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Tshering Tobgay: This country isn't just carbon neutral

Tshering Tobgay: This country isn't just carbon neutral
Related:  Mental health

About francais & italiano Our vision is of a future where the wellbeing of people and communities improves year on year and wellbeing inequalities are reduced.We believe that improving wellbeing should be the ultimate objective of policy and community action.Our mission is to develop and share robust, accessible and useful evidence that governments, businesses, communities and people can use to improve wellbeing across the UK.Our approach is independent, evidence based, collaborative, practical, open and iterative. → What’s happening now? → What can I do? About the Centre The Prime Minister has announced that, together with the Economic and Social Research Council and Public Health England , the government is funding a What Works centre dedicated to understanding what national and local governments, along with voluntary and business partners, can do to increase wellbeing. The Centre has commissioned a research synthesis of what works, and secondary data analysis, initially in three areas: The team

8 Cold Mailman: "My Recurring Dream"-Video interstitialNobel Laureate Al Gore focused the world’s attention on the global climate crisis. Now he’s showing us how we’re moving towards real solutions. Stress Management During Job Search | CAREERwise Education When you're searching for a job, you almost always have other issues begging for your attention. Stress builds up when you don't deal with issues. Keep your job search on track by paying attention to all aspects of your health. Here are some healthy ways to handle stress: Get organized. Source: Creative Job Search, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.

F2 Astronomer using NASA’s NEOWISE spacecraft to discover and study near-Earth asteroids, our smallest and most numerous cosmic neighbors.Director and playwright who explores cultural intersections through original theater productions — from Shakespeare reinterpretations to absurdist comedy — in an effort to highlight indigenous perspectives.Writer exploring black masculinity, the criminal justice system and family relationships in fiction, essays and documentary film. How to Begin Each Day: A Recipe for Unshakable Sanity and Inner Peace from Marcus Aurelius “Take everything that’s bright and beautiful in you and introduce it to the shadow side of yourself,” the wise and wonderful Parker Palmer counseled the young in his superb Naropa Unviersity commencement address. Only by accepting our own interior contradictions and dualities, he argued, are we liberated to put the shadow’s power in service of the good in the exterior world. This seems like a particularly timely message, urgently needed in a culture intolerant of duality, where we hasten to polarize everything into good and bad, unfailingly placing ourselves in the former category and the Other — whether their otherness is manifested in race, gender, orientation, or sports team preference — in the latter. When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. Meditations, it bears repeating, is a requisite read in its entirety.

U Brian Kelly is the founder of ThePointsGuy, all about the art of maximizing travel experiences while minimizing spending.Jonathan Bell is the founder of WANT, a consultancy, and a branding expert who has created over 150 company names and the identities of over 400 products and services.Rachel Pritzker wants to address “the world's most wicked problems." Jason Pontin is the editor-in-chief and publisher of MIT Technology Review.Anthony Goldbloom is the co-founder and CEO of Kaggle, a platform that crowdsources machine learning problems.The co-host of TEDxMidAtlantic, Dave Troy is a serial entrepreneur and a data-viz fan.Paul Tudor Jones II0:45:04Paul Jones is founder of Tudor Investment Corporation and an active philanthropist.Joshua Roman, a TED Fellow, is an independent-minded cellist.Joanna Bloor co-founded and leads The Amplify Lab, which she describes as an “accelerator for people.”

Energy and Calm: Brain Breaks and Focused-Attention Practices When presented with new material, standards, and complicated topics, we need to be focused and calm as we approach our assignments. We can use brain breaks and focused-attention practices to positively impact our emotional states and learning. They refocus our neural circuitry with either stimulating or quieting practices that generate increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, where problem solving and emotional regulation occur. Brain Breaks A brain break is a short period of time when we change up the dull routine of incoming information that arrives via predictable, tedious, well-worn roadways. When we take a brain break, it refreshes our thinking and helps us discover another solution to a problem or see a situation through a different lens. 1. I always carry a bag of household objects containing markers, scrap paper, and anything that one would find in a junk drawer -- for example, a can opener or a pair of shoelaces. 2. 3. Movement is critical to learning. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1.

The Famous Wheel Of Emotions Can Determine Who You Are (Quiz) - by Brandilyn Collin Scroll Down to the end of the article for the quiz Randy Ingermanson once said that people read books because they want to have an emotional experience. While that’s certainly true of “Twilight”, I think it holds true for all books. Even books about negative characters can be interesting to us because of their emotional content due to what James Scott Bell calls a “‘car wreck’ dynamic”. Ironically, even though we’ve all experienced many, many emotions throughout our lives, few humans are experts. But where to begin? Many lists of emotions have been generated, yet no matter how much they overlap, they never quite converge. So, how can emotions be classified so that we better understand them, and understanding them better use them in our writings? Joy vs SadnessTrust vs DisgustFear vs AngerSurprise vs Anticipation He also visualized this list as a wheel of sorts, referred to by some as Plutchik’s Flower: Plutchik’s approach satisfies our needs by providing: Loading...

What it Really Means to Hold Space for Someone When my Mom was dying, my siblings and I gathered to be with her in her final days. None of us knew anything about supporting someone in her transition out of this life into the next, but we were pretty sure we wanted to keep her at home, so we did. While we supported Mom, we were, in turn, supported by a gifted palliative care nurse, Ann, who came every few days to care for Mom and to talk to us about what we could expect in the coming days. She taught us how to inject Mom with morphine when she became restless, she offered to do the difficult tasks (like giving Mom a bath), and she gave us only as much information as we needed about what to do with Mom’s body after her spirit had passed. The author with her mother “Take your time,” she said. Ann gave us an incredible gift in those final days. In the two years since then, I’ve often thought about Ann and the important role she played in our lives. Learning to hold space for others What does it mean to “hold space” for someone else? 1. 2.
