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Pearltrees, le cerveau du web ?

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Learn from your customers for usable Web apps Imagine the following scenario: You go shopping to buy a loaf of bread. The shops look gorgeous, decked out in vivid colors and stunning artwork. Trouble is, you can't always tell from the window displays what sort of products are on sale inside. Eventually, you find a shop that looks promising and ignore advice that this store's expertise is with a gadget you don't own. You find the front door and wander in. Now you enter a maze of aisles containing products organized in an apparently random manner. Before paying, you attempt to ascertain that you can use your credit card safely, but the inscrutable small print has more to say about your legal obligations than reassurance about your security. This is a Nightmare on Web Street! Why does this happen? OK, it's a caricature. Online shoppers are less interested in a groovy multimedia experience than in finding, understanding, and buying products quickly and easily. The customer's perspective "This is too stupid for words."" Back to top a. a.

Pearltrees: What problem does Pearltrees solve PT version 1 et 2 Connected. This pad seems to be opened in more than one browser window on this computer. Reconnect to use this window instead. Your permissions have changed while viewing this page. There are communication problems with the synchronization server. Perhaps you connected through an incompatible firewall or proxy. Couldn't connect to the synchronization server. This is probably due to a problem with your browser or your internet connection. The server is not responding. This could be due to problems with network connectivity. An edit you have made was classified illegal by the synchronization server. This could be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behavior. The pad you are trying to access is corrupt. This may be due to a wrong server configuration or some other unexpected behavior. This pad has been removed. The connection to the server was lost The server may be unavailable.

My Critique (s243a) of Pearltree 2.0 My apologies dear fellow pearltree'ers but i'am Pétition pour le retour du format de Pearltrees v1 By s243a
