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Revising Simple Past,Used to and Would with some Engaging Activities

Revising Simple Past,Used to and Would with some Engaging Activities
This lesson has been designed as a next-day revision activity for B2 (Intermediate +) students. Aim: to consolidate the use of Past Simple, Used to and Would for past habits and routines. Level: B2 (Intermediate+) In this lesson you will find. Grammar and exercisesSpeaking: Picture discussion in pairsSpeaking: an advert from a popular drink comparing past and presentWriting: a fun writing gameSpeaking: bits of your childhood STEP 1. The use of these three verb forms to express past habits and routines can be a bit confusing for students, so in this class I am aiming at some revision to clarify concepts. PDF with exercises here. STEP 2.Picture description. Display the picture of a family in the past and ask students, in pairs, to discuss the differences they can see and the differences they can guess exist between the family shown in the picture and their own family. Get feedback STEP3. Tell students they are going to watch a video. STEP 4. Preparation: none Procedure: Example 4 points. STEP 5. Related:  ENA1 Englannin kieli ja maailmaniENA9

Does Speaking A Foreign Language Change Your Personality? My high school English teacher used to tell us stuff like, “Learning a foreign language changes you forever.” Despite being an obvious attempt to make us passionate about her subject, her words made sense to me — the kid who quoted obscure Buffy the Vampire Slayer lines and treated Alanis Morissette’s lyrics like the word of God. After all, without a basic understanding of the English language I couldn’t have done any of that, and all those beautiful imaginary friendships would have never blossomed. Then I made it to adulthood (I think) and experienced first-hand the perks of speaking a foreign language: hitting on exotic men (whilst still using Buffy references as pick up lines #ForeverAlone) and weaseling my way into more office gossip than ever before. Split of the online self Learning English strongly affected my habits, but was I really profoundly changed by it? Blogging is where the signs of this metamorphosis first showed. The persistent vegetative state of the party

A Quiz: 25 Common Idioms that you Really Need to Know I know the feeling. I have been there. You have studied English really hard this year. You have been willing to go the extra mile a thousand times because you knew it was going to be worth your while. You have even burnt the candle at both ends staying up too late and getting up too early when studying for finals. Just by sheer luck, at a party, you are introduced to a British person and you feel it’s your opportunity to shine. “Did he just say something about the skin of my teeth?” Yes. In this quiz you’ll find some very common idioms used by native speakers. Blog de Cristina is also on facebook. Tool used: Riddle Do you know what these idioms mean ? If something is on your bucket list You need to buy it quickly You want to do it before you die It is something you do when it is raining If you cut corners You do something in the easiest or most inexpensive way You are in a strong position when you are competing with someone else You stop doing something before you have finished If you hit the sack

Conditional Sentences Type I, II und III (Conditional Sentences, If-Clauses) Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences. Conditional Sentence Type 1 → It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled. Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation. more on Conditional Sentences Type I ► Conditional Sentence Type 2 → It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled. Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive) Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation. more on Conditional Sentences Type II ► Conditional Sentence Type 3 → It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past. Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle) Exceptions Exceptions

The History of the English Language, Animated By Maria Popova The history of language, that peculiar human faculty that Darwin believed was half art and half instinct, is intricately intertwined with the evolution of our species, our capacity for invention, our understanding of human biology, and even the progress of our gender politics. From the fine folks at Open University — who previously gave us these delightful 60-second animated syntheses of the world’s major religions, philosophy’s greatest thought experiments, and the major creative movements in design — comes this infinitely entertaining and illuminating animated history of the English language in 10 minutes: Complement with these 5 essential reads on language and the only surviving recording of Virginia Woolf’s voice, in which she explores the beauty of the English language.

Ruth's story: One child refugee's journey from Eritrea to England - CBBC Newsround Ruth was 14 when she left her home country of Eritrea in east Africa. She didn't like the way she was being treated, so she embarked on a dangerous journey to the UK. Ruth has been telling Newsround's Hayley her story... Three-thousand children Three-thousand children arrived in the UK alone last year. Many of them are migrants or refugees escaping war or devastation in their home countries. When they get to the UK they are often tired and afraid. They are taken by immigration officers or police to a safe place where they are asked lots of questions. This is so that the people in charge can understand how old the child is, where they have come from and what they will need to keep them healthy and safe. Leave to remain If the child is under 17, they are given leave to remain, which means they can stay in the UK and will be looked after until they are old enough to look after themselves. I have spoken to 12 children. One of them was Ruth. Living in Eritrea But this was no easy task. Leaving Eritrea

Trump’s lies have a purpose. They are an assault on democracy. All politicians lie. In a democracy, they usually tell lies to achieve a particular result: Maybe they want to conceal information that would damage their reputations, or take credit for something they had nothing to do with. Sometimes a falsehood can obstruct a piece of undesirable legislation, or facilitate the passage of a desirable one. Some political lies are more ambitious than that. That’s what the second Bush administration tried to do. Creating an alternate political universe requires discipline. If Bush and Rove constructed a fantasy world with a clear internal logic, Trump has built something more like an endless bad dream. For members of the Bush administration, even their power to mold reality had a place in the universe they created. President-elect Donald Trump does not create new realities. He says or tweets things on the record and then denies having ever said them. Steve Bannon, former head of the white nationalist outlet Breitbart News, is Trump’s Karl Rove.

JoshofWestern vitsailee suomalaisille TikTok-kanavallaan. Suomalaiset tykkäävät kuumista löylyistä, kahvista ja alkoholista, mutta he eivät pidä mausteisista ruoista tai turhasta puheesta. Tämän käsityksen suomalaisista saa, kun katsoo JoshofWestern-kanavan humoristisia videoita. Yhdysvaltalaismies vitsailee suomalaisten käytöstavoille, kulutustottumuksille ja kulttuurille. Volume 0% Press shift question mark to access a list of keyboard shortcuts Toista/KeskeytäVälilyönti Lisää äänenvoimakkuutta↑ Laske äänenvoimakkuutta↓ Siirry Eteenpäin→ Siirry Taaksepäin← Tekstitys Päällä/Poisc Kokonäyttö/Poistu kokonäyttötilastaf Mykistä/Ääni päällem Etsi %0-9 Joshin mukaan suomalaiset eivät pidä mausteista. Kun Josh Hurst, 27, saapui ensimmäisen kerran Suomeen, hän ei tiennyt maasta oikeastaan mitään. – Muutamilla ystävilläni oli kokemusta au pairina olemisesta, joten päätin kokeilla sitä. Suunnitelmana oli viipyä vuosi, jonka jälkeen Josh aikoi palata kotimaahansa. Vitsikkäitä videoita Nyt Josh on asunut Suomessa kahden vuoden ajan. Suomalaiset ihastuttivat

This is the most dangerous time for our planet | Stephen Hawking | Opinion As a theoretical physicist based in Cambridge, I have lived my life in an extraordinarily privileged bubble. Cambridge is an unusual town, centred around one of the world’s great universities. Within that town, the scientific community that I became part of in my 20s is even more rarefied. And within that scientific community, the small group of international theoretical physicists with whom I have spent my working life might sometimes be tempted to regard themselves as the pinnacle. In addition to this, with the celebrity that has come with my books, and the isolation imposed by my illness, I feel as though my ivory tower is getting taller. So the recent apparent rejection of the elites in both America and Britain is surely aimed at me, as much as anyone. It was, everyone seems to agree, the moment when the forgotten spoke, finding their voices to reject the advice and guidance of experts and the elite everywhere. I am no exception to this rule.

Yo-vihkoja Kirjallinen koe – Maxx Perälä's Treasure Trove of English Materials Mistä alla olevien vihkojen tekstit on otettu? Vastaus täällä. Syksy 2016 s-2016-kirjallisen-vihkon-tekstinymmartamisosuus-ratkaistuna-pdf-final s-2016-kirjallisen-vihkon-kielioppiosuus-ratkaistuna-pdf-final Kevät 2016 Syksy 2015 S 2015 A-englanti tekstinymmärtäminen ratkaistuna Final S 2015 A-englanti rakennekoe ratkaistuna PDF S 2015 A-englanti prod rakenne ratkaistuna Final Kevät 2015 Syksy 2014 Kevät 2014 Syksy 2013 Kevät 2013 Syksy 2012 Kevät 2012 Syksy 2011 Kevät 2011 Syksy 2010 Kevät 2010 Like this: Like Loading...

Miten varautua uusiin tehtävätyyppeihin? Lue englanninopettajan vinkit yo-kokeeseen valmistautumiseen | Artikkelit | Abitreenit Mitä kielioppiasioita kannattaa kerrata? Mitä kirjoitelman tekemisessä kannattaa huomioida? Helsingin suomalaisen yhteiskoulun englanninopettaja Marcus Ellonen jakoi Abitreeneille neuvot englannin yo-kokeeseen valmistautumiseen. 1. Ihan ensiksi Marcus korostaa, että englannin yo-kokeisiin ei voi valmistautua väärin. – Ympäristöaiheiset tekstit ovat perinteisesti olleet yo-kokeessa keskeisessä roolissa, joten ympäristö- ja luontosanasto on hyvä olla hallussa, Marcus vinkkaa. Englannin yo-kokeeseen voikin valmistautua yksinkertaisesti käyttämällä kieltä. Lue ja katso uutisia englanniksi, esimerkiksi CNN:ltä tai BBC:ltä. 2. Yksi englannin yo-kokeessa monia jännittävä asia on uudet tehtävätyypit, joihin ei voi valmistautua. Jos sellainen tulee vastaan, keskity lukemaan tehtävänanto erityisen huolellisesti. – Kannattaa huomioida, että jos joku kohta tuntuu hankalalta, siellä on 20 000 muuta tekemässä samaa koetta ja todennäköisesti se tuntuu silloin monesta muustakin hankalalta. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Liika kikkailu englannin yo-kokeessa voi viedä pisteitä | Englanti | Abitreenit Julkaistu 01.09.2017 - 15:09. Päivitetty 18.01.2018 - 11:49 1. Harrasta kieltä Kielen opiskelussa kannattaa Mällisen mukaan hyödyntää omia kiinnostuksen kohteitaan. – Itse katselisin videoita, kuuntelisin podcasteja ja lukisin kiinnostavista aiheista. Jos seuraa aktiivisesti vaikkapa jalkapalloa, miksei sitä tekisi kohdekielellä, esimerkiksi lukien englanninkielisiä urheilu-uutisia tai katsoen matsia englanninkielisellä selostuksella. 2. Englannin yo-kokeen luetun ymmärtämisen osiossa käytetään oikeita sanomalehti- tai nettilähteitä, joko muokattuina tai alkuperäisinä. Mällinen painottaa, että luetun ymmärtämisessä on tärkeää lukea ensin koko teksti läpi ja sitten vasta paneutua siihen liittyviin kysymyksiin. 3. Koe laaditaan niin, että alkuosan teksti tai kuuntelu on helpommasta päästä. – Emme halua shokeerata vaikeilla tehtävillä heti kokeen alussa, vaan haluamme, että kokelaalle tulee tunne, että “hei, mähän osaan”, Mällinen sanoo. 4. 5.

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