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100 STEAM Projects for Teachers

100 STEAM Projects for Teachers
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Plastic Science - Kid Safe Experiments using Plastic Bottles Science experiments are hands-on fun and even teach you some really cool stuff. You can learn about chemicals and the environment… anything you want! You can also use experiments to help you remember any of the information you need to know. For example, there’s an experiment called the Lemon Fizz experiment which allows kids to mix ingredients to create a surprisingly fizzy result! You’re more likely to remember some lessons if your teacher lets you do an experiment. Not only do you learn lots of really interesting facts about science, but you get to have fun with a parent or a friend, and plenty of times you get to make a big mess. The most important thing to remember when you are going to do a science experiment is that safety is the most important thing. Below, you will find a list of fun and exciting experiments that use plastic bottles and bottle caps. Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano Balloon inside a Bottle Blobs in a Bottle (PDF) Ever seen a lava lamp? Building a Fizz Inflator

Pelandintecno-Tecnología ESO El fin de semana pasado, Pablo Fariña Aldao (alumno de 4º ESO), su padre y un servidor pudimos disfrutar del premio del concurso de monólogos científicos #Locosxciencia organizado por la Fundación Teléfónica, el FECYT y la Universidad del País Vasco. El viernes 22, todos los premiados y acompañantes, tomamos el vuelo a Ginebra donde, tras la cena en un italiano, un grupo dimos un paseo nocturno por las cercanías de su lago y zona antigua. Al día siguiente, nos dirigimos todos al CERN, donde nos esperaban Javier Santaolalla, Héctor García y Mick Storr, los cuales ejercieron de perfectos anfitriones. Tras una pequeña charla introductoria, comenzamos la visita visitando el Centro de Control, seguido del Payload Operation Control Center desde donde se controla el Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer(AMS-02) situado en la Estación Espacial Internacional. Desde allí nos dirigimos al Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) donde bajamos a 100 m bajo tierra y pudimos comprobar de primera mano las colosales di…

Cómo construir una «poderosa» prensa hidráulica con jeringas y agua | Microsiervos (Juegos y Diversión) El vídeo How to Make Powerful Hydraulic Press muestra cómo construir una prensa hidráulica usando jeringas, tubos de goma y agua coloreada. El proyecto es parecido a este otro de construir un brazo robot hidráulico con cartón y jeringas, aunque en este caso se trata de una máquina que sirve para aplastar cosas como latas de refresco, nueces y otros objetos. Teniendo en cuenta que en este caso se utilizan jeringas y que el líquido se bombea a mano —y aun así la prensa tiene cierto poder hulkaniano— es fácil entender que las prensas “de verdad” sean tan poderosas. Una de las prensas hidráulicas más grandes está en la fábrica de Tesla. Se trata de una Schuler SMG y se utiliza para dar forma a los paneles exteriores de la carrocería de los coches, que son de aluminio.

Creating Circuts With Graphite (with Pictures) About: Graphite circuits are a fun and potentially useful trick to create paper thin circuits that can power electronics, although they work best for LED’s, due to the low power consumption and inefficiency of the circuit. Materials needed: - A piece of paper - A graphite pencil (not the #2 pencils you used at school when you were a kid, but what “artists” use that’s pure graphite. If you don’t know what I mean by that use the picture above for a reference. - A battery or electrical source - An LED or other electronic - Tape (optional, and it’s to hold down the battery wires or LED to the lines) - Volt meter (also optional, just so you know if a current is running through the line and how much) How to Make the Circuit: This is perhaps one of the easiest projects you may find on intractables to complete. It’s also best to draw a circle on the side where the battery and LED connect to the paper (fig. 1). Why it Works:

Makerspace (STEM / STEAM) Projects For Kids Makerspace or STEM projects for kids don’t have to be complicated or expensive. In fact, some of the best projects use recycled or repurposed items like cardboard or soda bottles which means nothing to buy. Below, we’ve compiled some of our favorite projects that are great for makerspaces. Learn how to make a boat out of a soda bottle, create a car from cardboard and many more. Get the FREE Makerspace Info Bundle Build a simple circuit using a pizza box (no soldering required) Create circuit tiles which are interchangeable blocks used to form different circuits. Using a simple hobby motor and cardboard, you can make a frog robot that is very entertaining. Learn how to make this simple foam boat with dc motor and homemade propeller. These battery powered cars are super fun and can be made with a few basic parts. Paper circuits are a really great way to learn the basics of circuits and electricity. Make a flying airplane using cardboard, a coke bottle and a DC hobby motor.

Kit Nuestras ciudades y países de origen • Los alumnos escriben entradas en el foro destacando las cosas que les gustan de su país natal y sus sitios favoritos de sus ciudades de origen (lugares donde pasan su tiempo libre). Los alumnos del país socio contestan a al menos dos entradas de tal manera que todo el mundo tenga al menos una respuesta. • Los alumnos de cada país trabajan en grupos de cuatro. • Los otros grupos analizarán sus ciudades natales, tendrán instrucciones parecidas, y deberán tratar temas similares. • Las diapositivas se agrupan en dos presentaciones por país que se publicarán en el TwinSpace. • Los alumnos presentan sus propias diapositivas en una conferencia en línea. • Utilizando Kahoot! La naturaleza y la fauna • Los alumnos publican en el foro entradas sobre su relación con la naturaleza y la fauna. • Los alumnos se dividen en grupos de nacionalidades distintas y comparten y comparan información sobre la naturaleza y la fauna en su país. La escuela y los estudios

MAKESHOP » How to Make a Circuit Block Circuit Blocks exist in many different forms throughout museums around the world. A circuit block is a set of components, switches and power sources that can be tethered together to allow people to explore electricity in a safe and easy manner. We have been building and facilitating circuit exploration for the past several years at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. Circuit Blocks have become a staple activity in MAKESHOP. We don’t buy our circuit blocks from some special museum store. First we start with the tools needed to construct a block. You will need: hammerdrill (hand drill or power drill)clampstaple gun and stapleswire cutterswire stripperssandpaperscissorselectrical tapenailssafety glasses or goggles *If you do not have a small block of wood (roughly 4″X4″) then you will need to use a saw to cut your wood. The materials you will need: two AA batteriesAA battery clipold holiday lights (a chain of lights will work) *For this example I am using holiday lights. -Kevin

PAPERMAU: Ancient Roman Aqueduct Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now! This is the Ancient Roman Aqueduct Paper Model. It is a nice model for Dioramas, School Works, RPG and Wargames. In the .rar file you will find the model in JPG and PDF formats and also the Sketchup 3D model, to help with the assembly.You can put two, side by side as in the image below, to make a cool scenery for miniatures. Este é o modelo de papel do Antigo Aqueduto Romano. The Romans constructed numerous aqueducts to bring water from distant sources into their cities and towns, supplying public baths, latrines, fountains and private households. Os Aquedutos Romanos refletiam a filosofia romana de objetividade e praticidade. Download:! More Paper Models of Ancient Architecture and Buildings related posts: Petra Treasure Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Papermau - Download Now! Greek-Roman Ruins Diorama - by Papermau - Ruínas Greco-Romanas Download Now! Greek Temple Paper Model - by Papermau - Download Now!

100 Free Halloween STEM Activities via I’m a big believer in leveraging student interests for instructional engagement rather than fighting against their excitement (check out my posts on Fidget Spinners and Pokemon Go). Halloween is an exciting holiday for students and a quick search will return tons of lesson ideas. I’ve rounded up 100 Halloween STEM activities that are completely free! While you’ll find some outstanding ideas in this roundup, many others provide a great starting point for modification to meet the needs of your students. 19 Spooky STEM Projects For Kiddos This Halloween Morgan Shanahan’s collection of Halloween STEM activities features magnetic slime, alien eggs, a ghost geyser, and of course dry ice. 31 Days of Halloween STEM Activities and Projects Make ghosts dance with static electricity, investigate optical illusions, launch pumpkin rockets, use density to create a skittles rainbow, make self-inflating ghosts, and more with this roundup of activities from Steam Powered Family. You Might Also Like

mClon | A Industriosa Xa hai xente preguntando pola shieldClon (paciencia, que xa falta pouco), o bluetooth, outros sensores, un logo, etc, pero nós sós non podemos facer todo ao ritmo que se demanda. Aínda temos cousas pendentes de documentar, outras que queremos probar, algunhas pequenas modificacións nas pezas, … e a listaxe vai medrando a maior ritmo que o tempo dispoñible para resolver todo o pendente. [ Pero como este é un proxecto aberto, calquera pode realizar a súa achega para poñela a disposición da comunidade. Se non sabedes usar GitHub outra opción é que nos enviedes a documentación por correo ( e engadirémola nós ao repositorio. Lembrade, o mClon que acabamos de lanzar é o primeiro prototipo deseñado, está en fase de probas e aínda ten moito que medrar e mellorar.

Electricidad Facil Para Aprender con Tutoriales Curso Electricidad Fabuloso curso-manual de electricidad Gratis para aprender desde cero. Muy Completo y Facil para aprender paso a paso. Todo lo que tienes que saber sobre electricidad. Riesgos Electricos Aprende los Riesgos Electricos, definición, que producen, causas, tipos, medidas a tomar, las reglas de oro, efectos de la corriente y todo sobre los riesgos eléctricos. Magnitudes Eléctricas Explicación Sencilla de las principales magnitudes eléctricas: carga, tensión, intensidad, resistencia, potencia y energía. Electricidad Estatica Entra y Aprende Facil Todo sobre la Electricidad Estatica. Resistencia Electrica ¿Qué es la resistencia eléctrica? Potencia Electrica Explicación del concepto de potencia electrica, tipos, teoría y calculos en corriente continua y alterna. Multimetro Fluke Aprende como es un multimetro Fluke, el más usado por los electricistas, sus partes, hacer medidas, los tipos de fluke que hay, su precio y todo lo que necesitas saber sobre los productos fluke.
