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SoundClick - Free MP3 music download and much, much more.

SoundClick - Free MP3 music download and much, much more.
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Glasgow Apollo / Who Played When The Bands Who Played at the Green's and Apollo We are trying to create a definitive list of all the bands that played at the Green's/Apollo and to provide dates, ticket stubs, reviews and setlists. If you can add to our list or spot an error please let us know. Just click on the year you want to see gigs for, or if you are brave you can see all of the gigs we currently have by clicking the "All" link. Audio CC Malaysia, where are we now? A mixtape, open data and more CC Malaysia Mixtape 2015 by Muid Latif under CC BY NC ND A guest post by CC Malaysia Lead, Muid Latif. In the recent years, Malaysia has been more active in adopting open culture. Local mainstream media has provided a continuous platform for Creative Commons Malaysia to reach out to Malaysians in promoting CC, and both government and the community have been proactive in spearheading interesting online projects for everyone’s benefit.

Johnny Proctor - I am an independent writer/performer/producer making summery sounds with lots of harmony, guitars, a NEWS Hi everybody. I was interviewed on 26 August by the website "Pray for Surf" - here's the link: Pray for SurfRock on, Johnny Pool Party University — Physical Education, Recreation and Wellness Stanford Recreation, Leading the Stanford Experience. From its founding in 1891, Stanford University’s leaders have believed that physical activity is valuable for its own sake and that vigorous exercise is complimentary to the educational purposes of the university. Within this context for human development, it is the mission of Stanford’s Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation to offer a wide range of high quality programs which will encourage and facilitate all participants to realize opportunities for championship athletic participation, physical fitness, health and well being.

Creative Commons Many fantastic CC record labels already release and curate free music, making my job of creating an end-of-year list easy. I also browsed various CC music communities to end up with the following, somewhat eclectic, mix. If you're a west coast transplant like myself, this might be perfect for the east-to-west cross country flight home for the holidaze. It's definitely not exhaustive, so enjoy, but be sure to check out all the other great artists and tracks on FMA. By the way, the world of free and open music is made possible by Creative Commons licenses, which are developed, supported, and stewarded by Creative Commons — an actual nonprofit organization! To ensure that the legal and technical infrastructure by which you access, share, and remix music remains robust, please consider donating to CC's Annual Campaign today.

Featured Song Recordings, Top Karaoke Songs Here you get your chance to sing from a special selection of songs and get some good exposure! Sing any of the songs listed and we'll post your recording here within a few minutes. You can see all the songs you can choose from on the Featured Songs page in the Record section. Community Audio : Free Audio by Community Audio You are invited to view or upload audios to the Community collection. These thousands of recordings were all contributed by Archive users and community members. Please select a Creative Commons License during upload so that others will know what they may (or may not) do with with your audio.

Accueil Musique Libre, pourquoi, comment ? L'archive musicale propose plus de 55 000 titres musicaux, tous téléchargeables gratuitement "en toute quiétude et en toute légalité".Les musiciens publiant sur Dogmazic ont tous choisi de placer leur musique sous licence de libre diffusion. Selon la licence choisie, de nombreux droits peuvent être accordés d'emblée aux auditeurs. La licence la plus permissive, la CC-BY, autorise tout type d'usage sous réserve que l'auteur et la licence soient mentionnés, y compris les usages commerciaux sans contrepartie (ce qui peut être utile pour sonoriser une vidéo monétisée). À l'autre extrémité du spectre, la plus restrictive des licences dites ouvertes, la CC-BY-NC-ND, n'autorise que la copie sans modification ou la diffusion en dehors de tout cadre commercial.

Accueil mieux-être / Indicateurs de mieux-être au Canada Accueil mieux-être Quoi de neuf? Les indicateurs suivants ont été mis à jour avec les données les plus récentes : Revenu familial, Revenu de retraite, Incidence du faible revenu, Répartition du revenu, Mises en chantier, Taux d'inoccupation des logements locatifs, Âge de la mère à la naissance de l'enfant, Taille et croissance de la population, Distribution géographique, Immigration, et Population autochtone. Tenez-vous au courant des changements et des mises à jour en vous abonnant au fil de nouvelles RSS. Indicateurs de mieux-être au Canada recueille des données de différentes sources et présente un portrait global, à jour, du mieux-être des Canadiens et de la société canadienne. Le site montre également comment ce portrait peut changer au fil du temps.

John Peel’s BBC Festive Fifties 1976-2003 John Peel’s Festive Fifty 1976 1. Led Zeppelin – Stairway To Heaven 2. Derek & the Dominoes – Layla 3. Bob Dylan – Desolation Row 4. Netlabels : Free Music : Free Audio by Torn Flesh Records EXPLORE Torn Flesh Records CATALOG Welcome to Torn Flesh Records - Netlabel. This is the Id of Your Musical Psyche.

The 60 Best Songs Ever Written About New York City For the past few weeks we’ve been locked in the basement at Yankee Stadium, subsisting on nothing but Bergen Bagels, listening to the best songs about New York City through headphones endorsed by Lou Reed. Our mission: to come up with a list of the 60 best songs ever written about our city, songs that best capture what it’s like to live, love, struggle, and exist in the sprawling, unforgiving, culturally dense metropolis we pay too much to call home. We started by agreeing on the songs we shouldn’t include — naked and clunky stabs at new New York anthems that fall flat and ring inauthentic, like Jay-Z’s “Empire State of Mind,” U2’s “New York,” and Taylor Swift’s “Welcome to New York.”

Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch by Nasca Octavian PAUL Introduction This is a program for stretching the audio. It is suitable only for extreme sound stretching of the audio (like 50x) and for applying special effects by "spectral smoothing" the sounds. It can transform any sound/music to a texture. The program is Open-Source and it's released under the version 2 of the General Public License. List of Peel sessions Wikipedia list article Where an artist has recorded more than one session under different names then both names have been listed. 0–9[edit]

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