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Fact- Checking - Duke Reporters' Lab

Fact- Checking - Duke Reporters' Lab

Related:  Authority CheckingResearch skills

7 vital browser plugins for newsgathering and verification - First Draft News UPDATE – This article was originally published on Jan 6 2016, but has been updated with the first two tools. Know of any others we may have missed? Let us know on Twitter. When breaking news can travel the world in seconds, it is important for journalists to have the tools at their disposal to get to work fast. Study With Jess Here it is! “Mind Full” is a 5 part web series all about e-mental health and how we can become our happiest, healthiest selves. Follow along as I meet with wellness and mental health experts, share my newfound knowledge of positive online usage and wellbeing with you, and put my own vulnerabilities online in the hopes of making a real difference; using my position as an influencer to be part of a solution rather than part of the problem. To kick off my journey to discover more about e-mental health and wellbeing, I sit down with a mental health researcher and run a little focus group with some of my viewers to see what it is they like about my videos. And what they don’t!

Les Surligneurs Les Surligneurs (ISSN 2555-5987) est un projet soutenu par le centre de recherches en droit public Versailles Institutions Publiques (VIP) et la Fondation UVSQ. Lancé en janvier 2017, il est le résultat d’un double constat. Le premier : la diffusion, volontaire ou non, d’approximations voire d’erreurs juridiques par des personnalités publiques affaiblit sans conteste la qualité du débat démocratique. La multiplication d’entreprises de vérification de faits (« fact checking ») à l’initiative de médias ne permet malheureusement pas d’enrayer cette tendance à ce que certains nomment désormais la « politique post-vérité ». Itinéraire d'une fake news : Netflix et l'homme qui avait regardé 188 épisodes de The Office en une semaine La presse française a repris ces derniers jours la belle histoire d'un homme dépressif que Netflix avait contacté pour s'assurer qu'il allait bien. Problème : cette histoire est fausse. Il était une fois un utilisateur de Netflix qui, souffrant de dépression, passa une semaine entière à bingewatcher la série comique The Office, tous les 188 épisodes. Le service de streaming par abonnement, alerté par le fait que le compte de l’homme était utilisé en permanence, le contacta par e-mail afin d’être sûr que tout allait bien. Celui-ci fut ému et touché de savoir qu’un étranger d’un service client le considérait assez pour s’assurer de son bien-être.

5 ways fake news websites are evolving - First Draft News It’s typically been fairly easy to describe what fake news websites are, and how they work: These sites publish stories that look and read like real news articles but are completely fake. They exist in order to earn money from ads. That description works for many of the ever-growing number of these sites. Is A Backpack As Good As A Parachute When Jumping Out Of A Plane? : Shots - H... A study found that parachutes were no more effective than empty backpacks at protecting jumpers from aircraft. There was just one catch. Michael Htten/EyeEm/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Michael Htten/EyeEm/Getty Images A study found that parachutes were no more effective than empty backpacks at protecting jumpers from aircraft.

Élection française - CrossCheck La bombe ressemble finalement fort à un pétard mouillé. Mercredi 3 mai, peu avant le débat d’entre-deux tours opposant Emmanuel Macron à Marine Le Pen, une personne poste sur un forum de discussions anglophone ce qu’elle présente comme des “preuves” de l’ouverture d’un compte offshore par le candidat d’En Marche! Marine Le Pen semblera même faire allusion à cette rumeur pendant le débat en lançant à son adversaire: “J’espère qu’on n’apprendra pas que vous avez eu un compte offshore aux Bahamas.” Mais aussi bien le trajet de la propagation de cette rumeur que des traces de montage et des incohérences dans les documents permettent de dire que ce sont en fait des “faux“.

Exercer son esprit critique sur les actualités santé –ex séances Le journalisme grand public est très productif en matière d’articles portant sur la santé. Ces articles rapportent souvent les conclusions d’études récentes, sans se préoccuper de leur solidité ni rechercher des méta-analyses ou des revues systématiques, dont les conclusions seraient plus robustes. Ainsi le sujet « vin et cancer » fait aujourd’hui l’objet d’avis bien fondés de la part des agences sanitaires, pourtant le débat se poursuit dans les journaux et au sein de la société. Cette activité a pour objectif de suivre une démarche inspirée de celle des autorités sanitaires, afin d’évaluer la fiabilité d’articles journalistiques d’actualité santé portant sur ce sujet. Organisation de la séance : Les élèves travaillent par ateliers sur une sélection d’articles de presse portant sur la relation entre alimentation et cancer : après mise en commun, la confrontation des conclusions montre qu’elles se contredisent. Fiche à télécharger :

Basic newsgathering and verification tools from Google at #IJF16 Getting to know the tips, techniques and technology now available to journalists can make a big difference in speeding up the job. Speaking at the 10th International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Google media trainer Elisabetta Tola shared her tips for newsgathering and verification using Google tools. Advanced search “The problem we have when we are doing search today is that the amount of information is so huge,” Tola said. “If we’re looking for something specific it might come up on page 14, 15 or 316 [of search results].” But using and combining search operators can help refine searches to drill down to specific results that are more relevant and useful. Here are 24 cognitive biases that are warping your perception of reality Great stories come and go, but there are a certain few that can truly stand the test of time. Tugging on the heartstrings with nostalgic stories can be a powerful tool. Yet, even the most world-renowned storytellers like Disney face pressure to constantly innovate. Today’s infographic from TitleMax illustrates the highest-grossing media franchises, and dives into how they generate their revenue and adapt to new mediums in changing times. The Supreme Storytellers

How to verify photos and videos on social media networks This image was mistakenly broadcast by one of France’s largest TV channels, France 2. The scene was described as having unfolded in Iran, back in December 2009. A cursory glance reveals a range of details that could allow us to verify its authenticity. Are Iranian police shields the same colour as in this image?

Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers - Open Textbook Library The book is comprehensive when considering web literacy in the context of reading and evaluating information found on the web. Other aspects of web literacy are not covered (e.g., synthesizing, designing, contributing, etc.). The author provides interesting approaches and engaging examples for students to consider when fact-finding. The book would be enhanced with the inclusion of an introduction that includes expectations of prior knowledge as there is a level of web savviness that is assumed to understand concepts in the book. A number of placeholders are included at the end of the book for topics that are yet to be completed. No concerns with accuracy or bias.

The 8 Best Fact-Checking Sites for Finding Unbiased Truth With deliberate misinformation campaigns and the continued prevalence of fake news, fact-checking sites are now more important than ever. So in the digital era, where news travels quickly through multiple channels, how do you check your facts? Here are five of the best fact-checking websites, like Snopes and PolitiFact, so that you can find the truth. If you were wondering who is there to fact check the fact-checkers, that would be MBFC. From Palmer Report to Breitbart and even browser extensions like Newsguard, MBFC rates them all. The website is a bias rating resource, with multiple fake news checking apps and extensions integrating these ratings into their own systems.

How should students revise? A brief guide One of the biggest lessons from research is that many students don’t really know how to study. Various studies have shown that students rate re-reading and highlighting as the most effective ways of revising when in reality they are often a waste of time giving an illusion of competence in the short term at the expense of long term gains. Students may spend large amounts of additional time studying despite no gain in later memory for the items, a phenomenon called ‘‘labour-in-vain’’ during learning (Nelson & Leonesio,1988). Recent research with educationally relevant materials has shown that repeatedly reading prose passages produces limited benefits beyond a single reading. (Karpicke, Roediger, Butler, 2009)
