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Lily & the Snowman

Lily & the Snowman
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Collaborative Tools Skip to main content Create interactive lessons using any digital content including wikis with our free sister product TES Teach. Get it on the web or iPad! guest Join | Help | Sign In cooltoolsforschools Home guest| Join | Help | Sign In Home Presentation Tools Collaborative Tools Research Tools Video Tools Slideshow Tools Audio Tools Image Tools Drawing Tools Writing Tools Music Tools Organising Tools Converting Tools Mapping Tools Quiz and Poll Tools Graphing Tools Creativity Tools Widgets File Storage & Web Pages Other Helpful Sites Creative Commons Teacher Resources Apps for Mobile Devices (NEW - Under Construction) Tools index for this site A-Z email Lenva <a href=" Live Blog Stats</a> Actions Help · About · Blog · Pricing · Privacy · Terms · Support · Upgrade Contributions to are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Non-Commercial 3.0 License. Turn off "Getting Started" Loading...

Emotiva carta de una maestra a Lionel Messi que fue leída por Tinelli Argentina no se cansará de pedirle a Lionel Messi que cambie de opinión. El crack argentino renunció a la selección luego de caer ante Chile en la final de la Copa América. Un #hashtag, videos, pancartas, etc. Se ha hecho de todo. Una profesora de la provincia de Entre Ríos tuvo una idea distinta: escribirle una carta al crack del Barcelona. La carta tiene por título “no le hagas creer a mis alumnos que en este país solo importa ser primeros”. Lionel Messi: Probablemente jamás leas esta carta. Podría escribirte sobre la maravilla de tus talentos para el deporte más amado de nuestro país, sobre el placer que me moviliza ser una de las generaciones que pueden verte desplegar la magia en tus botines, sobre la admiración que despertás en cada uno de los gurises del mundo entero. Por más amor y dedicación que ponga en mi trabajo, jamás tendré de mis alumnos esa maravillosa fascinación que sienten por alguien como vos. Todos hablan de pelotas, yo creo en la fortaleza de tu corazón.

AICP - 2016 Reel - Dir. Cut - Method Design ~ Motion & Direction Method Design was tapped by production company RSA to concept and create this year’s sponsor reel for AICP at the MoMA The AICP awards celebrate global creativity within commercial production. Method Design wanted to create an entertaining piece of design that encapsulates the innovative and prolific nature of this industry. Our aim was to showcase the AICP sponsors as various dancing avatars which playfully reference the visual effects used throughout production. Motion capture, procedural animation and dynamic simulations combine to create a milieu of iconic pop dance moves that become an explosion of colorful fur, feathers, particles and more. Credit:Concept, Design & Direction: Method DesignProduction: Method Studios NYCreative Director: Jon NoorlanderDirector: Rupert BurtonArt Director: Johnny LikensLead Houdini FX Artist: Tomas SlancikHoudini FX Artist: Vraja ParraRigger: Ohad BrachaProducer: Adrienne Mitchell Motion Capture: House of Moves Client: RSA/AICP

7 Tools for Adding Questions and Notes to Videos Short videos from YouTube and other sources can be quite helpful in introducing topics to students and or reinforcing concepts that you have taught. Watching the video can be enough for some students, it's better if we can call students' attention to specific sections of videos while they are watching them. The following tools allow you to add comments and questions to videos that you share with your students. Vibby is a service for breaking YouTube videos into segments and inserting comments into those segments. YouTube has a built-in tool for adding annotations to videos that you own. On VideoANT anyone can add annotations to any publicly accessible YouTube video. eduCanon is an excellent service for creating, assigning, and tracking your students' progress on flipped lessons. eduCanon allows you to build flipped lessons using YouTube and Vimeo videos, create questions about the videos, then assign lessons to their students.

qualitats personals 2 - eduCaixa – Recursos educatius per a l’aula El recurso puede utilizarse en el ciclo inicial de primaria aunque esté pensado para trabajarse en el ciclo medio y el superior. En este caso, convendrá adaptar la dinámica y el vocabulario. También puede ser adecuado para alumnos del primer ciclo de la ESO, especialmente si nunca han realizado actividades de este tipo. Está especialmente indicado para trabajar en el espacio de tiempo dedicado a la tutoría y en las asignaturas relacionadas con la ética, la convivencia, la ciudadanía, etc. También es apropiado introducir el recurso en la clase de lengua y diseñar a partir de él otras actividades de vocabulario, de redacción, comprensión, etc. que conecten con los aspectos que se estén trabajando en el aula. Este recurso se complementa con otros destinados a la educación socioemocional y en valores que podéis encontrar en este mismo sitio.

Christmas Gifs Your Smarticles: QR Code Ideas and Resources QR Code Activities for YOUR Classroom! Below are some QR Code Scavenger Hunts that I have designed to be fully printable and ready to use. As long as you have a wi-fi enabled smart device that can scan, you can use these ‘hunts’ to support student literacy skills. #1. QR Code Context Clue Scavenger Hunt This Scavenger Hunt allows students to practice utilizing context clues while having fun! #2. #3. #4 QR Code Scavenger Hunt - Identifying Main Idea This scavenger hunt features a five reading passages that students must read and identify the main idea presented by the author. The theme of this scavenger hunt is bridges. The passages are: The Spin on SpansA Bridge Too FarLearn to Play BridgeSo Many Bridges (homographs)The Bridge as a Symbol The supporting website for this QR Code hunt is located at: #5 QR Code Scavenger Hunt - Working with Text Features Title Page Table of contents Index Glossary Heading/Subheading Graphs/Charts Illustration/Caption #6. #7.

DINS TEU _ espai de creixement personal: Un cor molt gran... Llicenciada en ADE i especialitzada en Recursos Humans. Després de ser mare quelcom va canviar dins meu, una espurna de consciència va esdevenir i amb ella un nou camí. “Dins Teu” és fruit de la meva pròpia experiència, d'una nova formació i de l’amor que sento per la vida i les persones. Emprenedora, perseverant i somniadora, amb la meva feina sols intento portar a terme allò que em mana el cor: ajudar amb el que faig, fer el que m’agrada i aportar el meu petit gra de sorra perquè aquest món sigui una mica millor. Una frase Ningú pot saber per tu. J.Bucay Subscriu-te al butlletí Si vols rebre informació d'activitats i butlletins diversos et pots subscriu-re al peu de pagina del següent enllaç: SUBSCRIU-TE Agraïments Agraeixo profundament des del fons del meu cor allò que m’aporten totes les persones i situacions que formen part del meu camí. Gràcies a tu lector per la confiança en l’espurna de llum i veritat que comparteixo.

Commercial project: The World Needs Your Great Ideas Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools About the Course Are you overwhelmed by the tidal wave of new technology tools available for teachers and learners? Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools can help channel that flood into a manageable power source for student engagement and motivation in your classroom! This course is designed to provide teachers with strategies to effectively integrate Web 2.0 technologies into their instruction. You will learn how to use these tools effectively in your classroom through unique problem-based scenarios that will help you understand how to choose the best Web 2.0 tool. Course Syllabus Our Web 2.0 explorations during Weeks One, Two and Three are based on ideas in the article, Implementing the Seven Principles: Technology as Lever by Arthur Chickering and Stephen C. Week One: Can you hear me now? In Week One, we will explore the first of the seven principles, "Good Practice Encourages Contacts Between Students and Faculty." Week Two: Do we have to do group work? Yes.
