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Uchronia: The Alternate History List

Uchronia: The Alternate History List
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Uchronie - Le journal des Voyages Temps The Steampunk Bible The Expert Enough Manifesto The Expert Enough Manifesto is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Feel free to share the work anywhere, please just link back here if you don’t mind. New: order the Expert Enough Manifesto as a poster at CafePress! This is what we’re all about. Expert Enough is here to inspire you to learn more, do more, be more. Life is richest when we become good at a lot of different things. If you agree, we’d love to consider you a regular reader. We’ll be sharing tips, how-to articles, interviews with experts, case studies and more on all kinds of topics from psychology to technology, from food to fitness, from inspiration to perspiration. Sign up for email or RSS updates and follow us on Twitter or Facebook. Thanks Holstee for the inspiration. Turning your skills and expertise into a way to support yourself is more doable than you might think. There’s this big misconception about expertise, that you have to be one of the world’s top experts before you can earn a living from what you know.

Blog Today is Equal Pay Day, a reminder that women and men are not always compensated at the same rate. While the widely reported statistic that women, on average, earn 77 cents to every man’s dollar has been is a great indicator that women are put in situations every day that for a variety of reasons mean they earn less, it has been criticized for not measuring individuals of similar characteristics, such as age, occupation, education, or experience. To try to get a better understanding of the gender wage gap among specific age groups, and given that many high school and college seniors are on the brink of graduating and entering the labor force, I thought it would be interesting look at the gender wage gap by age and education, to see how women and men fare as they enter today’s unsteady labor market. To close the gender wage gap, women need to see real wage growth faster than their male counterparts.

Cabinet de Curiosités Ahhh Maison&Objet ! J’adore m’y rendre au moins une fois par an. Découvrir de nouvelles marques, faire de nouvelles rencontres : c’est toujours top ! Pour cette cession de janvier 2015 donc, retour en images sur mes petits coups de coeur. Chez &Klevering, beaucoup de jolies choses notamment du côté de la tendance tropicale. Chez Miss Print, on craque pour ces imprimés colorés. Immense coup de coeur pour la stand Objet de Curiosité. Côté vaisselle, ces belles couleurs sont chez Rina Menardi. Une de mes découvertes de cette année, la maison TANE. Ici, une ambiance cosy et chic signée D’argentat… Les lampadaires sont juste canons ! Dans un style beaucoup plus moderne, j’ai trouvé très chouettes les suspensions et les systèmes de rangements de chez Iris Hantverk. Encore de la vaisselle colorée : c’est chez Ekobo cette fois. Du design végétal dans un esprit très japonisant, c’est chez Aquaphyte. Pour les couleurs et les textures, Arcade Paris. Crédit photo : Céline Alata pour FrenchyFancy

Her Synopsis[modifier | modifier le code] Dans un futur proche à Los Angeles, Theodore travaille comme écrivain public pour une entreprise, rédigeant des lettres de toutes sortes — familiales, amoureuses… — pour d'autres. Son épouse Catherine et lui ont rompu depuis bientôt un an mais il ne se décide pas à signer les papiers du divorce. Fiche technique[modifier | modifier le code] Distribution[modifier | modifier le code] Le film est sorti en salles en France en VOST et est doublé en VF pour la sortie en vidéo[2]. Source et légende : version française (VF) sur le site d’AlterEgo (la société de doublage[3]) et RS Doublage[4] et DVD Zone 2[5] ; version québécoise (VQ) sur Doublage[6] Production[modifier | modifier le code] Développement[modifier | modifier le code] Environ dix ans avant la concrétisation du projet, Spike Jonze découvre sur Internet un article évoquant un programme d’intelligence artificielle : « Cela parlait de la messagerie instantanée générée par intelligence artificielle.

S. J. Chambers The City that Ended Hunger :: Belo Horizonte, Brazil A city in Brazil recruited local farmers to help do something U.S. cities have yet to do: end hunger. posted Feb 13, 2009 “To search for solutions to hunger means to act within the principle that the status of a citizen surpasses that of a mere consumer.”CITY OF BELO HORIZONTE, BRAZIL In writing Diet for a Small Planet, I learned one simple truth: Hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food but a scarcity of democracy. But that realization was only the beginning, for then I had to ask: What does a democracy look like that enables citizens to have a real voice in securing life’s essentials? To begin to conceive of the possibility of a culture of empowered citizens making democracy work for them, real-life stories help—not models to adopt wholesale, but examples that capture key lessons. The city agency developed dozens of innovations to assure everyone the right to food, especially by weaving together the interests of farmers and consumers. “I knew we had so much hunger in the world.

Mountains of Books Become Mountains I thought I’d seen every type of book carving imaginable, until I ran across these jaw dropping creations by Guy Laramee. His works are so sculptural, so movingly natural in their form, they’ve really touched me. His works are inspired by a fascination with so-called progress in society: a thinking which says the book is dead, libraries are obsolete and technology is the only way of the future. His thoughts: “One might say: so what? Do we really believe that “new technologies” will change anything concerning our existential dilemma, our human condition? See Also INCREDIBLE 3D ILLUSTRATIONS JUMP OUT OF THE SKETCHBOOK Carving into the discarded stacks of books, he has created fantastic, romantic landscapes which remind us that though our fascinations and the value we put on different ideas have changed, we as a species have not evolved that much. “Mountains of disused knowledge return to what they really are: mountains. See more of his beautifully meditative works at

Living with the Tibetan Mastiffs - the 200lbs 'bear dogs' HUGE dogs with coats that make them look like bears are being produced at a kennel which claims to offer the “dog of your dreams”. Aleksandr and Nina Khilyk run Kinu Liutas Kennels, a Ukraine-based business that’s home to some of the most unusual looking dogs in the world. The couple specialise in the Tibetan Mastiff – an ancient breed notable for their large frames and extremely hairy coats. Nina told Barcroft Studios: “The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the most ancient breeds in the world. Code Lisa Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Code Lisa (Weird Science) est une série télévisée américaine en 88 épisodes de 24 minutes, créée par Robert K. Weiss dont 82 épisodes ont été diffusés entre le 5 mars 1994 et le 11 avril 1997 sur USA Network. Les six épisodes restants ont été diffusés du 11 juillet au 25 juillet 1998 sur Sci Fi Channel. Synopsis[modifier | modifier le code] Gary Wallace et Wyatt Donnelly sont deux amis lycéens aux caractères opposés, mais tous les deux sont rejetés par leurs camarades de classe. Alors qu'ils viennent de commencer leur premier jour de lycée, pour eux un nouveau départ, loin des brimades et des moqueries, ils se font bizuter et reviennent à la maison les vêtements déchirés. Le résultat sera Lisa, sublime créature extrêmement intelligente, dotée de pouvoirs magiques, mais avec un caractère bien trempé. Distribution[modifier | modifier le code] Michael Manasseri et Vanessa Angel sont les seuls acteurs à apparaître dans tous les épisodes.

Steampunk Revue Six Word Stories
