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Open Professionals Education Network | Free support for U.S. Department of Labor TAACCCT grantees ::: LibreShot ::: Unique Free Stock Images For Commercial Use 32 Innovative (Free!) Online Educational Tools to Try in 2015 Want to be a better student? There are literally thousands of apps for that. Not to mention a wide array of other online learning tools. They’re not all changing education — but a few innovative ones are. Among the wide-ranging apps, sites, learning management systems, flashcard creators, and content archives, there are a few dozen that promise to make an impact on how students learn this year. Noodle’s team of education experts investigated the vast array of online learning tools to create this list of the 32 best, most innovative online tools that we think will change the education space in 2015. We spoke with teachers, tutors, and leaders in the space. We have grouped these 32 selections based on how they are making a difference in student education. Without further ado, here are the tools that you’ll want to have on your computer, tablet, or smartphone this year... Classroom Connectors Clever Why it’s good: Clever saves time in the classroom. Edmodo Kahoot! What it is: Kahoot! Schoology

CanariWiki 20 de noviembre Una maestra enseña cantos y juegos de rol a los niños de un centro de cuidado infantil BRAC en el barrio de Mirpur en Daca, capital de Bangladés.UNICEF/Noorani Se cumplen 25 años desde que el mundo prometiera a los niños que haríamos todo lo posible para proteger y promover sus derechos a sobrevivir y prosperar, a aprender y crecer, para que se hagan oír y alcancen su pleno potencial. Para hacer frente a estos retos y llegar hasta los niños que han quedado más rezagados, necesitamos nuevas formas de pensar y actuar, tanto adultos como menores. Hay mucho que celebrar en el 25º aniversario de la Convención, desde la disminución de la mortalidad infantil al aumento de la escolarización. En septiembre de 2000, durante la Cumbre del Milenio, los líderes mundiales establecieron los ocho Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM), que incluyen reducir a la mitad la pobreza extrema, detener la propagación del VIH/SIDA y lograr la enseñanza primaria universal para el 2015.

Recherche en masse d'images libres de droit, LibreStock Pour rendre plus attrayant un site Web ou un blog, des illustrations ou des photographies censées aérer la lecture du texte, sont utilisées à cette fin. Quel que soit le sujet traité, une recherche toute bête sur Google Images permet d'illustrer n'importe quel propos. Mais, il y a un hic, car ces images ne sont pas utilisables en l'état, car elles sont protégées par le droit d'auteur. Évidemment, rien ne vient empêcher leur réutilisation sur n'importe quel site Web, pratique qui irrite au plus haut point les photographes et les illustrateurs, qui néanmoins restent démunis, à moins d'entamer des procédures judiciaires plus qu'aléatoires contre les adeptes du copier-coller d'images. J'ai déjà présenté bon nombre de ces banques d'images gratuites diffusées sous licence Creative Commons CCO. Pour gagner un temps précieux, on peut aussi se tourner vers un métamoteur de recherche d'images comme AllTheFreeStock déjà présenté ici. Site : LibreStock - via Archimag Dans "Outils Web"

Piktab - Discover the best graphic content from different website all under one single tab. Piktab, an awesome Chrome Extension for designers and creative thinkers. Social Media in the Classroom It shouldn’t come as a surprise that social media has changed more than just how we pass the time, it has now infused itself into formal learning channels. Although adoption is slow (for instance, only 15% of teachers find value in Facebook, Wiki, and other social networks), time will only show that it will rise. Interestingly though, about one third of teachers surveyed for this infographic say they use social networking or social media for their instruction. Seeing as social media is now mainstream, to what extent do we combine it with instructional design methodology? Is it possible to get beyond just the standard “youtube” clip, and engage learners in a way that they are accustomed to every day? I think this is a thin line, but if done correctly, could prove valuable. The one thing that should be avoided at all costs is relying upon social media as the main venue for the learning at hand. My personal opinion is to use social media (or any “glitzy” functionality) in low quantities.

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