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Learn Python for Data Science - Online Course

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L'art de diriger : la preuve par neuf Diriger est considéré comme un art. Et l'on cherche toujours à comprendre d'où vient cette capacité de certains à mobiliser ceux qui les suivent, alors que d'autres vont sembler manquer de cet ingrédient que l'on pourrait appeler l'autorité. On peut aller chercher de l'inspiration dans les livres de management et les biographies de contemporains célèbres. Mais on peut aussi aller s'inspirer plus loin dans l'histoire, avec les auteurs grecs et latins, comme un retour aux sources, car finalement la plupart de livres de management n'en disent pas beaucoup plus la plupart du temps. C'est ce que fait Charles Senard, docteur en études latines et diplômé de l'Essec, dans un excellent recueil, "Imperator - Diriger en Grèce et à Rome". En parcourant ces auteurs, il distingue les neuf compétences, comme autant de muses, qui caractérisaient les dirigeants de la Grèce et de Rome. Allons-y voir, citations à l'appui. 1. Citons le discours de Sergius Catilina ( 108-63 av. 2. 3. 4. Salluste ( 86-35 av. 5.

Education/GH Python 7. GH Python: Custom Subdivisions - 7-1. Vertex Control 1: Offset Vertices GH file # offset each vertex randomly and create a new mesh # input type - mesh : Mesh (Item Access), depth : float (Item Access) import Rhino.Geometry as rg import random def offsetVertex(mesh): mesh2 = rg.Mesh() # create a new mesh vtx = mesh.Vertices.ToPoint3dArray() # get all vertices in a list for i in range(len(vtx)): vtx2 = vtx[i] + rg.Vector3d(mesh.Normals[i]) * depth * random.random() #offset randomly mesh2.Vertices.Add(vtx2) mesh2.Faces.AddFaces(mesh.Faces) # add all faces at once mesh2.Normals.ComputeNormals() return mesh2 a = offsetVertex(mesh) - 7-2. - 7-3. - 7-4. - 7-5. - 7-6. - 7-7. - 7-8. - 7-9. - 7-10. - 7-11. - 7-12. - 7-13. - 7-14. - 7-15. - 7-16. - 7-17. - 7-18. - 7-19. - 7-20. - 7-21. - 7-23. - 7-24. - 7-25. - 7-26. - 7-27. - 7-28. - 7-29. - 7-30. - 7-31. - 7-32. - 7-33. - 7-34. - 7-35. - 7-36.

KDnuggets™ News 15:n36, Nov 4: Integrating R, Python; Neural Net in 11 lines; Top 20 AI/Machine Learning books Tags: AI, Books, Data Visualization, IoT, Machine Learning, Neural Network, Recommender Systems, Topological Data Analysis Integrating Python and R; A Neural Network in 11 lines; Amazon Top 20 Books in AI, Machine Learning; How Big Data is used in Recommendation Systems to change to change our lives; Data Science of IoT. Features | Tutorials | Opinions | News | Webcasts | Courses | Meetings | Jobs | Academic | Publications | Tweets | QuoteFeaturesTutorials, Overviews, How-TosOpinionsNewsWebcasts and WebinarsUpcoming Webcasts on Analytics, Big Data, Data Science - Nov 3 and beyondCoursesMeetingsJobsFiscalNote: Data ScientistAcademicPublicationsImprove your processes with statistical modelsTop TweetsTop KDnuggets tweets, Oct 27 - Nov 02: A Framework for Distributed Deep Learning Layer Design in Python Quote Most viewed last 30 days Most shared last 30 days

Functions - Learn Python - Free Interactive Python Tutorial What are Functions? Functions are a convenient way to divide your code into useful blocks, allowing us to order our code, make it more readable, reuse it and save some time. Also functions are a key way to define interfaces so programmers can share their code. How do you write functions in Python? As we have seen on previous tutorials, Python makes use of blocks. A block is a area of code of written in the format of: block_head: 1st block line 2nd block line ... Session Inactive Where a block line is more Python code (even another block), and the block head is of the following format: block_keyword block_name(argument1,argument2, ...) Functions in python are defined using the block keyword "def", followed with the function's name as the block's name. def my_function(): print("Hello From My Function!") Functions may also receive arguments (variables passed from the caller to the function). def my_function_with_args(username, greeting): print("Hello, %s , From My Function!

Data Analysis for Social Scientists Course Syllabus Skip Syllabus Description Introduction to the software R with exercises. Suggested resources for learning more on the web. Introduction to the power of data and data analysis, overview of what will be covered in the course. Basics of probability and introduction to random variables. Introduction to collecting data through surveys, web scraping, and other data collection methods. Builds on the basics from module 2 to cover joint, marginal, and conditional distributions. Discussion of moments of a distribution, expectation, and variance. Discussion of properties of special distributions with several examples. Deriving and assessing estimators. Understanding randomization in the context of experimentation. In-depth discussion of the linear model and the multivariate linear model. Covariates, fixed effects, and other functional forms. Introduction to the use of machine learning for prediction. Understanding the problem of endogeneity.

The OS Canvas – The Ready Organization design is hard. Whether you’re the CEO of a global corporation, the founder of a venture-backed startup, or a team leader inside one of the tens of thousands of companies that make our world turn, you’re up against one of the greatest puzzles ever conceived. We see evidence of this everywhere. Leaders in every industry tell us about the myriad problems they’re trying to solve in their organizations: We need to go faster. And we all know how you get these things. The trouble stems (at least in part) from the fact that we still look at organizations mechanistically. When faced with that level of complexity and uncertainty, we tend to oversimplify. But, here’s the good news: The problem isn’t your leaders or your people. The organizational operating system. In technology, we think of an operating system (OS) as the foundational layer between the hardware (e.g. your phone) and the software (e.g. your apps). Like our technology, organizations run on code. Everyone needs a boss.

Planes in Python with Python by Dale Fugier This guide provides an overview of a RhinoScriptSytntax Plane Geometry in Python. Planes Several RhinoscriptSyntax methods either require as an argument or return as a result a plane. Planes are represented by a Plane structure. plane contains Note in a Plane, the Y axis is automatically thought as it would be 90-degrees with the original X axis. Planes can be constructed in a number of ways. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs corners = rs.GetRectangle() if corners: plane = rs.PlaneFromPoints(corners[0], corners[1], corners[3]) print plane[0] print plane[1] print plane[2] Planes can also be created using the CreatePlane(), PlaneFromFrame, PlaneFromNormal, and PlaneFromPoints functions. Plane also have a number of properties that can be used to get or set the individual values in the Point object. To change origin of a Plane simply assign a new value to the .Origin property. 1 2 for p in plane: print p Also, read the Python primer Section 8.5 Planes

Transcripts Episode #32 PyPy.js - PyPy Python in Your Browser - [Talk Python To Me Podcast] Imagine a future where you are building that rich, client-side web app. You start by creating some backend services in Flask or Node, an HTML page, throw in a few divs and uls, and then you type <script src="" language="Python">. That future might just be possible, for the right types of applications, with Ryan Kelly's pypy.js project. This is Talk Python To Me with guest Ryan Kelly, show number 32, recorded Wednesday, September 30th 2015. [music intro] Welcome to Talk Python to Me. Sponsors This episode is brought to you by Hired and Codeship. Hey everyone. 1:51 Ryan, welcome to the show. 1:53 Thanks for having me. 1:54 I'm super excited that you are here today, we are going to talk about Python but in a place you typically do not find it- int he browser, right? 2:01 Yep. 2:02 Yeah there is a lot of cool projects out there, and I'm a huge fan of the one that you've been working on. 3:18 Yeah. 3:28 Yeah, sure. 5:00 That's right. 6:11 Right. 6:21 Sure. 7:11 Yeah, that's great. 7:53 Sure.

Python Functions A function is a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action. Functions provide better modularity for your application and a high degree of code reusing. As you already know, Python gives you many built-in functions like print(), etc. but you can also create your own functions. Defining a Function You can define functions to provide the required functionality. Function blocks begin with the keyword def followed by the function name and parentheses ( ( ) ).Any input parameters or arguments should be placed within these parentheses. Syntax def functionname( parameters ): "function_docstring" function_suite return [expression] By default, parameters have a positional behavior and you need to inform them in the same order that they were defined. Example The following function takes a string as input parameter and prints it on standard screen. def printme( str ): "This prints a passed string into this function" print str return Calling a Function #! #! #! #! #! #! #!

Lecture Notes | Data Mining | Sloan School of Management | MIT OpenCourseWare Algérie : mais que fait ce poteau électrique au milieu de l’autoroute ? Les automobilistes qui empruntaient l’autoroute près d’Alger , vendredi 3 novembre, ont été surpris de voir émerger en plein virage d’une voie express un poteau électrique. Une situation pour le moins incongrue, et que certains ont documenté en photos et vidéos, qu’ils ont postées sur les réseaux sociaux pour dénoncer le laxisme "meurtrier" des autorités. Vidéo prise par la caméra de bord d'un automobiliste. Ce poteau, un pylône à haute tension, se trouve sur un nouveau tronçon de l’autoroute reliant l’est et l’ouest de l’Algérie. Ce tronçon est situé près de l’agglomération de Baba Ali, à une vingtaine de kilomètres au sud d’Alger. Alertée, la chaîne privée Annahar, très suivie en Algérie, a rapidement dépêché une équipe pour interviewer des conducteurs qui avaient croisé le pylône étonnamment placé. Les automobilistes ont emprunté une route qui n’était pas inaugurée Si la Sonelgaz nie sa responsabilité, la Direction des travaux publics (DTP) se défend, elle aussi, de toute négligence.

Rhino.Python 101 with unset You’ve just opened the first edition of the Rhino Python primer. This guide was originally written by David Rutten for Rhino 4 and VBscript and has now been translated to encompass Python for Rhino 6. As always, this primer is intended to teach programming to absolute beginners, people who have tinkered with programming a bit or expert programmers looking for a quick introduction to the methods in Rhino. Rhinoscript (VBscript) has been supported for many years, with a large user group and extensive support material. As well as giving a basic introduction, this primer looks to easily transition those familiar with VBscript into the world of Rhino Python. For this reason, David Rutten’s original primer has been used extensively as the underlying framework for this Python Primer. Similar to the previous primers, we have the advantage of using geometric and visual examples to help teach programming. Good luck!

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