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Technology: Virtual mobility with a difference « European Association for International Education European Association for International Education Student mobility is on the rise. A previous Communiqué of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education set a target of at least 20% of those graduating in the European higher education area having participated in a study or training period abroad by 2020. While this aim is very desirable, it does beg the question: What about the remaining 80% of students who may not engage in some kind of physical mobility during their studies? The need to expose the maximum number of students to the benefits of working and interacting with members of other cultures has led many educators to engage their students in telecollaborative or online intercultural exchange projects with partner students in distant locations around the globe. These exchanges usually involve collaborative project work using two or more languages. Integrated virtual mobility Combining virtual and physical mobility So why isn’t everyone doing it? Supporting new telecollaborators Related posts:

Association des Revues Plurielles (ARP) - Le portail des revues Le Salon des revues plurielles Bibliothèque francophone multimédia de Limoges2 place Aimé Césaire, 87000 Limogesvendredi : 15h-21h - samedi : 10h-18h, entrée libre. Débats, lectures, déambulations, le Salon des revues plurielles s'installe à Limoges. Deux journées et une question en débat : "Quelles cultures ? Quels quartiers ?" Au programme :Vendredi 16 décembre 18h30 : INAUGURATION rythmée par les déambulations musicales balkaniques de Siyka Katzeva et Bernard Chaulet. 19h30-21h00 : SOIRÉE SPECTACLE (auditorium G. Samedi 17 décembre 14h30-15h30 : GROS PLAN sur la revue Apulée (éditions Zulma), créée par Hubert Haddad : " Sortir du manichéisme ordinaire, montrer la proximité charnelle, la nécessité où nous sommes d'admettre la contiguïté existentielle, la convivance des uns et des autres, tout le reste étant masquage idéologique ou aveuglement sectaire. 16h00-17h30 : GRAND DÉBAT "Quelles cultures ? Le gynécée hors-les-murs Christine Eyene | lire l'article

untitled As China recovers massively from the COVID 19 virus that had the nation on lockdown and registered deaths in thousands, the industries in China are picking up at a quick pace. Various tourist sites are open as well – including the Great Wall of China. Part of the Great Wall of China has been reopened for tourists. Badaling, the most visited section of the Chinese Wall, is a 3.7-kilometer path in an excellent state of preservation – thanks to the fact that it underwent restoration in the 1950s – where 19 watchtowers still stand. This portion of the wall is part of an even larger 12-kilometer section built by the Ming dynasty in the 16th century. Badaling is one of the most visited sections, welcoming between 65,000 and 70,000 tourists a day until a few months ago. Visits will be limited to 30% of the usual number of entries. Access will be controlled with a QR code linked to the visitors’ identity document, which will display their health status.

FLEvidé :: Étudiez le français avec des quiz vidéo de FLE amusants et gratuits. Inter-university telecollaboration to improve academic results Public release date: 13-May-2013 [ Print | E-mail | Share ] [ Close Window ] Contact: Aitziber Lasa 34-943-363-040 Elhuyar Fundazioa This news release is available in Spanish . Ana Sánchez and José Miguel Blanco, lecturers in the Department of Computer Languages and Systems of the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country, together with Arturo Jaime and César Domínguez, lecturers in the Department of Mathematics and Computing at the University of La Rioja, have developed an experience between the two universities by systematically incorporating telecollaboration. The project has been developed in the ambit of two database subjects, one at each university, where the similitudes and differences between them produce heterogeneous teams. "Our proposal," explains Ana Sánchez, "has pursued three objectives". 36 students from each university participated as telecollaborators. Positive academic results About the authors [ Print | E-mail | AAAS and EurekAlert!

poptronics untitled Luis Fernando Gómez-Rodríguez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Colombia Keywords: : intercultural communicative competence, news, English as a foreign language, EFL learners surface culture, deep culture Abstract This case study analyzed how a group of English learners built critical intercultural awareness through the discussion of cultural events as reported in news media such as The New York Times, the U.S. Author Biography Luis Fernando Gómez-Rodríguez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Colombia holds a Ph.D. in English Studies from Illinois State University, USA, and a M. How to Cite Gómez-Rodríguez, L. Section Reflective Articles

Flipped classroom ou la classe inversée : l’utilisation de la vidéo pour substituer l’enseignement magistral Peut-être ce concept vous est-il familier, ou du moins vous en avez entendu parler à travers les branches? Sinon, voici un bref survol de ce qui depuis peu a fait son apparition sur les lèvres des enseignants des écoles primaires jusqu’aux professeurs des universités, et ce surtout dans le milieu anglophone. Qu’en est-il? Vous conviendrez qu’il n’y a rien d’innovant à utiliser des vidéos pour enrichir l’enseignement; plusieurs exemples de l’utilisation de capsules vidéo comme outil pédagogique couvrent l’actualité éducative. Nous avons qu’à penser, entre autres, aux diverses plateformes pédagogiques qui permettent d’ajouter des vidéos pour consultations par les étudiants ou encore à la Khan Academy. Ce qui distingue la classe inversée, c’est l’approche pédagogique rendue possible par les vidéos. D’où vient cet engouement? Pour en savoir davantage et surtout si vous vous sentez interpellés par l’expérience, il existe plusieurs références sur le web qui sauront guider votre choix.

Technology and Second Language Learning A revised version of this appeared as:Warschauer, M., & Meskill, C. (2000). Technology and second language learning. In J. Rosenthal (Ed.), Handbook of undergraduate second language education (pp. 303-318). Technology and Second Language Teachingby Mark Warschauer and Carla Meskill The above examples are not atypical of what is occurring in language classrooms across the United States. However, the recent enthusiasm for technology in language teaching? A Brief History of Technology and Language Learning Virtually every type of language teaching has had its own technologies to support it. In contrast, the audio-tape was the perfect medium for the audiolingual method (which emphasized learning through oral repetition). By the late 1970s, the audiolingual method fell into disrepute, at least in part due to poor results achieved from expensive language laboratories. Cognitive Approaches Sociocognitive Approaches Computer-Mediated Communication in a Classroom Advantages and Disadvantages

Communication interculturelle avec des questionnaires en support. Interaction bilingue, écrit en LM, lecture en LE. by nanja_monja_banja Feb 4
