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The Coding Train

The Coding Train

Related:  Programmation : concepts et langagesProcessingINTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE

Programming paradigm Programming paradigms are a way to classify programming languages based on their features. Languages can be classified into multiple paradigms. Common programming paradigms include:[1][2][3] imperative in which the programmer instructs the machine how to change its state, procedural which groups instructions into procedures,object-oriented which groups instructions together with the part of the state they operate on,declarative in which the programmer merely declares properties of the desired result, but not how to compute it functional in which the desired result is declared as the value of a series of function applications,logic in which the desired result is declared as the answer to a question about a system of facts and rules,mathematical in which the desired result is declared as the solution of an optimization problem Overview[edit]

Extruding Shapes Along a Curve in Processing This tutorial explores how to extrude 2D forms into 3D along a curve. This is useful when creating tubes, hairs and like structures. Since there are many great resources available for prerequisite discussions of vectors and curves, we’ll review core concepts but assume some prior acquaintance. Bézier Curves in Two Dimensions Event-driven programming Computer programming paradigm Event handlers[edit] A trivial event handler[edit] Because the code is for checking for events and the main loop are common amongst applications, many programming frameworks take care of their implementation and expect the user to provide only the code for the event handlers. In this simple example, there may be a call to an event handler called OnKeyEnter() that includes an argument with a string of characters, corresponding to what the user typed before hitting the ENTER key. To add two numbers, storage outside the event handler must be used.

Quarks Place This library is useful for any one wishing to do some 3D graphics/games programming in P3D or OPENGL modes. It not only provides a number of 3D shapes but enables simple creation of a 3D terrain and user controllable camera that can traverse over the terrain. Movement on the terrain can be clamped to prevent moving off the edges or wrapped so that as you move off the terrain your position is wrapped to the other side. The terrain class has a method to create a height map based on perlin noise that is seamless, this gives the impression of travelling over an infinite world. Toxiclibs.js - Open-Source Library for Computational Design There are several areas where toxiclibs.js stands apart to remain more idiomatic and helpful in the javascript environment. For a complete description of the conveniences added to toxiclibs.js, read the sugar file in the repository. Some examples of these differences are: loose-typed for working more naturally with javascript objects, no instanceof tests are ever usedtoxi.THREE.ToxiclibsSupport for easing work with Three.jstoxi.color.TColor additions for complete interoperability with CSS and X11 color names.toxi.geom.mesh.OBJWriter‘s getOutput() for getting OBJ contents back as a string (helpful in js environments that don’t have file system access). Arrays / Collections

Beauty and Joy of Computing In this course, you will create programs using the snap programming language, you will learn some of the most powerful ideas of computer science, you will be creative, and you will discuss the social implications of computing, thinking deeply about how you can be personally active in promoting the benefits and reducing the possible harms. These are the minimum specifications for running Snap! Units 1-6 cover all of the AP CSP curriculum framework. You are ready for the exam. Units 7 and 8 focus on recursion, a beautiful and powerful CS idea that goes beyond the AP CSP Framework and exam.

Pdf \ Libraries \ Processing 1.0 PDF Export This library makes it possible to write PDF files directly from Processing. These vector graphics files can be scaled to any size and output at very high resolutions. There is also a contributed library for exporting images to SVG format; check the libraries section of the website for more information. The PDF library can flatten 3D data into a 2D vector file, but to export 3D data, use the DXF library. This library is frequently used with the core Processing function size(), with a combination of beginRecord() and endRecord(), or with beginRaw() and endRaw(). Foundations of Coding [2015] PDF download free 1 Foundations of Coding: Compression, Encryption, Error Correction [2015] 2 The Python Book – The Ultimate Guide to Coding with Python (2015) 3 CSharp For Beginners The Tactical Guidebook – Learn CSharp By Coding4 Getting a Coding Job For Dummies by Nikhil Abraham5 Fundamentals of Convolutional Coding, 2nd Edition [2015] Book 1: Offers a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental structures and applications of a wide range of contemporary coding operations – Explains how to structure coding information so that its transmission is safe, error-free, efficient, and fast– Includes a pseudo-code that readers may implement in their preferential programming language– Features descriptive diagrams and illustrations, and almost 150 exercises, with corrections, of varying complexity to enhance comprehension The ultimate guide to coding with Python Get started with Python– Learn Python the right way with our masterclass 50 essential Python commands– Discover 50 commands every Python user needs

OBJExport library for Processing OBJExport latest v0.2.4 04/21/2013 DescriptionThis is a library to export meshes from Processing as OBJ or X3D files. It can export color meshes with triangle and quad shaped faces as an OBJ or X3D with a PNG texture map. It can also export meshes with faces with an arbitrary number of sides (without color support). A Modern Prometheus – Processing Foundation This experience kindled the ambition to start Processing. We started by extending DBN to include color and other features, but soon realized that these limitations were the essence of that platform and it shouldn’t be expanded. We wanted to make a system that was as easy to use as Design By Numbers, but with a bridge to making more ambitious work. We wanted to allow people to work in color, at large sizes, to create 3D graphics, and more.

Quarks Place This library provides a rich collection of 2D GUI controls for your sketch. It also supports multiple windows and a simple but customizable event handling system. G4P now uses double buffering for all visible controls and although it reduces the workload on the processor it requires more memory. When creating a control it is now necessary to specify a rectangular area of the display for the control, and the control must fit inside this area. So all visible controls (apart from GWindow) requires a minimum of 5 parameters. Computing Kaizen Studio Toys Studio Toys Computing Kaizen Columbia University GSAPP Advanced Studio VI Interested in Processing and architecture?Join the Proxy mailing list to get infrequent announcements.

Lesson: Object-Oriented Programming Concepts (The Java™ Tutorials > Learning the Java Language) If you've never used an object-oriented programming language before, you'll need to learn a few basic concepts before you can begin writing any code. This lesson will introduce you to objects, classes, inheritance, interfaces, and packages. Each discussion focuses on how these concepts relate to the real world, while simultaneously providing an introduction to the syntax of the Java programming language. What Is an Object? An object is a software bundle of related state and behavior. Software objects are often used to model the real-world objects that you find in everyday life.
