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How Game-Based Learning Can Help Students of All Ages Learn

How Game-Based Learning Can Help Students of All Ages Learn
In school, kids play during recess and work during class. But some of the biggest names in psychology, including Jean Piaget and Jerome Bruner, believe that play is a child’s work. The best way to teach kids, they say, is through hands-on, active learning. Bruner’s Discovery Learning Theory According to Bruner, students who engage in hands-on learning and play-based activities experience the following benefits: increased motivationbuoyed creativityenhanced problem-solving skillsa greater sense of personal responsibilitythe joy of autonomy and independence What teacher doesn’t want her students to be motivated, creative, smart, responsible, and filled with joy? Quest to Learn: A School of Games You may be wondering where, in your busy classroom schedule, you’d find time in your day to insert more games. Q2L opened its doors in 2009. Q2L’s founder and executive director, Katie Salen, offers a different point of view. Every course taught at Q2L is standards-based. The U.S. Minecraft Tips Related:  EdTech

Vibby - Annotate YouTube & Vimeo Videos on Your Own Site Last fall I wrote a couple of posts about a new video annotation tool called Vibby. Over the last few months the Vibby developers have been hard at work to add some useful new features for teachers. You can now use Vibby to annotate Vimeo videos as well as YouTube videos. To annotate a YouTube or Vimeo video on Vibby simply grab the URL for the video and paste into the Vibby editor. Once inserted into Vibby you can highlight a segment on the video timeline. Vibby then play only the sections you've highlighted. Vibby's annotation tool can now be embedded into your blog or website. Applications for EducationVibby can be a good tool to have students use to analyze videos.

10 High School Redesign Projects Win $100 Million in 'XQ Super School' Contest - High School & Beyond UserID: iCustID: IsLogged: false IsSiteLicense: false UserType: anonymous DisplayName: TrialsLeft: 0 Trials: Tier Preview Log: Exception pages ( /edweek/high_school_and_beyond/2016/09/10_high_school_redesign_projects_win_$100_million_XQ_contest.html ) = NO Internal request ( ) = NO Open House ( 2016-09-19 13:52:03 ) = NO Personal SL : ( EMPTY ) = NO Site Licence : ( ) = NO ACL Free A vs U ( 2100 vs 0 ) = NO Token Free (NO TOKEN FOUND) = NO Blog authoring preview = NO Search Robot ( Firefox ) = NO Purchased ( 0 ) = NO Monthly ( 5ec52a35-d278-32eb-d331-51548df4062c : 1 / 1 ) = NO 0: /ew/articles/2016/09/07/student-centered-learning-can-modernize-schools.html Can add to monthly ( /edweek/high_school_and_beyond/2016/09/10_high_school_redesign_projects_win_$100_million_XQ_contest.html ) = NO Access denied ( -1 ) = NO Internal request ( ) = NO Search Robot ( EPE Bot ) = YES

Collaboration, Tools, and Add-Ons. Oh My. Using G-Docs to Improve Student Writing When students have access to Google Docs it’s like having a personal tutor by their side as they write. Innovative educators who empower their students to use these tools can support students in strengthening their writing skills even without the support of a teacher. This is important for innovative educators who take seriously, our job to develop independent learners. Here are some ways Google Docs supports that. Collaborate with Experts and others The heart of G-docs is its power as a collaboration tool. Tools Voice to Text Did you know students can have their voice converted to text? The options in the research bar are pretty self-explanatory. Add-Ons To get Add-ons you must visit “Add-ons” in the menu bar and select “Get Add-ons.” Easy Bib Students can use the EasyBib add-on to create a detailed bibliography page. Here is what it looks like when SAS Writing Reviser helps me eliminate passive voice by highlighting potential problems.

3 Tips for Using YouTube Videos In Your Classrom In my workshop YouTube, It's Not Just Cats & Khan Academy I share a lot of tips and tricks for safely using YouTube in your classroom. One of the topics that I always talk about is how to share and display videos. Here are three of the more popular tips from that workshop. 1. Remove distractions by using ViewPure. ViewPure is a service that allows you to watch and project YouTube videos without seeing the related sidebar content typically seen on You can search for YouTube videos through the ViewPure website. To be clear, ViewPure is not a filter work-around if your school blocks YouTube and it is not a tool for downloading YouTube videos. 2. 3. Another way to create a playlist is to use Diigo. This topic and others like it will be covered in much more depth during both Practical Ed Tech Summer Camps in July.

The Real Issue in Tech Integration Is Self-Efficacy Seven years ago, I did a research project on blended and personalized professional development. There were a few big take-homes that I hadn't considered before. For example, I learned that "personalized" only works when there is a collaborative and creative component. I also learned that policy issues play a huge role in the connection between pedagogy and practice. But the biggest take-home was that staff members were not "unmotivated" to use technology. So, today I had the Graduate Teaching and Leading faculty members take a survey on teaching hybrid, online, and face-to-face classes. I focused the technology questions on educator efficacy, motivation, attitudes (and beliefs) and skills. It leaves me with a few observations: I realize that some people will say, "Why are we even talking about technology and not pedagogy?" As a technology coach, a teacher, and now a professor, I've done plenty of work on technology integration and blended professional development.

Perspecs Shows Students Three Sides to Every Story Perspecs is a new app that aims to provide users with three sides to every news story. On Monday through Friday the free Android and iPhone app offers a selection of articles about current topics in the news. The topics could be breaking news or they could be topics of a more evergreen nature like national education systems. I tested Perspecs on my Android phone by selecting one of Friday's topics which was "Is China Best for Education?" The app then presented me with three articles on the topic. Each article took a different position on the topic. Applications for Education Whenever I have taught current events courses I have worked hard to try to present a balanced selection of news sources to my students. Thanks to Larry Ferlazzo for sharing Perspecs last week.

Organize Your Projects with Trello This is a guest post from Kate Wilson (@katewilson13) of EdTechTeacher, an advertiser on this site. Getting and staying organized as an individual varies with each person’s learning style. Therefore, when it comes to getting a group of people to get organized to accomplish a project, finding the right organizational system can sometimes be the biggest struggle to accomplish the end goal. Trello requires a free account or just log in with your Google Account. Each Board contains as many Columns you like, and they can be named differently such as “To Do”, “In Progress,” and “Done.” For example, let’s say you that are the Yearbook advisor. The biggest challenge for any new organizational system is getting everyone to use the system. Want to learn more? Assessment and Rubrics A collection of rubrics for assessing portfolios, group work/cooperative learning, concept map, research process/ report, PowerPoint, oral presentation, web page, blog, wiki, and other social media projects. Quick Links to Rubrics Social Media Project Rubrics Wiki RubricCriteria for assessing individual and group Wiki contributions. Blog RubricAssess individual blog entries, including comments on peers' blogs. Twitter RubricAssess learning during social networking instructional assignments. Discussion, Teamwork, and Group Work Rubrics Online Discussion Board RubricAssessing ability to share perspectives, refine thoughts through the writing process, and participate in meaningful discussionPrimary Grade Self-Evaluation Teamwork Rubric (PDF)Features of a sandwich to graphically show the criteria Upper Elementary Teamwork RubricKaren Franker's rubric includes six defined criteria for assessing team and individual responsibility PowerPoint and Podcast Rubrics ePortfolio and Web Page Rubrics

Using Hootsuite to Spread Your School's Message Last month I shared an outline for distributing your school and classroom messages to as many people as possible. Hootsuite is one of the tools that I mentioned, briefly, in that outline. Hootsuite allows you to schedule Tweets and Facebook posts to appear on a schedule of your choosing. Reasons for scheduling Tweets and Facebook posts: 1. You're busy and might not have time to log-in and post on a daily basis. 2. You want to repeat your Tweets and Facebook posts. 3. Why you want to repeat Tweets and Facebook posts: Twitter and Facebook updates stream past most of us at a pace that is faster than we can follow.

Digital Shop Class: Game Based Learning, Design Thinking &  More! Digital shop class! Igniting wonder! You can write on the desks. You can write on the walls; there are no grades! Learning is a game where students level up and earn experience points. Kids are building things to improve their community. Kevin is using game based learning and every cutting edge tool you can imagine to ignite curiosity and spur on student achievement. Thank you Brainchase, today’s sponsor Today’s sponsor is Brainchase. The first team to decipher the clues and pinpoint the location of the treasure will get a $20,000 travel budget to travel and dig up the treasure themselves! What You’ll Learn When You Listen to Today’s Show What is the structure of a classroom that ignites wonder? Here are links to the resource Kevin shared in the show. Teacher Kevin Jarrett builds a digital shop class using game based learning, empathy, design thinking and more. Hi friends.

