Tech For Teachers Course Description A hands-on, high-tech workshop for teachers of grades 6-12. High-energy sessions designed for all learning levels. Participate in a hands-on, high-tech exploration of digital tools and resources tailored for the secondary (grades 6-12) educator. Join in a discovery, discussion and demonstration of free web-based applications that work anytime, anywhere, on any device. Collaborate with colleagues as you learn how to use the latest in education technology to maximize parent-teacher-student communication, increase student engagement and enhance learning. Increase Student Engagement Maximize Parent Involvement Click below for a Prezi preview of just some of these amazing education technology applications. Lee Araoz - Ext. 7222
3D Facial Projection Technology Creates Digital Skin Using computer graphics and facial projection and tracking technology, Nobumichi Asai creates a new art form of facial tattoos, where digital makeup transforms a human face into a masterpiece of computer graphics. Makeup has the transformative ability to make a face beautiful, alluring, sexy, clownish or creepy. As the art of makeup moves into the digital age, it won’t be long before people can use 3D facial projection technology to paint faces with anything from tiger stripes and leathery snakeskin, to exploding waterfalls and erupting bouquets of flowers. The experimental art of facial projection by Japanese artist and scientist Nobumichi Asai turns the human face into a canvas of the imagination. The curves and features of the face become an irresistible landscape for animated, kaleidoscopic images. “The most interesting thing about technology is that it makes the impossible, possible,” said Asai. Asai uses the human face much like a filmmaker uses the big screen.
Non-Human Rhythms 1 | Interspecifics Non-Human Rhythms 1 is the first of a series of live recordings featuring different micro-organism and there bio-electrical activity translated in to a sound process. In this release listen to 30 minutes of signal originated in bacterial fuel cells. System connections and distribution: The setup for this recording is based on readings coming from two microbial fuel cells containing different bacterial consortiums see this post to find out more : The flow chart shows the connections and the way the bioelectrical signal is distributed to the system: This is one of the possible ways to setup the system, in every release we intend to also share the technique we are implementing with every micro-organism and their signals.
Cellular automata models in Java This page contains links to several cellular automata Java applets. They are still very unpolished prototypes, but available to play around with. Feedback is welcome. The source code is not being widely released yet. I plan to clean up the code when I have time, and then release it. If you really want it before then, please contact me. To see the applets, you need a Java-compatible browser, with a relatively recent version of Java (if things don't work properly, try checking to see if there is a newer version of Java than what you currently have installed). The Applets You may want to skip down to the brief introduction to cellular automata, or more information about the controls in the applets before you actually run them. Here are the applets so far (hopefully more will be added later): Brief introduction to cellular automata You can think of a cellular automaton model as a piece of graph paper, with many small squares, called cells. The squares are updated as follows. The Controls Java
15 Great Video Sites for Educators YouTube: The undisputed king of all video sites. Whilst all the others are great and offer you a little more safety in regards to content, pretty much all the great content from those sites can also be found here in most cases. TED-Ed: From a site that’s long been known for big ideas, you’ll find TED-Ed, videos specifically designed to act as highly engaging and fun lessons. TeacherTube: This YouTube for teachers is an amazing resource for finding educationally-focused videos to share with your classroom. You can find videos uploaded by other teachers or share your own. Edutopia: An awesome place to find learning ideas and resources, Edutopia has videos, blogs, and more, all sorted into grade levels. YouTube EDU: A YouTube channel just for education, you can find primary and secondary education, university-level videos, and even lifelong learning. Classroom Clips: Classroom Clips offers media for educators and students alike, including video and audio in a browseable format.
holger lippmann Water Nest 100: An Eco-Friendly, Solar-Powered Home Made With Near 100% Recycled Materials What do you call a home that can sit on small or large bodies of calm water, is eco-friendly, solar-powered, and made from 98% recycled materials. I call it amazing, but the design group, Giancarlo Zema, called it the Water Nest 100. Giancarlo Zema is based in Rome and specializes in semi-submerged architectural structures, marine parks, floating habitats, yacht and interior design. They designed the Water Nest 100 for EcoFloLife, a company based in London that manufactures and sells eco-friendly floating residential structures. I think they hit a big winner with this model. The top of the Water Nest is constructed with 60 square meters of amorphous photovoltaic panels (solar panels) that can generate 4 kWp. kWp stands for kilowatt peak or the amount of power the solar panels can produce in ideal conditions. Solar panels on the roof can generate 4 kWp. Image Credit: Giancarlo Zema Lighting during the day is a non-issue with the Water Nest.
Otomata New! If you like Otomata, check out my new instrument Circuli by clicking here! Update: Click here to get Otomata for your iPhone / iPod / iPad! Official facebook page: Also this reddit page has many examples: And there is a subreddit for Otomata: Otomata is a generative sequencer. Each alive cell has 4 states: Up, right, down, left. at each cycle, the cells move themselves in the direction of their internal states. This set of rules produces chaotic results in some settings, therefore you can end up with never repeating, gradually evolving sequences. If you encounter something you like, just press “Copy Piece Link” and save it somewhere, or better, share it! Here is something from me to start with: Here is an action video: Edit: Woah so this has become famous! Here are replies to some common questions: Q: Will you add feature X?
Darktable, un logiciel gratuit pour retoucher ses photographies (alternative à Lightroom) Les photographes amateurs et professionnels utilisent plusieurs types de logiciels pour améliorer leurs photos et développer leurs RAW. Adobe Lightroom est sans doute le logiciel de retouche photo le plus populaire. Il est centré sur la modification des photos (luminosité, contraste, retouches précises, corrections sélectives…), tandis que Photoshop permet de créer des images de toutes pièces. Un outil gratuit pour retoucher ses photographies Si vous cherchez une alternative à Adobe Lightroom, vous pouvez tester Darktable. Centraliser et modifier ses photos facilement Darktable permet de centraliser toutes ses photographies (table lumineuse) mais également de modifier ses photos pour les améliorer (chambre noire). Un outil de retouche photo gratuit et complet Darktable dispose d’outils supplémentaires pour visualiser vos photos sur une carte (grâce aux données EXIF de géolocalisation) ou optimiser les impressions. Recevez par email toute l’actualité du digital
onformative – ANIMA iki Fluid shimmering patterns flow around a luminescent orb suspended in space as tones oscillate in the room. »ANIMA« is an entity that modifies sound and visuals as it reacts to and forages in its environment. This continuous exchange between viewer and sculpture unites them in a perpetual discourse through an interactive soundscape and visuals. »ANIMA« is a sculptural installation developed to explore the relationship between itself and its surroundings through the use of movement, texture, light and sound. The installation consists of a giant glowing sphere measuring two meters in diameter. This larger-than-life entity is suspended from the ceiling, as if in mid-air, in a darkened room. The spherical projection is achieved from inside the globe with a powerful wide angle projector and fisheye lens, producing images in a full 360 degree directional beam. Through this process of refining behavior and visual complexity, »ANIMA« becomes life-like and impressive.