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Java Basics offers a quick overview and the steps to create a 'Hello, World' program. Get Started provides the resources needed to develop applications with Java technologies Training includes courses, certifications and package information Connect with the millions of existing Java professionals via conferences, blogs and more. Young Developers covers online resources to learn Java application development at any age, as well as a tutorial about Minecraft mods and Java What's New! JavaOne 2014 Sessions Replay Available Virtual Technology Summit on Demand Java The Complete Reference, by Herbert Schildt (Free Sample) 20% discount on the latest Java Books from Oracle Press Oracle's Java Magazine features The Internet of Things Save 50% on NEW Java ebooks from O’Reilly Media. An array is a ____________ of variables of the same type, referred to through a common name. Click here for the answer Why Java? What Would You Like to Build with Java? Related:  Programming, Coding & Scripting

Java Programming/Collection Classes The most basic collection interface is called Collection. This interface gives the user the generic usage of a collection. All collections need to have the same basic operations. Adding element(s) to the collectionRemoving element(s) from the collectionObtaining the number of elements in the collectionListing the contents of the collection, (Iterating through the collection) When you put an object in a collection, this object is not actually in the collection. All collection items were meant to be updated to a different date but they all have been updated to the last one. Now each time we add an item to the collection, it is a different instance. Generics[edit | edit source] Objects put into a collection are upcasted to the Object class. This error could have been found earlier, at compile time, by using generic types. ageList is a collection that can contain only Integer objects as elements. Generics are not mandatory but are is often used with the collection classes. Note:

Clojure box - loading book examples from "Programming Clojure" > Wherever the files goes after C-x C-f ~/.emacs and then C-x C-s is where > emacs thinks your home directory is. I would just go with that. It's > normally in %appdata%, but it won't be there until you create it and save > it. yes, this is better than my #2 > Robert? Here is my entire .emacs file, which is extremely basic but got me up and running at least: (setq swank-clojure-extra-classpaths '()) (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths "C:/Dev/technomancy-clojure-http-client/src") (custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. You'll notice the paths are different (I changed it during my first post) but obviously they aren't relevant. But with 1.0 out now I haven't had as many issues. Rob - show quoted text -

REST-Web-Services I will first provide a brief introduction to REST and then describe how to build Web services in the REST style. What is REST? REST is a term coined by Roy Fielding in his Ph.D. dissertation [1] to describe an architecture style of networked systems. REST is an acronym standing for Representational State Transfer. Training and Certification Resources NetBeans and Java Training Several of these courses also help you prepare for certification in Java technology. Oracle University: Training Offerings for Developers The following courses from Oracle University use NetBeans IDE. Java Certification Validate your development skills and advance your career with an Oracle Certification in Java technology. Discounts are available when you purchase a Certification Value Package which includes the training, certification exam voucher and a free exam retake – just in case you need it. Other Professional Training Offerings for Developers Java Passion: Online Classes for anyone who wants to enhance their knowledge and programming skill on all Java and Web 2.0 technologies: Courses cover Java SE, Java EE, Ajax, Ruby/Ruby on Rails, Groovy, Scala, and much more! Community Training Here are free courses from the NetBeans community and beyond: NetBeans Platform Certified Training Also check out our community support options.

The Java™ Tutorials The Java Tutorials are practical guides for programmers who want to use the Java programming language to create applications. They include hundreds of complete, working examples, and dozens of lessons. Groups of related lessons are organized into "trails". The Java Tutorials primarily describe features in Java SE 8. For best results, download JDK 8. What's New The Java Tutorials are continuously updated to keep up with changes to the Java Platform and to incorporate feedback from our readers. Lambda expressions enable you to treat functionality as a method argument, or code as data. Apart from fixing typos and errors, this update includes also includes the following: The Security trail has been restructured; find security information about applets and Java Web Start applications in the Java Applets lesson. Trails Covering the Basics These trails are available in book form as The Java Tutorial, Fifth Edition. Creating Graphical User Interfaces Specialized Trails and Lessons

Learn Clojure in 15 minutes, perhaps Moving on from pointless flamebait rants, here's something a bit more constructive. Inspired by Tyler Neylon's excellent Learn Lua in 15 minutes, I humbly present my original effort at an equivalent for Clojure (also available as a gist). Further Reading This is far from exhaustive, but hopefully it's enought o get you on your feet. has lots of articles: has documentation with examples for most core functions: 4Clojure is a great way to build your clojure/FP skills: (yeah, really) has a number of getting started articles:

Kevin Murphy's PhD Thesis "Dynamic Bayesian Networks: Representation, Inference and Learning" UC Berkeley, Computer Science Division, July 2002. "Modelling sequential data is important in many areas of science and engineering. thesis.pdf Book chapter on DBNs; this summarizes the representation and inference parts of my thesis, and includes additional tutorial material on inference in continuous-state DBNs, based on Tom Minka's literature review. Latex source In addition, I am making the full LaTeX source of my thesis available, including all figures and bibliography. Introductory material on DBNs My thesis and book chapter contain a lot of advanced material.

Learn Scala in Y Minutes Scala - the scalable language Got a suggestion? A correction, perhaps? Open an Issue on the Github Repo, or make a pull request yourself! Java Input Using Java Scanner Introduction Note: If you're looking for Java Scanner help, click here. The page contains some common questions about them and a question form where you can ask your own questions about Scanners in Java. Otherwise, for a Scanner example scroll down near the bottom of the page. Otherwise, simply follow along with the tutorial. Want to get more tips and more personalized help on Java Scanner and other Java topics? A Java Scanner is the fastest, easiest way to get input from a user in Java. By this point you should be able display some sort of output onto the screen. For example, what good is a computer game if you can't control any of it? Note: Looking for Java Scanner help? Getting Input So, first thing's first, we're going to create a new class (a new Java file). Call your new class Inputs. There may also be some comments in there that are green and blue (mine did not have those), and you can delete those if you want or leave them alone. You should know how to do this basic output by now.

Learn Clojure Foreword | Clojure for the Brave and True As you read this hilarious book, you will at some point experience a very serious moment. It is the moment you admit to yourself that programming is more enjoyable after knowing some Clojure. It is also the moment that your investment in this book, in money and time, comes back to you—with interest. Humor has a certain relationship to seriousness. It is appropriate to joke about serious things, but only after the right amount of time has passed. This book works in the opposite way. This approach is refreshing because most of the programming books I’ve read are drier than a camel’s fart. Clojure is the topic of this book, but in a way it—or perhaps its creator, Rich Hickey—is also one of the authors, since Clojure is the most elegant programming language ever designed. Elegance is a quality regularly ascribed to many dialects in the family of programming languages known collectively as Lisp, of which Clojure is one. Since 1958, there have been many Lisps and Lisp books. Alan Dipert
