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Think, pair, share - ett lektionsförslag att sno rakt av ! - Sara Bruun

Think, pair, share - ett lektionsförslag att sno rakt av ! - Sara Bruun
Think, pair, share är en metod som jag ofta använder mig av. På svenska kallar vi den EPA- Elev, Par, Alla. Jag tycker att det är en väldigt bra metod för att få eleverna att prata och våga diskutera. Lotta Karlsson, Fröken Flipp, beskriver i sin blogg hur hon använder EPA i sin SO-undervisning: Mitt flippade klassrum. Metoden fungerar i alla ämnen så fort eleverna kan skriva! Här kommer ett lektionsförslag för engelskundervisningen år 6-9. How to make a difference The story below is written by Loren Eisley: One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. What does this story mean? 1. Now use the Canva app and create your own poster. / Sara Canva är gratis och fungerar på alla enheter. Related:  Engelska 2Talk

"Som Berlin på DDR-tiden" - but I have a dream... - Sara Bruun Den tredje måndagen i januari är en nationell helgdag i USA. Då hedrar man minnet av Martin Luther King Jr och lyfter fram vad han stod för, nämligen alla människors lika värde oavsett bakgrund. I år är Martin Luther King – dagen den 18 janauri. Med tanke på vad som pågår i Sverige just nu och i Skåne i synnerhet önskar jag att vi också stannar upp och tänker till. Förtydligande (5/1): Jag menar självklart inte att ATT det är samma sak i Hyllie och Kastrup som i Berlin på DDR-tiden. Jag hittade en uppgift på som knyter an till Martin Luther King Jr . Jag tror att uppgiften ovan skulle kunna bli en bra inledning till ett större arbete om människors lika värde med de äldre eleverna. Här kan ni se Rasmus tal. Eleverna fick feedback på sina tal och i stort sett alla ville sedan göra om talen. När vi var klara med talen gick vi vidare till att lära oss om Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks har också sin dag när man stannar upp och tänker till kring mänskliga rättigheter. Sara Bruun

75 Simple British Slang Phrases You Should Probably Start Using Oh, the Brits. No-one can snark quite like they do, and there are certain turns of phrase that are so utterly delightful, the rest of the world really should sit up and take note. Below are just a few common British phrases that you might like to work into your daily vernacular, as they can pepper any conversation with a little extra something. Aggro: Aggressive/in someone’s face.“Are you having a laugh?” Now you know the British slangs, what about idioms? Featured photo credit: Underground via ShutterstockRead full content

The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. | Teachers Pay Teachers Explore the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with these resources thoughtfully created by TpT Teacher-Authors. Through informational essays, close reading activities, craft projects — and a whole lot more— you’ll help create an environment for insightful questions and meaningful discussion. by Presto Plans Grades 6-12 by The Daring English Teacher Grades 6-10 by History with Mr E – A Social Studies Professional Grades 5-8 by Puzzles to Print Grades 4-7 by Fifth in the Middle Grades 4-7 by HappyEdugator Grades 4-7 by Nyla’s Crafty TeachingGrades 3-6 by Create-Abilities Grades 2-6 by Promoting Success Grades 2-5 by Art with Jenny K Grades 1-8 by Susan Jones Grades K-3 by Puppet Korner N More Grades PreK-5 by Simply Kinder Grades PreK-1 “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

Engelska åk 9 - Nationella prov i främmande språk, Göteborgs universitet Här ges exempel på olika typer av uppgifter som har förekommit och kan förekomma i nationella prov i årskurs 9. Provuppgifterna kommer framför allt från utprövningsmaterial som inte använts i prov, men också från tidigare givna prov, som inte längre omfattas av sekretess. Observera att dessa uppgifter främst avser att exemplifiera olika typer av uppgifter som kan förekomma i proven, så elever inte ska känna sig främmande för hur de ska genomföra en uppgift i provsituationen alla typer av uppgifter inte förekommer varje gång och att nya format kan komma att introduceras exempeluppgifterna inte sammantaget utgör hela, representativa prov - vare sig när det gäller omfång, svårighetsgrad eller autenticitet Lgr11 (i A3 format) Speaking The World Around Us (Elevblad)Blå kortRöda kort Bedömningsanvisningar Reading Welcome to Wales Bedömningsanvisningar A Multicultural CityBedömningsanvisningar Young and FreeBedömningsanvisningar Native LanguagesBedömningsanvisningar Odd NewsBedömningsanvisningar Listening

English Grammar Online - free exercises, explanations, vocabulary, dictionary and teaching materials Argumentation year 9 IDEA International Dialects of English Archive | free dialect and accent recordings for the performing arts Discussions 9d weeks 3+4 You probably remember the articles we worked with last year and the discussions you had afterwards. We will work the same way this year. You will get 2 1/2 lessons to work on this so get started!In your group, divide the articles among you. Assignment: Read your article carefully. OBS! Article 1 Why it’s time to celebrate Sweden’s diverse identity? What does “equality” mean to you? Article 2 Parents keep child’s gender secret (Not so hard. Why did the parents do this? Article 3 I can’t embrace Swedes’ obsession with the hug (Not too hard) Is this true that the article is about? Article 4 Smartphones stop Swedes from talking (Not too hard) Do we need to learn to switch off? Article 5 Can you do anything to save the lion? Article 6 Why do they steal passwords? Article 7 The Royals are here (Not so hard) How much did you know about the British royal family before? Article 8 (You can read the version on 700 words or a longer version. Do you draw pictures or scribble to express yourselves?

Engelska | Språklärarnas riksförbund As representative for English on the national board of Språklärarnas riksförening, I am very pleased with the interest you show by looking us up. I will strive to make it worth your while. The purpose of this page is to provide English language teachers of all levels of school, primarily in Sweden, with useful resources, information and current news, for example of upcoming events and publications. Concerning useful links for English teaching, see “Länkar. Språklärarnas riksförbund and I believe in collegial exchange we are grateful for the contribution and input of our members. IATEFL: Our Partner Association Språklärarnas riksförening is an associate of IATEFL (International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) which organizes teachers of English to students of all kinds, levels and ages. IATEFL organizes an annual international conference and many of the events which take place there are broadcast on the internet on. The Annual Conference 2015: Manchester Online It’s only natural. After all, they are trying to talk in a language they are still working on learning. Still, silence can be deadly in the ESL classroom for your students and you. When you want to get your students to speak up, try one of these fun and simple games to get them talking in class. 1This is How We RollYou can use this simple game as a get to know you at the start of school or later as a get to know you better activity. Speaking doesn’t have to be forced or boring when it comes to ESL class. Webbresurs från vårt grannland - London Walk - Språkbloggen Finska Utbildningsstyrelsen är en myndighet som ungefär motsvarar Skolverket (även om jag inte ska svära på de exakta detaljerna rent politiskt). De har också en hel del lärresurser på sin hemsida, och där har jag hittat en guldklimp, via ett tips på Facebook. Mina 9or ska i engelskan arbeta med olika ämnesområden kopplade till Great Britain och vi inleder med att fokusera på London. För att få en bild av sammanhanget tittade vi först på en film från med den självförklarande titeln GREAT BRITAIN, artikel V4258. Efter introduktionen fick eleverna ge sig ut för att själva upptäcka London. Bild: skärmdump från

Useful Expressions in English | Commonly Used English Expressions Check out IH Bristol’s extensive list of over 1000 of the most useful expressions in English, available for free for Beginner/Elementary students to Advanced speakers. Learning English is one of the best ways to improve your life and the prospects of getting a good job. English is used all over the world as the language of education and business and it is becoming normal to expect everybody to be able to speak it. IH Bristol has more than 30 years’ experience of teaching English as a foreign language, of helping students to pass Cambridge Exams, to achieve the right score in IELTS or OET or just to learn to communicate more effectively in the language. However, not everybody can come to Bristol to learn in person. How to use the Useful Expressions 1. We’ve covered a wide range of everyday situations, and for each one there are 10 common phrases with explanations of how or when you would use each one. The more you use them, the more you will improve!

The Best Resources To Remember Dr. Martin Luther King’s Death (& Life) On this day in 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated. I thought I’d bring together a few related resources, and will add more. You might also be interested in The Best Websites For Learning About Martin Luther King. Here are my choices for The Best Resources To Remember Dr. Here is a video of his last speech: Here’s the transcript of the speech. Remembering MLK’s Prophetic ‘Mountaintop’ Speech is from NPR. The Assassination of Martin Luther King is from The New York Times Learning Network. Here’s a slideshow from LIFE. Any feedback is always welcome. If you’ve found this post useful, you might want to consider subscribing to this blog for free. You might also find my 900 other “The Best…” lists useful. Related The Best Websites For Learning About Martin Luther King Martin Luther King's birthday will soon be celebrated across the United States, and I thought a "The Best..." list on him would be timely and useful. December 21, 2008 In "best of the year" Martin Luther King, Jr.
