management, contains resources for early childhood professionals. Council for Professional RecognitionWorks to improve the professional status of early childhood workers and helps to meet the growing need for qualified child care staff. Family Communications, Inc.Offers resources for professionals and parents to create programs and projects for children, their families, and those who support them. Healthy Meals Resource SystemProvides recipes, resources, and information on preparing nutritious meals and food safety. Back to Top U.S.
Web 2.0 in School Libraries Resources for School Librarians - Index Menu: Uses of Social Media in School Libraries | Learning About Social Media | Blogging | Social Bookmarking | Wikis | Social Networking | Twitter | Web Safety and Privacy | Other Technologies Real Life Uses of Social Media by School Librarians Learning About Social Media Social Media for Beginners - From the Queens Library. This is a good starting place if you are really new. Up to Top Social Media Technologies Blogging Picking The Best Platform For Your Classroom Blog - A description of the various blogging sites. Social Bookmarking Uses of Social Bookmarking in School Library Media Centers - Scroll down the page to find this. 28 Free Social Bookmarking Sites for Educators - From the elearning Industry web site. Wikis and Nings How to Start a Wiki - From Wiki-How How to Create a Wiki - From Surfing the Net with Kids. Social Networking Twitter Other Technologies The Use of Digital Technology in Schools Web Safety and Privacy
From EdTech Teachers Tech Tools by Subject and Skills Every year, so many new technology tools for teachers are launched into the market that it can be nearly impossible to keep up with them all. In order to keep you up-to-date with the latest and greatest educational tech tools, our team of edtech specialists has put together this list of the best edtech resources and technology tools for teachers. Clicking on the links below will take you to hundreds of apps, websites, extensions, and more. Whether you're looking for a specific tech tool or just trying to find something new and interesting for your class, we encourage you to browse around all of the different categories to see how many wonderful resources are available for your students. Also, if you have a tool that you'd like to see added to the list, please feel free to contact us at The following technology tools for teachers have been organized by academic subjects, topics, and learning activity.
Metoda Webquest. Poradnik dla nauczyciela - W społeczeństwie informacyjnym kluczową umiejętnością, potrzebną do funkcjonowania na co dzień i uczniom i nauczycielom, jest wyszukiwanie w sieci informacji, jej weryfikacja oraz przetwarzanie w wiedzę. Rozwijanie tej umiejętności powinno być elementem programów nauczania na wszystkich etapach kształcenia. Metodą, która może tu przynosić pozytywne rezultaty, jest WebQuest. Choć od czasu jej wynalezienia (1995) mijają już blisko dwie dekady, wciąż jest to narzędzie, którym nie wszyscy nauczyciele potrafią biegle się posługiwać. A przecież świat, w którym żyjemy produkuje nadmiar informacji (lub wręcz szum informacyjny) - uczniowie muszą nauczyć się sprawnie poruszać w takiej przestrzeni informacyjnej. Publikacja jest próbą odpowiedzi na rosnące zainteresowanie polskich nauczycieli metodą WebQuest. Publikacja z serii: Think! Wydanie pierwsze: styczeń 2013. Format EPUB jest obecnie najpopularniejszym formatem e-książek na świecie. Informacja dotycząca korzystania z plików ePUB
Family & Consumer Sciences Student Links Career Resources Occupational Outlook Handbook This handbook from the U.S. Department of Labor describes what workers do on the job, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations. It is updated every two years. Occupational Outlook Quarterly Online This Web site provides updated information to the Occupational Outlook Handbook four times per year. O*NET Online This database from the U.S. Career InfoNet This Web site features wage and employment trends, occupational requirements, labor market conditions, career resource library, and useful career tools. JobWeb This site offers information about resumes, cover letters, and job interviews. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) FCCLA is a vocational student organization for young men and women in family and consumer sciences education in public and private school through grade 12. Back to Top
FREE – Federal Registry for Educational Excellence | FREE – Federal Registry for Educational Excellence FREE Features These features originally appeared on the features blog. The features highlight resources and ideas related to holidays, awareness months, anniversaries and seasonal topics. January February March April May June July August Back to School: 7 Ways to Help Kids Transition Back to the Classroom September October November December About FREE Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE) offered a way to find digital teaching and learning resources created and maintained by the federal government and public and private organizations. FREE was conceived in 1997 by a federal working group in response to a memo from the President. Technology has made it increasingly easier to find information from government agencies or with custom search tools, like FREE Disclaimer The U.S.
8 Great Free Digital Presentation Tools For Teachers To Try This Summer A mix of web apps that can help you make presentations that are fun, eye catching, and engaging (great for students too)! In this month's free online workshop, we're learning about the wonderful variety of free digital presentation tools available on the Internet today, and ways we might use them in our classroom. For the last assignment, I want to let participants select from a list of applications we haven't tried yet. This interactive image is an example of a Glogster “poster” I tossed together in about 25 minutes, without any previous knowledge of using the tool. I have no doubt that many educators might enjoy some of these tools, so I am sharing them here, and asking for readers feedback on these and other apps. If there are other free digital presentation tools that you like to use, please comment and let us know about them! Chesterfield Web Live - home The Chesterfield Health District is comprised of Chesterfield County, Powhatan County and the City of Colonial Heights with a population of over 374,000 citizens covering 726 square miles. The mission of the District is to protect, preserve and promote optimum health for the community through excellence in public health. The Environmental Health Division accomplishes this mission by providing the following services: Food Safety Program – Inspects and permits all food establishments including restaurants, school and hospital cafeterias, caterers, child care centers, nursing homes, temporary food events and migrant labor camps, ensuring that food is handled and served safely. Rabies Prevention Program – Evaluates animal bite reports to ensure animals are quarantined for observation or tested for rabies. General Environmental Complaint Investigation – Responds to general environmental complaints such as removal of trash, mosquito control, bed bugs, etc.
The Vermont Writing Collaborative: Writing for Understanding Editable PowerPoint Newspapers PowerPoint Template Views 925,852 Filed under Educational , Editor's pick, english, newspaper, resource, school We have just updated our popular editable PowerPoint newspapers. With these you can create your own news headlines, articles and insert your own pictures. Following a couple of requests, we have updated these so that you can now add in your own newspaper name. These spoof newspaper templates could have many uses, including college and school projects and fun cards to send news to your friends and family. The template is also available in portrait (vertical) format and our latest template in the series, the Magazine PowerPoint. If you liked this PowerPoint Template we would appreciate you liking it on FaceBook or Tweeting it. 13 October 2014 Template number 00253 Filed under Educational , Editor's pick , english , newspaper , resource , school You can browse all of our PowerPoint templates or select them by category or colour or by tag.