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Teaching People How to Study the Bible

Teaching People How to Study the Bible
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Study Tools "Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory [is] above the earth and heaven." Psa 148:13 In the Old Testament times, a name was not only identification, but an identity as well. Many times a special meaning was attached to the name. Names had, among other purposes, an explanatory purpose (e.g., Nabal, whose name means "fool," is the target of Abigail's explanation to David: "For as his name is, so is he; Nabal is his name, and folly is with him:" - 1Sa 25:25). Who is God to you? Is He your Most High God, All sufficient One, Master, Lord of Peace, the Lord Who Will Provide? Hallowed be Your name? To hallow a thing is to make it holy or to set it apart to be exalted as being worthy of absolute devotion. (el shad-di') All-Sufficient One, Lord God Almighty Use in the Bible: In the Old Testament El Shaddai occurs 7 times. Variant spellings: None TWOT Reference: 2333 Strong's Reference: H7706 (el el-yone') The Most High God TWOT Reference: 1624g, 1624h

Iconoclasm "Triumph of Orthodoxy" over iconoclasm under the Byzantine empress Theodora. Late 14th – early 15th century icon. Iconoclasm[Note 1] is the destruction of religious icons and other images or monuments for religious or political motives. In time, the word, usually in the adjectival form, has also come to refer to aggressive statements or actions against any well-established status quo. It is a frequent component of major political or religious changes. People who engage in or support iconoclasm are called iconoclasts, a term that has come to be applied figuratively to any individual who challenges "cherished beliefs or venerated institutions on the grounds that they are erroneous or pernicious".[1] Conversely, one who reveres or venerates religious images is called (by iconoclasts) an iconolater; in a Byzantine context, such a person is called an iconodule or iconophile. Religious iconoclasm[edit] Byzantine era[edit] Protestant Reformation[edit] Muslim iconoclasm[edit] Recent events[edit] ...

Free Bible Study Lessons | Bible Studies, Guide, Topics Online Topical Bible - Bible Verses by Topic This Bible is a mashup of the Yahoo! and ESV Bible web services. It searches the Internet for the topics that interest people, many of which you’d never find in a traditional topical Bible. Then it shows relevant verses. Vote for or suggest verses that you think are especially relevant for a topic. Searching for a word will automatically add it. Please note that I didn’t come up with the list of topics or suggest the verses; people’s actual behavior has shaped them. The topical data is available for download (updated weekly). A Note of Caution Always check the context of a verse; that’s why the links are there.

NAMES OF GOD —Biblical Data: Like other Hebrew proper names, the name of God is more than a mere distinguishing title. It represents the Hebrew conception of the divine nature or character and of the relation of God to His people. It represents the Deity as He is known to His worshipers, and stands for all those attributes which He bears in relation to them and which are revealed to them through His activity on their behalf. A new manifestation of His interest or care may give rise to a new name. It can readily be understood, therefore, how the divine name is often spoken of as equivalent to the divine presence or power or glory. ) is used absolutely, doubtless as an equivalent for "the name of " (Lev. xxiv. 11, 16; comp. Of the names of God in the Old Testament, that which occurs most frequently (6,823 times) is the so-called Tetragrammaton, ( ), the distinctive personal name of the God of Israel. This name, according to the narrative in Ex. iii. In appearance, ( , from ). ) or Yahaweh ( ). Elohim. El.

Jesus's Kingdom Versus Muhammad's Kingdom (IS ISIS ISLAMIC? Part 1) IS ISIS ISLAMIC? — Part 1 By Silas Jesus’s arrest was the second in a series of pivotal events that led directly to His death. A short time later Jesus stated: “My kingdom is not of this world. Jesus did not intend to set up a physical kingdom. There was another kingdom Jesus taught about: the “kingdom of God.” Note however, even after His resurrection His disciples wanted and expected an established physical kingdom (Acts 1:7). Jesus instructed His disciples extensively about the kingdom of God because He desired that it be established and fulfilled in their lives. As God ruled in people’s hearts and minds they changed. During the next few centuries Christianity was persecuted harshly but it spread throughout the Roman Empire. Why didn’t Jesus instruct His followers to establish a physical kingdom on earth? Why didn’t Jesus instruct His disciples to establish a theocracy or an ecclesiocracy? “What could go wrong?” How shameful. Yes, “What could go wrong?” Key articles are: Jihad Muhammad b.

Christian Music, Christ, Community | Resource Pages for Biblical Studies, main page This page contains links to biblical texts and various other texts related to the Bible, and especially to the New Testament. Greek and Hebrew texts, and various translationsRead more » Works in Greek and Hebrew and translationsRead more » Various Palestinian textsRead more » Various texts from the second century on.Read more » Greek and Latin textsRead more » Grammar, lexica etcRead more » This second page presents sources and studies dealing with the social World related to the New Testament. Read more » Read more » Presentations of features like mysteries, clubs, magic etcRead more » Studies using various models from sociology and social-anthropologyRead more » Read more » This page is dedicated to studies of Philo of Alexandria Philo’s texts and translationsRead more » Various articles on PhiloRead more » Links to abstracts and manuscripts read at the Philo Seminar sessions at the SBL Annual Meetings in 2013-16.Read more here » Scholarly studies available on the InternetRead more »

Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity This page lists a number of sites on the Internet that are useful for the study of Judaism and Christianity. The list is necessarily partial, provisional, and even parochial. A casual glance will show how Penn-centered it is. It is amazing that this much relevant information already exists on the Internet. Thanks to Alan Humm, Anthony F. Cleaver and Conundrums – Why I Don’t Do Women’s Retreats | HEvencense Update: 6/13/08 It’s been eight months since this thread was originally posted and time for an update. I plan to launch a series exploring “Christian femininity” (”Proverbs 31 and beyond”) in the near future. While the meme doesn’t intend, purport or presume to be the final word – or even an exhaustive rendering of the subject – hopefully it’ll generate some additional thinking, musing, digging and growing. “Some Total” gets us started. Tis the season for planning this year’s women’s retreat.  In my experience, women’s retreats (as well as most “women’s ministry”) usually serve up the Christian version of lite beer: half the calories with half the taste.  The average women’s retreat doesn’t engage my mind, which gravitates more toward academic and scholarly pursuits.  An over-emphasis on emotions.  Weekend themes of “getting them grounded in the Word” and “growing in Jesus” and such.  Retreats billed as “ya’ll come” that focus on young married women with kids.  Logistics. 1. 2. 3.

Bible Questions Answered Complete Bible Genealogy - Jesus family tree - Kings of Judah and Israel Dead Sea -- Materials Relating to World of the Scrolls The Origin of the Scrolls and the Qumran Site In "The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Perspective," Professor Norman Golb of the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago presents evidence to support his view that the Dead Sea Scrolls do not derive from a sect that copied or wrote the manuscripts that were found in the nearby caves. According to Professor Golb, there is no persuasive evidence to support the commonly held view that a sect inhabited the Qumran plateau. Dr. Golb states that the scrolls are from Jerusalem libraries, encompassing a wide variety of non-sectarian as well as sectarian materials. In his view, the preponderance of archaeological evidence supports the existence of a Roman fortress at Qumran rather than a sectarian community. Norman Golb The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Perspective The American Scholar (Spring, 1989) Bound serial. The Sectarian Calendar Displayed here, from Hebrew University Professor S. Pliny on the Essenes Sadducees and Pharisees Flavius Josephus W.
