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Open Science Directory - Home FLI - Future of Life Institute The Conversation: In-depth analysis, research, news and ideas from leading academics and researchers. Brain Stories | Evidence-based neurological facts La Science au XXI Siècle Centauri Dreams — Imagining and Planning Interstellar Exploration The American Scholar, the magazine of the Phi Beta Kappa Society Everyday EBM International Board of Metal Toxicology Top of Page Download MS-Word Document For This Article The small study we launched in India is changing the face of pollution and lack of accountability in that country. From: Carin S. Dear Grace Thanks for your faithful work for IBCMT and remembering to alert us when there are articles worthy of dissemination. I have been progressively amazed how the small study we launched in India is changing the face of pollution and lack of accountability in that country. Below are a number of links - the first confirms that the central government has now officially started to seal hand pumps in Punjab and the article reported on in the link records the landmark closure of ground water pumps in the town of Faridkot, where this all started with the 400 odd disabled children 3 years ago! Then I also wish to bring to the attention of members a very meaningful initiative in India, which targets toxicity and we need to work towards seeing such initiatives replicated in all countries worldwide.

Weird things start to happen when you stare into someone's eyes for 10 minutes Giovanni Caputo recruited 20 young adults (15 women) to form pairs. Each pair sat in chairs opposite each other, one metre apart, in a large, dimly lit room. Specifically, the lighting level was 0.8 lx, which Caputo says "allowed detailed perception of the fine face traits but attenuated colour perception." The participants' task was simply to stare into each other's eyes for 10 minutes, all the while maintaining a neutral facial expression. When the 10 minutes were over the participants filled out three questionnaires: the first was an 18-item test of dissociative states; the other two asked questions about their experience of the other person's face (or their own face if they were in the control group). The participants in the eye-staring group said they'd had a compelling experience unlike anything they'd felt before. Caputo thinks the facial hallucinations are a kind of rebound effect, as the participants in the eye-staring group returned to "reality" after dissociating.

Science-Based Medicine Dr. Smith's ECG Blog Revue des sciences 09/11 Un quasar lointain éclaire les débuts de l'univers Revues : Pour la Science - La Recherche - Sciences et AvenirBrèves : Physique - Climat - Biologie - Santé - Technologie La loi de l'information veut qu'on ne se répète pas mais ce n'est pas parce qu'on arrête d'en parler que le Japon est sortie d'affaire, la caractéristique du nucléaire étant sa durée déraisonnable. C'est donc sans doute pour longtemps qu'il y aura encore des pluies radioactives sur le Japon. Le mois d'août est normalement un mois creux pour l'information mais il y a quand même encore bien trop de nouvelles scientifiques pour un seul homme, pas de pause de ce côté. La crise qui traîne en durée elle aussi manifeste à quel point le monde est désormais unifié même s'il ne le sait pas assez et que chacun voudrait se replier sur soi, ses intérêts, ses préjugés, son histoire. Le N°39, c’est le piratage informatique des automobiles. Pour la Science no 407, Vivre dans un monde quantique - Vivre dans un monde quantique, p22
