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10 Vegetables & Herbs You Can Eat Once and Regrow Forever

10 Vegetables & Herbs You Can Eat Once and Regrow Forever
10 Vegetables & Herbs You Can Eat Once & Regrow Forever There are some ingredients I cook with so often I can never buy too many of them, and most of them are produce. Onions, garlic and fresh herbs are staples in a lot of dishes, and they may be inexpensive, but when you use them on a daily basis it can add up. Some foods are easy to regrow at home from leftover scraps, and some of them can even be grown right on your kitchen counter. #1. When garlic starts to sprout, the little green shoots are too bitter to cook with. Image via Unknown Learn more on Simple Daily Recipes. #2. The ends of carrots you usually chop off and throw away will grow carrot greens if you put them in a dish with a little water. Image via Fidgety Fingers Read more details on how to use and grow them on Fidgety Fingers. #3. Put a few basil clippings with 4-inch stems in a glass of water and place it in a spot with direct sunlight. Image via The Urban Gardener You can find more details on The Urban Gardener. #4. #5. #6. Related:  Moestuin

spinazie Nieuwzeelandse spinazie €2,00 Nieuwzeelandse spinazie is geen echte spinazie maar is qua smaak en gebruik gelijk aan echte spinazie. Eind 18de eeuw is deze plant vanuit Nieuw Zeeland naar Europa gebracht door kapitein Cook en wordt sindsdien hier gekweekt. Het is een groente die nog steeds in z’n natuurlijke vorm wordt gekweekt en daarom is de plant weinig gevoelig voor ziekten. Daarnaast bevat de plant veel vitamine c en weinig nitraat. En dan nu de teelt. Wil je eerder zaaien dan half mei, doe dit dan binnen in potjes en plant de plantjes na half mei buiten in de volle grond. Nieuwzeelandse spinazie houdt van warmte. Inhoud ca. 20 gram bestelinformatie

Off Grid Info - Food Independence - Where To Get Heirloom Seeds - Non-GMO Seeds - Organic Seeds Join 75,000+ Fans on Facebook: Follow Us On Pinterest: Please Share This Page: Here is a useful list of 40+ 230+ companies supplying heirloom / non-GMO / organic seeds. **UPDATE** This page has proven to be massively popular...! , we are gathering them up and will add them to this page as soon as we can. Please Like Off-Grid On Facebook to stay in touch and receive our latest posts! USA (states in alphabetical order) EUROPE (except UK & Ireland) South Africa All inquiries - please contact: Privacy Policy | About

packing light for your trip Warm-weather list | Cold weather list I pack light. I make everyone who goes with me pack light (except don't ask my husband about Japan, that was a fluke). You should pack light and take only carry-on. We have been to Europe for six weeks at a time with a roll-on suitcase and a daypack each for my daughter and me. Who are you trying to impress, anyway? My suggestions, honed over dozens of trips, are below. Packing list for warm-weather trip for women Packing list for cold-weather trip for women (down to maybe 30 degrees) You will be layering here! OK, you have enough clothes now for about 1/2 the max size carry-on suitcase. Plan to wear your bulkiest items on the plane including the tennis shoes, and pack the other shoes. So what do you do with the daypack? I also pack my camera in its case, my purse w/wallet that I will use in towns, my travel docs, and my meds and a toothbrush/paste.

American Meat—An Inside Look at Sustainable Farming in America Dr. MercolaWaking Times “Thanksgiving is a time when many of us come together and share food and conversation with our family and friends. It’s a time when we celebrate our loved ones, and reflect on that which we are thankful for. In the spirit of the holiday, we are offering our documentary American Meat to you and yours during this special week of Thanksgiving, for free. If you put good old-fashioned organically-raised, pasture-fed and finished meat in a nutrition analyzer, you’d find it’s one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. However, many are still in the dark about the vast differences between Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) and organically-raised, grass-fed meats, in terms of nutrient content and contamination with veterinary drugs, antibiotics, genetically modified organisms, and disease-causing pathogens. Differences in the animals’ diets and living conditions create vastly different end products. American Meat The Invention of CAFOs

The Curious Story of London’s First Coffeehouses (1650-1675) Several decades later, readers would require no such explanations: England would be awash in coffeehouses, numbering in the thousands. The curious story of how the British swapped much of their daily ale consumption for this “syrop of soot, or essence of old shoes,” is told by Matthew Green in “The Lost World of The London Coffee House,” on the Public Domain Review. Prior to 1652, when Pasqua Rosée established a small coffeehouse in St. Michael’s Alley in London, coffee was virtually unknown in England. Rosée, a servant of a coffee-loving trader to the Levant, found tremendous success with his venture and, according to Green, was soon selling over 600 servings a day. Above, readers can view Rosée’s original handbill, where the entrepreneur advertised both the therapeutic and prophylactic effects of his wares on digestion, headaches, rheumatism, consumption, cough, dropsy, gout, scurvy, and miscarriages. Ilia Blinderman is a Montreal-based culture and science writer. Related Content:

Tuinkalender: alle tuinklussen per maand Van januari tot december: elke maand zijn er klusjes te doen in de tuin. In de tuinkalender vind je alle tuinklussen per maand op een rij. Wat ga jij doen? Met de tuinkalender heb je een handig overzicht van welke klussen je wanneer kunt doen. Zo kun je dus nooit iets vergeten. Er groeien nog maar weinig planten in januari, maar er zijn toch wat klusjes in de tuin te doen. >> Bekijk de kalender van januari In januari is het koud, maar in februari kan het nog wel een stuk kouder worden. >> Bekijk de kalender van februari In maart kun je sommige planten al gaan planten, daarnaast zijn er wat onderhoudsklusjes waarmee je aan de slag kunt. >> Bekijk de kalender van maart Pasen, Hemelvaart, Pinksteren, de lente is het seizoen van de lange weekenden. >> Bekijk de kalender van april De ‘r’ is uit de maand en dus zonder jas naar buiten! >> Bekijk de kalender van mei Juni is de maand waarin vooral de moestuin veel aandacht vraagt. >> Bekijk de kalender van juni >> Bekijk de kalender van juli

Comment faire ses germinations et ses pousses Pour renforcer le système immunitaire, augmenter la vitalité et perdre du poids, faire sa propre germination, c’est super simple. Voici donc la technique de base, à la portée de tout le monde (jeunes et encore jeunes) pour réussir à faire germer luzerne et compagnie. Germination en pot Matériel requis : Un grand pot à large ouvertureUn morceau de moustiquaire ou de tissu mousseline (ne pas utiliser du moustiquaire pour les fenêtres car il contient des métaux lourds pour le protéger des rayons UV)Un endroit à la lumière indirecteDe l’eau tiède, de l’air et… des graines ! Méthode : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Fournisseurs de germoirs Je vous ai expliqué comment procéder avec un pot qu’on a sous la main. Également, on peut faire notre germination de façon entièrement automatique avec le nouveau germoir Easygreen disponible chez Alimentation vivante Jalinis. Les pousses C’est archi-simple de les cultiver sur terreau ou de façon hydroponique. Avantages des pousses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

46 Penny-Pinching Ways To Save A Lot Of Money This Year Farmers Markets Could Generate Tens of Thousands of New Jobs with Modest Federal Support, New Report Finds They’re Growing Nationally, but Federal Policies Favoring Industrial Agriculture Hold Them Back WASHINGTON (August 4, 2011) – Over the last several decades, thousands of farmers markets have been popping up in cities and towns across the country, benefiting local farmers, consumers and economies, but they could be doing a lot better, according to a report released today by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). What’s holding farmers markets back? “On the whole, farmers markets have seen exceptional growth, providing local communities with fresh food direct from the farm,” said Jeffrey O’Hara, the author of the report and an economist with UCS’s Food and Environment Program. UCS released the report just a few days before the 12th annual U.S. All that growth happened with relatively little help. In 2007, the most recent USDA figure, direct agricultural product sales amounted to a $1.2 billion-a-year business, and most of that money recirculates locally.

In Pictures: Kiev's protesters - In Pictures images: /mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912540570928_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912540695597_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/20131291254124405_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912541164252_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912541352909_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912541492795_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912541617166_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912541774999_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912541930294_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912542180347_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912542320706_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912542461277_8.jpg;*;/mritems/images/2013/12/9/201312912542664468_8.jpg captions: The protesters in the occupied International Centre of Culture and Arts have the task of blocking government buildings and interfering with the activity of the ministers and members of parliament. A Ukrainian man prepares to sleep in the International Centre of Culture and Arts.

Erwten en peulen: zaaien of  planten. Gemakkelijk te kweken! "helpt u groenten kweken" Erwten telen is makkelijk Lees alles over erwten telen in dit artikel De soorten (doperwten, sluimerwten, peulen, suikererwten) - Vruchtwisseling - Bemesting - Grondbewerking - Zaaien - Vogels - Voorzaaien - Steunen - Aanaarden - Oogsten - Ziekten en Plagen Met talrijke foto's over zaaien, planten, verzorgen en oogsten. Erwten zijn typische voorjaarsgroenten en groeien het best in het koele voorjaar. De soorten. Groene erwten of doperwten Deze erwten hebben een harde vruchtwand die niet eetbaar is. Hoog en Laag Verder is er nog de keuze tussen hoge (meer dan 120 cm), halfhoge (tussen 60 en 120 cm) en lage rassen (tussen 30 en 60 cm). Sluimerwten of peulen Dit zijn erwten die we niet hoeven te doppen! Peulerwten of suikererwten Ook deze erwten hoeven we niet te doppen. VruchtwisselingDe erwt (Pisum sativum) is een plant die behoort tot de Vlinderbloemenfamilie (Fabaceae, synoniem:Papilionaceae). Zaaien Erwten zaaien is niet zo moeilijk.

24 Painful Things You Must Do To Grow Up 1. Telling your parents that you are just not going to agree with them about certain things (especially regarding your lifestyle choices), and that you are ready to deal with the consequences that might bring in your relationship. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Tagged Adult, Adulthood, Career, Choices, Finances, Growing, growing up, Jobs, Life, Mental health, Painful EU agricultural product quality policy - Agriculture and rural development Quality is an issue for every farmer and buyer, whether dealing with commodities produced to basic standards or with the high-end quality products in which Europe excels. EU farmers must build on high quality reputation to sustain competitiveness and profitability. EU law lays down stringent requirements guaranteeing the standards of all European products. In addition, EU quality schemes identify products and foodstuffs farmed and produced to exacting specifications. Specific EU quality schemes - guaranteeing quality Organic farming Outermost regions: Products specific to Azores, Canary Islands, French Guyana, Guadeloupe, La Réunion, Madeira, and Martinique EU schemes operate in the market alongside an increasing number of public and private certification schemes. In addition, the European marketing standards encourage EU farmers to produce products of given quality, in conformity with the consumers' expectations. Getting the most of EU agricultural product quality policy More reading
