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22 forme di narrazione per scrittori e storyteller

22 forme di narrazione per scrittori e storyteller

Related:  DIDATTICA E DIGITAL STORYTELLINGDidattica digitaleDigital StorytellingDigital StorytellingStory mapping e storytelling

The cognitive importance of storytelling - Christopher S. Penn Marketing Blog Last week, I shared Dr. Klaus Oberauer’s research into how working memory operates and how multitasking is more fiction than reality. One of the key findings in Dr. Oberauer’s work is that there are three functional components of working memory: the active center of attention that is being processed by the brain, the active data being stored in working memory, and passive working memory that is associatively linked to long-term memory. For example, let’s say we’re at a networking event, a mixer or a reception. Pillole di app - Symbaloo Gallery Related keywords: Mappe , animate , con , Loopy , Popplet: , mappe , concettuali , GoConqr-slide , e , flash , card , Coggle: "The Periodic Table of Storytelling" Reveals the Elements of Telling a Good Story Dmitri Mendeleev might have designed the original periodic table – a graphic representation of all the basic building blocks of the universe – but artist James Harris has done something way cool with that template -- the Periodic Table of Storytelling. That’s right. Harris has taken all the tropes, archetypes and clichés found in movies (not to mention TV, comic books, literature, video and even professional wrestling) and synthesized them into an elegantly realized chart. Instead of grouping the elements by noble gases or metals, Harris has organized them by story elements -- structure, plot devices, hero archetypes.

Italian Journal of Educational Technology Abrahamson C. (1998), Storytelling as a pedagogical tool in higher education. Education, 118(3) pp.440-452. Barrett H. C., (2005), Digital Storytelling Research Design, www.electronicportfolios. orgdigistory/ResearchDesign.pdf [consultazione giugno 2009] Printing Press The interactive Printing Press is designed to assist students in creating newspapers, brochures, and flyers. Teachers and students can choose from several templates to publish class newspapers, informational brochures, and flyers announcing class events. Text added to the templates can be modified using a simple WYSIWYG editor, which allows students to choose text features, such as font size and color. Documentation for the Printing Press includes instructions for using the tool.

Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity By Maria Popova In May, I had the pleasure of speaking at the wonderful Creative Mornings free lecture series masterminded by my studiomate Tina of Swiss Miss fame. I spoke about Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity, something at the heart of Brain Pickings and of increasing importance as we face our present information reality. The talk is now available online — full (approximate) transcript below, enhanced with images and links to all materials referenced in the talk. These are pages from the most famous florilegium, completed by Thomas of Ireland in the 14th century. Florilegia were compilations of excerpts from other writings, essentially mashing up selected passages and connecting dots from existing texts to illuminate a specific topic or doctrine or idea.

One year teacher trial - Plotagon EducationPlotagon Education Free teacher licenseFor a limited time only Sign up now and engage your students with captivating 3D animated films. Offer valid for education professionals only. Sign up now for a free one year Teacher license This form and the associated promotion are for teachers only. How to teach ... storytelling Once upon a time (16 years ago, to be precise), National Storytelling Week was born. The good folk of the Society for Storytelling were determined to spread a love of the art form throughout the nation – and so it came to pass, with theatres, museums, schools, hospitals, spoken-word venues and even care homes bringing the joy of a good yarn to people of all ages (and they all lived happily ever after). The festival is celebrated this year from 30 January to 6 February, and if you’d like to turn your class into a room full of raconteurs, we’ve got resources to help you do it. A good place to start is this guide, also from the Society for Storytelling, on the educational processes that take place as children learn from hearing and engaging with stories.

Storytelling infographic : What really makes a good story? In a recent post, I noted that the term ‘storytelling’ is being applied to more and more types of content, not all of them proper stories. On top of that, there’s often an over-emphasis on the channels and media used for storytelling at the expense of the stories themselves. But all that begs the question: what does make a good story? This post draws on academic research into political storytelling, and other sources, to argue that the most effective commercial stories share seven closely related characteristics: drama, familiarity, simplicity, immersion, relatability, agency and trust in the teller. (Discussion continues below infographic.)

Flipping with HyperDocs: Part 2 – Flipped Learning Global Initiative In Part 1 of Flipping with HyperDocs, I gave a brief introduction – a teaser, if you will – of why I am so hyped up about HyperDocs. Recall that HyperDocs are more than just a Google Doc containing hyperlinks. HyperDocs can take students to higher levels of thinking, utilizing an inquiry approach to learning. If you are flipping your classroom, you will find it to be a complement to your group space-time.

PNSD Lab1 PILOTTI- Symbaloo Gallery Related keywords: , - , Got , a , picture , LearningApps , - , interaktive , und , Search: , equirectangular , | A Dictionary For 21st Century Teachers: Learning Models Learning Models, Theories, and Technology: A Dictionary For 21st Century Teachers by Terry Heick and TeachThought Staff Purpose: Improving our chance for a common language in discussing existing and emerging learning trends, model, and technology in hopes of innovation in classrooms, and collectively, education at large. Audience: K-12 & higher ed educators, researchers, institutions, and organizations globally. Form: An index of learning models, theories, forms, terminology, technology, and research to help you keep up with the latest trends in 21st century learning.

15 Digital Storytelling Tools What We Do Our mission is to transform the way people share life's moments, by empowering them to connect in creative ways that bring joy into every day.Smilebox is the new way to reach out online to the people you care about, with special messages that are richly layered and full of celebration, appreciation, or whatever you want to share. It all comes together to surprise and delight your recipients in a way that goes far beyond email, texting, or even a phone call. Our diverse variety of formats, themes and styles includes 1000+ Collages, Invitations, Cards, Slideshows and more, allowing our customers to find their perfect fit for holidays and birthdays, wedding day or any day. Smilebox is here to help people celebrate life's big and small moments, and share their creation in any way they choose.
