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Women in Business

Women in Business
I’m sure you’ve been filling out a RFP, or some mundane company information form, when you see the section that asks if your company is a Women-Owned Business. My company is not run by women, however, I work with several companies that have women owners and key stakeholders. There are some advantages to being a women-owned business, but according to this infographic, women still only hold 3% of c-level positions. This is changing though. Click to enlarge Share This Infographic Get Free Infographics Delivered to your Inbox Related:  Egalité, discriminations

Droit de vote des femmes Pendant l’Occupation de nombreuses femmes ont rejoint les rangs de la Résistance. Un engagement qui conduira la France libre du général de Gaulle à reconnaître l’égalité économique et politique des sexes. Le résistant communiste, Fernand Grenier, défend fermement et avec obstination les droits politiques de la Française à l’assemblée. Le 23 mars 1944, l’Assemblée consultative siégeant à Alger adopte le principe du droit de vote des femmes par 51 voix « pour » et 16 voix « contre ». Un mois après, le 21 avril, le général de Gaulle ratifie une ordonnance qui, à l’article 17, prévoit le vote des femmes et leur éligibilité : Les femmes sont électrices et éligibles dans les mêmes conditions que les hommes.Les Françaises obtiennent enfin le droit de vote et celui d’être élues. Elles voteront pour la première fois en 1945 et entreront au Sénat en 1946. Le nouveau pouvoir politique, plus jeune, issu de la Résistance, reconnaît enfin aux femmes leur pleine responsabilité de citoyennes.

InfoGraphic Designs: Overview, Examples and Best Practices Information graphics or infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. They are also used extensively as tools by computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians to ease the process of developing and communicating conceptual information. They can present a rich amount of information without intimidating you. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. What is InfoGraphics? Infographics are traditionally viewed as visual elements such as signs, charts, maps, or diagrams that aid comprehension of a given text-based content. Little History of InfoGraphics! Why Using InfoGraphics? Elements of Information Graphics

Diagramly – A Handy Tool For Creating Quick Flowcharts The best thing about Diagramly is how accessible it is. You just click a URL, and you’re in. There’s no download, no account registration, and you don’t even need Flash to use it. It really couldn’t be simpler to get started. The worst thing about Diagramly (I’ll just get this out of the way right now) is the utter lack of documentation. Pretty easy to understand, right? Let’s take a look at the UI: I included Chrome’s address bar on purpose, so you’d see it really is a Web app. Here are just a few samples I picked at random: Why there is a Shield of David there, I have absolutely no idea. Once you’re done crafting your masterpiece, you can save it in one of a number of formats: Saving as an SVG is very handy if you have a desktop vector editing application (such as the free and open-source Inkscape). Should you use Diagramly for your multi-million dollar keynote?

The Forex Market Explained Although the stock market gets all the publicity, trading currencies in the Forex market is a little different than trading a regular company’s stock. The Forex market trades currency and trading goes on for 24 hours during 5.5 days-a-week. These hours of operation mean that the Forex market trades in 1 day what Wall St. trades in a month. Right now the US dollar is not as strong as it used to be. How stable the country is and how well tourism is going are some deciding factors for the value of a country’s currency. Obviously because of a bad recession our dollar value isn’t looking too good. The Forex market can be a bit simpler than Wall St because of a limited number of popularly traded currencies. Share This Infographic Get Free Infographics Delivered to your Inbox

Au fait, c'est quoi, "l'effet Matilda"? 2% de noms de rue attribués à des femmes célèbres (nous en parlions dans notre revue de web pas plus tard qu’hier), à peine plus de 3% de personnages historiques féminins parmi ceux cités dans les manuels scolaires (ainsi que le révélait il y a quelques semaines une étude du Centre Hubertine Auclert), seulement 2 femmes au Panthéon français (dont l’une y repose en tant qu’épouse)… Mais pourquoi les femmes sont-elles si rares au contingent de ceux dont on reconnait l’apport essentiel aux progrès de l’humanité? Prisme sexiste (éventuellement inconscient) chez qui décide de rendre hommage ou pas à une personnalité en lui donnant un nom de rue ou en lui accordant un paragraphe dans un ouvrage de référence? Résultat de l’insuffisant accès des femmes à l’éducation jusqu’à des temps récents? Merton et les “laissé-es pour compte” de l’histoire de la science Une théorie de la distribution inéquitable de la gloire “Matthieu et l’ange”, Guido Reni Comment “Matthieu” est devenu “Matilda”

Cool Infographics - Blog 20 Examples Of Infographs That You Don’t See Every Day | I think we all know what an infograph is, and nowadays they are increasingly popular. The bad thing is that almost all of them are becoming boring and very similar. In this article I have collected 20 infographs that are very unique design and also interesting subjects. Twitter Dots: Mapping all Tweets for a specific Keyword Twitter Dots translates individual tweets as simple dots on a geographical world map. Mapping Android Activations Worldwide In the war for the next smartphone platform, all weapons are allowed, including some good old mapping captured in a 1080p HD video. Visualizing the Airspace in Europe Transport visualization firm Ito World has taken flight routes drawings to the next level, in particular by adding a detailed level of information in terms of the exact travel altitudes of the tracked airplanes. Poverty Infographic A two poster series exploring the effect poverty has on education. 9 Years of Sleep Visualizing a Security Attack on a VOIP Honeypot Server Ghost Counties

10 Awesome Tools To Make Infographics Advertisement Who can resist a colourful, thoughtful venn diagram anyway? In terms of blogging success, infographics are far more likely to be shared than your average blog post. This means more eyeballs on your important information, more people rallying for your cause, more backlinks and more visits to your blog. In short, a quality infographic done well could be what your blog needs right now. Designing An Infographic Some great tips for designing infographics: Keep it simple! Ideas for infographic formats include: Timelines;Flow charts;Annotated maps;Graphs;Venn diagrams;Size comparisons;Showing familiar objects or similar size or value. Here are some great tutorials on infographic creation: Creating Your Infographic Plan and research.If required, use free software to create simple graphs and visualisations of data.Use vector graphic software to bring these visualisations into the one graphic. Free Online Tools For Creating Infographics Stat Planet Hohli Creately New York Times Many Eyes Wordle

Dix injustices scrutées à la loupe La France a l’un des systèmes scolaires les plus inégalitaires des pays de l’OCDE. A gauche comme à droite, personne ne le conteste plus. Des études le pointent régulièrement, statistiques à l’appui. On redouble plus quand on a des parents ouvriers… 20,5% des élèves issus de milieux défavorisés - ayant des parents ouvriers ou chômeurs - ont déjà redoublé au moins une fois lorsqu’ils entrent en sixième, selon une étude de l’Insee parue en septembre. … et quand on vit en zone urbaine sensible L’Insee met aussi en valeur un facteur moins connu : l’impact du lieu d’habitation sur la réussite ou l’échec scolaire. A priori, cela semble logique car la population en ZUS a la plupart du temps des revenus modestes. On réussit moins bien au brevet si on est issu d’un milieu modeste La quasi-totalité des enfants de milieux très favorisés obtiennent le brevet des collèges haut la main (95,6%). Les devoirs aggravent les inégalités Là encore, la France fait figure de mauvaise élève.

Are We Wired For Mobile Learning? Because of the proliferation of new technologies, the younger generation today is outgrowing traditional forms of education – remember pencils, chalkboards, textbooks and graphing calculators? Whether we are in the car, on the train, at work, or in a classroom, mobile technology in particular is giving us the ability to learn on-the-go. See the infographic below to learn why we are wired for mobile learning, and how we can use mobile technologies to educate ourselves. Note to teachers, bloggers and all those interested: Want to use this infographic in your class or share it on your blog? Embed this image on your site <a href=" src=" <a href=" Blog</a> (Click Image To Enlarge) Use This Infographic In Your Class Warm-Up Activity What is “mobile learning”? Writing Challenge

Tipping Etiquette Around the World Growing up I never really understood the tip, it always seemed as though we were just paying twice for someone to do their job. However as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized tipping is a pretty important thing. After all these people are handling your food and other important things you don’t want them messing with/up. As a poor college student tipping sucks, but I do it even if it is just a dollar or two, a tip is a tip right? Today’s infographic Tipping Etiquette Around the World does a nice job of comparing the way people tip in different countries. Being in the service industry is not all it’s cracked up to be, but the tips sure do help. Click to enlarge Share This Infographic Get Free Infographics Delivered to your Inbox

Management Secrets: Core Beliefs of Great Bosses A few years back, I interviewed some of the most successful CEOs in the world in order to discover their management secrets. I learned that the "best of the best" tend to share the following eight core beliefs. 1. Business is an ecosystem, not a battlefield. Average bosses see business as a conflict between companies, departments and groups. They build huge armies of "troops" to order about, demonize competitors as "enemies," and treat customers as "territory" to be conquered. Extraordinary bosses see business as a symbiosis where the most diverse firm is most likely to survive and thrive. 2. Average bosses consider their company to be a machine with employees as cogs. Extraordinary bosses see their company as a collection of individual hopes and dreams, all connected to a higher purpose. 3. Average bosses want employees to do exactly what they're told. 4. Average bosses see employees as inferior, immature beings who simply can't be trusted if not overseen by a patriarchal management. 5.
