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7 lessons about finding the work you were meant to do

7 lessons about finding the work you were meant to do
Emily Pidgeon Whether it was during a career aptitude test or in a heart-to-heart chat after getting laid off, chances are someone has talked to you about how to “find your calling.” It’s one of those phrases people toss about. But StoryCorps founder Dave Isay takes issue with it … specifically, the verb. “Finding your calling — it’s not passive,” he says. In other words, you don’t just “find” your calling — you have to fight for it. Over a decade of listening to StoryCorps interviews, Isay noticed that people often share the story of how they discovered their calling — and now, he’s collected dozens of great stories on the subject into a new book, Callings: The Purpose and Passion of Work. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Related:  articlesMon entreprise

Too many teachers in the US are struggling to get by. We need to help. iStock In 1892, a man named David Ross Boyd boarded a train and traveled to Oklahoma for the first time. He was showing up for work — he’d taken the job, sight unseen, to be the first president of the University of Oklahoma. Today we educators face a different but similarly monumental challenge. Teacher salaries have not kept pace with those in other occupations. Here are a few of the fundamental questions that teachers today are struggling to answer. It’s not only compensation levels that have gone down — it’s also the perception of educators. According to 2016 data from the National Center for Education, my home state of Oklahoma ranks near the bottom in terms of teacher salaries. Think about that salary for a second. I know we all want to live in stable, thriving communities. I’ve been studying education policy for 20 years, and I’ve come up with a few ideas for how we can attract and retain smart, caring people in the teaching profession. Watch the entire talk here:

What is the Brixton Pound The Brixton Pound (B£) is money that sticks to Brixton. It’s designed to support Brixton businesses and encourage local trade and production. It’s a complementary currency, working alongside (not replacing) pounds sterling, for use by independent local shops and traders. When did it all start? It was launched in September 2009 as a physical paper-based currency and was followed in September 2011 by the launch of an electronic B£ pay-by-text platform (now retired). How does it work? The B£ makes money work for Brixton by supporting smaller shops and traders who are under threat from the recession and larger chains. The B£ encourages people to think about where their money is going and commit to spending a proportion of it locally. Why Brixton? Brixton has several features that made it a great place to pioneer an urban local currency in the UK: The Brixton Pound Misson The B£ has several goals, which are to: Other local currencies No local currency is the same.

Éducatrices en classe: un duo aux impacts positifs - Éducation | QUB Ma collègue Daphnée Dion-Viens nous apprenait récemment qu’une centaine d’écoles primaires participeraient à un projet pilote qui permettra à des éducatrices de services de garde d’aller prêter main-forte aux enseignantes en classe. À ce propos, j’ai discuté avec Carine Dubé, directrice de l'école de Château-d’Eau. Il y a déjà trois ans, elle a décidé de former des dyades de travail avec ses enseignantes du préscolaire et des éducatrices de son service de garde. Un projet précurseur Au bout du fil, cette directrice dynamique s’enflamme lorsqu’elle parle de son initiative: «Nous avons mis en place ce projet dans mon école depuis 2019 et les impacts sont positifs sur tous les plans.» Le projet développé avec les années vise d’abord à favoriser le développement de l’autonomie de l’élève, dès la rentrée, afin de le rendre plus disposé à apprendre. Les impacts Depuis sa mise en place, l’équipe de l'école a pu observer de nombreux impacts positifs: Travailler en équipe

It makes perfect sense that Princess Leia should have a PhD – but we need more female academics When Princess Leia – older, wiser and tougher than ever – returned to the big screen two years ago in the latest Star Wars instalment, The Force Awakens, fans around the globe cheered. Played with great wit and charisma by the late Carrie Fisher, the fictional Leia – known variously as princess, senator and general – is leader of first the Rebel Alliance, then the Resistance, fighting the monolithic forces of oppression that threaten her galaxy. But when fans learned that Leia might have a PhD, thanks to a throwaway remark made by creator George Lucas on a 2004 DVD commentary that resurfaced when I tweeted about it recently, adoration for the Women’s March poster girl exploded online and in the press. The Hollywood Reporter said fans were “shocked, but delighted” at the news, and Teen Vogue celebrated Leia as “a genius who somehow managed to get a PhD at age 19”. Even Mark Hamill, Fisher’s onscreen twin, Luke Skywalker, was “freaking out” about the story. The female empire fights back

L'éducation alternative - Le Congrès Innovation en Éducation Parce que tout part de l’éducation, nous pouvons tous à notre niveau être acteur d’une transformation positive de la société. Notre vocation à travers nos différents activités, est de repenser tous ensemble l’école de demain. En effet, pendant que la société évolue, le système éducatif peine encore à se réformer. Mise en œuvre dès notre naissance par nos parents puis poursuivie en étroite collaboration avec les enseignants, l’éducation que nous recevons influe sur ce que nous devenons en grandissant, les chemins que nous empruntons et donc, sur l’adulte que nous sommes. L’école d’aujourd’hui Le système éducatif traditionnel que nous connaissons tous offre un enseignement de qualité à nos enfants. L’éducation de demain Aujourd’hui, notre préoccupation est de savoir comment nous pouvons intégrer à ce système une dimension supplémentaire, qui serait davantage axée sur le développement personnel de l’enfant.

Les pratiques des directions d’écoles influencent la réussite des élèves - CTREQ - RIRE Quelques constats On observe que plusieurs de ces pratiques portent sur le fonctionnement de l’école, entre autres sur l’encadrement des élèves et du personnel. On remarque aussi l’importance d’un milieu de vie propice à l’apprentissage pour les élèves, un aspect qui ressort plus encore, que l’implication de la direction au niveau pédagogique. Les variables ont été regroupées en sept catégories et leur analyse a mis en relief les constats suivants (voir Figure 1) :– Les deux pratiques des directions qui ont l’impact positif le plus important sur les résultats scolaires des élèves sont une centration sur l’encadrement des comportements ainsi qu’un effort pour favoriser de bonnes relations et de bonnes communications avec les élèves dans l’école. Figure 1 : Relations des pratiques regroupées en 7 catégories avec 4 catégories d’impacts Faut-il mettre l’accent sur le milieu de travail du personnel enseignant? L’impact des attitudes de la direction Conclusion [Visiter la page] Références

How to raise a child who cares iStock When your toddler conks you on the head with a Tinkertoy and then laughs even though you are visibly hurt, it may be hard to imagine her becoming a caring, empathic person as she grows up. Or when your five-year-old puts on a cape and demands that everyone in the house stop what they are doing and watch a spontaneous magic show that lasts and lasts and lasts (and no, you may not go to the bathroom until it’s over!), his egocentrism can make you wonder if he will ever become someone who considers others. We know a 16-year-old boy — let’s call him Devin — who, in many ways, behaves like a typical kid with all the problems and selfishness of most teenagers. He can make irrational decisions and is mean to his younger sister at times. You might assume that Devin is simply one of those people who are empathic from birth. Don’t worry that any phase will last forever — your daughter won’t be biting her friends when she leaves for college. You can probably guess the results.

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