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Cognitive bias cheat sheet – Better Humans

You don’t have to. But you can start by remembering these four giant problems our brains have evolved to deal with over the last few million years (and maybe bookmark this page if you want to occasionally reference it for the exact bias you’re looking for): Information overload sucks, so we aggressively filter. Noise becomes signal.Lack of meaning is confusing, so we fill in the gaps. Signal becomes a story.Need to act fast lest we lose our chance, so we jump to conclusions. In order to avoid drowning in information overload, our brains need to skim and filter insane amounts of information and quickly, almost effortlessly, decide which few things in that firehose are actually important and call those out. In order to construct meaning out of the bits and pieces of information that come to our attention, we need to fill in the gaps, and map it all to our existing mental models. Sounds pretty useful! We don’t see everything. 🚀 Get more news about biases! Related:  cognitive bias and future thinkingResilienceWithin the Community

You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you Comics Blog Books Shop Comics: Random Most Popular All Cats Grammar Food Animals Tech This is a comic about the backfire effect. Inspiration This comic was inspired by this three-part series on the backfire effect from the You Are Not So Smart Podcast. USC Creativity and Brain Institute Neural correlates of maintaining one’s political beliefs in the face of counterevidence By Sarah Gimbel and Sam Harris. Other fun reading Reddit - Change My View Wikipedia's list of common misconceptions Sources You Are Not So Smart Website Podcast USC Creativity and Brain institute Wooden teeth Slave teeth Latest Things Random Comics Home Quizzes About Contact

Pensamiento Administrativo: 13 Tipos de preguntas para mejorar las habilidades sociales. 13 Tipos de preguntas para mejorar las habilidades sociales. Por Santiago Moll. Justifica tu respuesta. “No es posible ser alguien que piensa bien y hacer preguntas pobres”. Esta cita está en el libro El arte de formular preguntas de Linda Elder y Richard Paul. El artículo de hoy tiene la finalidad de darte a conocer trece tipos de preguntas que pueden resultarte muy útiles a ti y, cómo no, también a tus alumnos para trabajar las habilidades sociales. Sin más demora, zarpamos… Cómo formular preguntas para mejorar nuestras relaciones con los demás. El manual que acabo de recomendarte de Teresa Baró ofrece 13 tipos realmente útiles en función de la situación comunicativa en la que te encuentras. 13 Tipos de preguntas presentes en nuestras relaciones personales. 1. Están destinadas no a obtener información, sino a manifestar interés por el otro. 2. Se centran en la amabilidad hacia el otro. 3. Tienen como objeto ser menos imperativas que una orden directa. 4. 5. 6. 7. Son las más importantes.

Syllabus for White People to Educate Themselves A case study in combating bias Following several disappointing investments, the German electric utility RWE overhauled its decision-making processes. Learn how from the CFO who spearheaded the effort. The Quarterly: Tell us a bit about the circumstances that motivated RWE’s management to undertake a broad debiasing operation. Bernhard Günther: In the second half of the last decade, we spent more than €10 billion on big capital-expenditure programs and acquisitions in conventional power plants. In the business cases underlying these decisions, we were betting on the assumptions of ever-rising commodity prices, ever-rising power prices. Conventional power generation in continental Europe went through the deepest crisis the industry has ever seen. The Quarterly: Was it difficult to convince members of the executive and supervisory boards to scrutinize your decision-making practices? Bernhard Günther: Actually, it was the supervisory board asking, “Where has the shareholders’ money gone?” Sidebar

Pensamiento Administrativo: 9 consejos basados en la compatía para enfrentarte a personas enojadas. Compatía. La solución para enfrentarte a personas enojadas. Por Santiago Moll. Justifica tu Respuesta. Hoy vengo a hablarte de emociones. En esta entrada me propongo enseñarte qué es y para qué sirve la compatía y cómo puede ayudarte cuando tengas que enfrentarte a una persona enojada. ¿Qué es la compatía? Tal y como he dicho en la introducción a este artículo, la compatía es una palabra acuñada por Al Siebert que vendría a ser el resultado de unir estas dos palabras: compasión y empatía. Al Siebert decidió crear este término para dar respuesta a situaciones en las que como persona requieres de una fortaleza emocional significativa y una inteligencia emocional considerable para escuchar y comprender a las personas que están enojadas o molestas contigo. Por tanto, la compatía tiene como finalidad poder resolver aquellos conflictos que te suceden con personas que están enfadadas contigo por alguna razón. ¿Qué expresiones debes evitar cuando una persona está enojada o enfadada contigo? 1. 2.

So You Want to Wear a Safety Pin | What a Witch Great. This is a necessary behavior in the face of the election of the most overtly racist, sexist, xenophobic, anti- gender and sexual minority candidate in the history of the modern United States. You know the rhetoric of his campaign was wrong. It was the very worst thing about America and you want to do what you can to combat the result. Good. Do that. But don’t do it without a plan. Let’s avoid that. So make a plan. Some of you can stop reading now. Know What The Pin Means. It is a sign that you are a safe person. This is all or nothing. How Many Plans Will You Need? Are you single? Assuming you’ve got a good crew, you need to know beforehand who will engage the aggressor and who will film. What about your kids? If the answer to any of these questions is no, especially if there are children involved, maybe don’t wear the pin. How Much Are You Willing to Risk? This is the most important question. Are you willing to have violence in your life? Does the Person Want Help? Practice! Like this:

Why people are so bad at thinking about the future. Photo illustration by Slate. Photo by tommasolizzul/Thinkstock. Our future selves are strangers to us. This isn’t some poetic metaphor; it’s a neurological fact. FMRI studies suggest that when you imagine your future self, your brain does something weird: It stops acting as if you’re thinking about yourself. Instead, it starts acting as if you’re thinking about a completely different person. Here’s how it works: Typically, when you think about yourself, a region of the brain known as the medial prefrontal cortex, or MPFC, powers up. More than 100 brain-imaging studies have reported this effect. This glitchy brain behavior may make it harder for us to take actions that benefit our future selves both as individuals and as a society. This makes sense. Our current political climate in the United States reflects this same cognitive bias against the future. Unfortunately across America, thinking about our far-off future is not a habit that most people come by easily or practice often.

Pensamiento Administrativo: Desarrollo Personal: 10 cualidades que te harán una persona más resiliente. (Recuperado desde Bligoo, QEPD)Por Santiago Moll Vaquer.Justifica tu Respuesta.Ser resiliente. ¡Vaya reto! No son pocos los artículos publicados en Justifica tu respuesta acerca de la resiliencia. Debo confesar que se trata de una capacidad que me tiene absolutamente fascinado porque trata de un modo directo la manera en la que las personas se sobreponen ante una adversidad. De esa fascinación hacia la persona resiliente nace el artículo de hoy, un artículo en el que tengo la intención de darte a conocer las que para mí son algunas de las cualidades básicas para convertirte en una persona resiliente. ¿Quieres saber más sobre resiliencia? Acerca de ser resiliente. Por si no conoces o no dominas el concepto de resiliencia, te diré que ser resiliente consiste en la capacidad de los seres vivos para sobreponerse ante una situación o dolor emocional adverso. 10 Cualidades que permite a una persona ser resiliente. 1. Fomentar la autoestima es esencial para convertirte en una persona resiliente.

Boundary Setting vs Tone Policing - Brute Reason Lately I’ve been disturbed by the tendency among many progressive folks to conflate boundary setting with tone policing. When I tell people that I have a very strong preference not to be yelled at or called names, they say, “But isn’t that kind of tone policing?” If it is, then I’ll have to admit to tone policing, because being able to set boundaries in my own space is important enough to me to risk pissing people off. This is a complex topic so I will do my best to be nuanced about it. What is tone policing? Tone policing is when more-powerful people dismiss the real concerns and call-outs of less-powerful people because of the tone they use. Tone policing can also happen in a more interpersonal context. Anger vs meanness, intent vs impact Sometimes the concept of tone policing is over-applied. And yes, sometimes the person who’s angry is so hurt that all they’re able to say is “Fuck you for saying that, you worthless piece of shit.” Emotional boundaries are a social justice issue

We Aren’t Built to Live in the Moment - The brain’s long-term memory has often been compared to an archive, but that’s not its primary purpose. Instead of faithfully recording the past, it keeps rewriting history. Recalling an event in a new context can lead to new information being inserted in the memory. Coaching of eyewitnesses can cause people to reconstruct their memory so that no trace of the original is left. The fluidity of memory may seem like a defect, especially to a jury, but it serves a larger purpose. It’s a feature, not a bug, because the point of memory is to improve our ability to face the present and the future. This link between memory and prospection has emerged in research showing that people with damage to the brain’s medial temporal lobe lose memories of past experiences as well as the ability to construct rich and detailed simulations of the future. Perhaps the most remarkable evidence comes from recent brain imaging research. Suppose you get an email invitation to a party from a colleague at work.

Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant on Resilience Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg talks about returning to work after her husband’s death, and Wharton management and psychology professor Adam Grant discusses what the research says about resilience. In this joint interview, they talk about how to build resilience in yourself, your team, and your organization. They’re the authors of the new book, Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy. Download this podcast SARAH GREEN CARMICHAEL: Welcome to the HBR IdeaCast, from Harvard Business Review. In the spring of 2015, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg lost her husband. Sandberg struggled for a while, at home and at work, coming to terms with the grief and pain. She posted a long essay about her suffering and sense of isolation on Facebook. To hear about how to build resilience in yourself, your team, and your organization, HBR editor-in-chief Adi Ignatius interviewed the two coauthors. SHERYL SANDBERG: Losing Dave’s the hardest thing I’ve ever been through.

The Problem with Callout Culture My name is Kitty Stryker, and I’m a nerd. I’m a lot of other things too, of course. I’m a freelance writer and blogger who has been typing out my opinions and critiques for years. As for my politics: I am considered by many to be the very model of a “social justice warrior”—a term that once was a compliment, but now is often used disparagingly by conservatives to indicate those deemed politically correct. To call someone else out on their BS is a scary thing that often ends painfully for everyone. I try to keep myself accessible as a writer and activist. Many of my friends hold similar views. But in some instances, it’s necessary to go further. In my own industry, adult film, callout tactics were employed by a group of insiders in the case of James Deen, an actor who had long been accused of violent behaviour. I have been on the receiving end of callout culture, too. That’s how callout culture works when it works constructively. I was told repeatedly that I should be ashamed of myself.

Why Uncertainty Makes Us Less Likely to Take Risks In 2016, solar power became the world’s cheapest form of energy, entering “the era of undercutting fossil fuels,” according to the chairman of Bloomberg New Energy Finance. So why, one might wonder, wasn’t there a Black Friday–style stampede on solar installers? In part, for the same reason that people don’t reliably save for retirement, or eat healthily, or exercise three times a week. Our willpower diminishes when the outcome is ambiguous. “People really want to avoid uncertainty,” says Jeffrey Pfeffer, a professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. An investment in solar panels is inherently uncertain. In a new study with David Hardisty, a former Stanford GSB professor, now at the UBC Sauder School of Business, Pfeffer found that people overwhelmingly opt for certainty, regardless of whether that certainty is in the present or the future, or whether it pertains to gains or losses. “We didn’t discredit or disprove prospect theory,” Hardisty hastened to say. Jeffrey Pfeffer

Declaración de Independencia del Ciberespacio, por John Perry Barlow Gobiernos del Mundo Industrial, vosotros, cansados gigantes de carne y acero, vengo del Ciberespacio, el nuevo hogar de la Mente. En nombre del futuro, ospido en el pasado que nos dejéis en paz. No sois bienvenidos entre nosotros. No ejercéis ninguna soberanía sobre el lugar donde nos reunimos. No hemos elegido ningún gobierno, ni pretendemos tenerlo, así que me dirijo a vosotros sin más autoridad que aquélla con la que la libertad siempre habla. Los gobiernos derivan sus justos poderes del consentimiento de los que son gobernados. No os habéis unido a nuestra gran conversación colectiva, ni creasteis la riqueza de nuestros mercados. Proclamáis que hay problemas entre nosotros que necesitáis resolver. El Ciberespacio está formado por transacciones, relaciones, y pensamiento en sí mismo, que se extiende como una quieta ola en la telaraña de nuestras comunicaciones. Vuestros conceptos legales sobre propiedad, expresión, identidad, movimiento y contexto no se aplican a nosotros.
