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Audio/Video Lectures Infographic 90 Grados - The company The Biggest Shift Since the Industrial Revolution [Infographic] You’ve probably already seen this great infographic on social media from by If not, take a look at the staggering statistics on the social media shift. Look at everything that has happened in the past 5 years. What do these numbers mean for educators? It’s hard to believe the evolution (revolution) of social media in the past 5 years. As I looked through the infographic, the most surprising statistic for me was finding out that 80% of Twitter usage is on mobile devices. Even if your district does not support social media integration, that doesn’t mean you can’t do it on your own time. (infographic created by

How to Make an Infographic: The Ultimate Guide [Free E-Book] Learning how to make an infographic can skyrocket your content. A visually rich infographic can instantly make your content look more appealing, more entertaining, and definitely more shareable. When someone reads your content and sees an infographic in it, they’re more likely to share it on their social media. And if it’s full of useful information, it will add a ton of value to the rest of your content. But when you consider all that is included in an infographic, creating one seems like a huge task. Designing your own infographics is actually easier than you think. This is exactly why we’ve put together this ultimate guide on how to make an infographic. How to Make an Infographic: Planning Before you start designing your infographic, you need to do a few things. Taking these first steps to plan your infographic design can mean the difference between an amazing infographic that actually works and thousands of other mediocre graphics. 1. For example, is your audience mostly on Instagram?

Inicio Biblioteca Digital Mundial Herramientas: Mapas Conceptuales > Uso de Mapas Conceptuales en procesos educativos Los mapas conceptuales son redes semánticas que posibilitan representar gráficamente conceptos y sus interrelaciones para poner en evidencia las estructuras de conocimiento que las personas tienen en sus mentes [1]. Fueron desarrollados por Joseph D. Novak, profesor emérito en la Universidad de Cornell, quien a su vez se basó en la teoría del aprendizaje significativo de David Ausubel. Visualmente, tienen formas sencillas pero poderosas, compuestas por nodos que representan conceptos, unidos por medio de líneas con etiquetas, que simbolizan las relaciones existentes entre estos. Al construirlos, pueden tomar una de las siguientes formas: Lineales tipo Diagrama de Flujo; Sistémicos con información ordenada en forma lineal con ingreso y salida de información; o Jerárquicos, cuando la información se organiza de la más a la menos importante o de la más incluyente y general a la menos incluyente y específica. Autor: Juan Carlos López García

The Real Cost Of… A Pizza Delivery Pizza is one of the nation’s most popular foods, overtaking classic British dishes such as shepherd’s pie. But when you can’t even be bothered to open the oven door and shove one in, it’s tempting to ring for a delivery and have a fresh, hot pizza brought to your door. But how much does that temptation cost and how much is sheer profit for the pizzeria? We’ve been taking a look at an £11.99 large cheese and tomato pizza from a typical delivery pizzeria. Base: 55p Presumably if you order deep pan, you get your money’s worth. Sauce: 14p One ladle of sauce contains approximately 170g, worth around 14 pence. Cheese: 56p It takes approximately 154g of cheese to cover a large pizza, at a total cost of 56p. Tax: £2.40 You don’t pay VAT on (most) food you buy to cook at home, but you do pay 20% on food served hot, including takeaways. Advertising: 33p If your local purveyor of dough, sauce and cheese is a franchisee, then they will probably be paying an annual advertising fee. Staff: 77p Tax: £1.42

The Best Resources For Creating Infographics | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... Infographics are visual representations of data design to help communicate information clearly. They are great for English Language Learners, and the rest of us, too! The information can also be either serious or humorous. To see examples of some of the best ones, you can visit: The Best Infographics — 2010 The Best Interactive Infographics — 2009 You can find even more at The Best Sources For Interactive Infographics and A Collection Of “The Best…” Lists On Infographics. Of course, you don’t need online resources to have students create their own infographics that can be used towards achieving numerous learning outcomes, as I recently posted about at What A Great Infographic To Use As A Model For Students. However, creating them online can also be both useful and fun — for both teachers and students. Here are my choices for The Best Resources For Creating Infographics: I’m going to start-off with some of my previous “The Best…” lists, including: The Best Tools To Make Simple Graphs Online

INFOGRAPHIE. Hipster : les détails qui ne trompent pas TENDANCE - Vous ne pouvez plus entendre le terme hipster sans que vos poils se hérissent ? Vous ne comprenez pas pourquoi les gens essaient à tout prix de ressembler au dernier groupe de rock indé à la mode ? Pourtant vous portez la barbe, une chemise de bûcheron et vous avez ressorti au fond du grenier un vieux polaroid. Notre partenaire Merci Alfred a relevé les détails qui ne trompent pas pour savoir si vous êtes vous-même un hipster ou si vous en connaissez. Lire aussi: » Des personnages historiques relookés en hipster Pour recevoir deux fois par semaine une newsletter avec les meilleurs bars, restos et sorties à Paris, inscrivez-vous à la newsletter Merci Alfred en cliquant ici. Découvrez d'autres articles santé, alimentation, tendances et sexualité dans notre rubrique C'est la vie

History channel Argentina GoAnimate: historietas animadas Red Infod GoAnimate es una herramienta 2.0 que permite crear historietas animadas a modo de video. Tiene un gran potencial educativo ya que se puede utilizar para diferentes momentos de una clase, no solamente para ser utilizado como un recurso para el docente, también para que los alumnos puedan aprovechar un medio de composición diferente, rico por su posibilidad expresiva, entretenido, especial para exponer sus propias ideas y con una importante cantidad de componentes multimediales. La producción de historietas (o cómics) requiere que los estudiantes combinen imágenes y escritura para crear un guión gráfico, y además, al basarse en fotogramas secuenciales, deben determinar el tema central y elaborar una síntesis para narrar cualquier historia en forma concreta y creativa en un tiempo limitado. Como muchos espacios virtuales tiene una parte que es paga y otra gratuita. Mediante la historieta animada el alumno puede: Este es un ejemplo creado con el programa: Aquí presentamos un breve tutorial:
