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Norbert Wiener

Norbert Wiener
American mathematician and philosopher Wiener is considered the originator of cybernetics, the science of communication as it relates to living things and machines,[4] with implications for engineering, systems control, computer science, biology, neuroscience, philosophy, and the organization of society. Norbert Wiener is credited as being one of the first to theorize that all intelligent behavior was the result of feedback mechanisms, that could possibly be simulated by machines and was an important early step towards the development of modern artificial intelligence.[5] Biography[edit] Youth[edit] Wiener was born in Columbia, Missouri, the first child of Leo Wiener and Bertha Kahn, Jewish immigrants from Lithuania and Germany, respectively. A child prodigy, he graduated from Ayer High School in 1906 at 11 years of age, and Wiener then entered Tufts College. Harvard and World War I[edit] In 1914, Wiener traveled to Europe, to be taught by Bertrand Russell and G. After the war[edit] Fiction: Related:  Artists & Writers

List of Coptic New Testament manuscripts The Coptic version is one of the earliest and the most important version of the New Testament. To the present day survived almost 1000 Coptic manuscripts of the New Testament. Majority of them represent Sahidic and Bohairic dialects. Only very few manuscripts represent the dialects of the Middle Egypt. Sahidic manuscripts[edit] The Crosby-Schøyen Codex, Book of Jonah and 1 Peter; the 3rd or 4th centuries; University of MississippiBritish Library MS. Bohairic manuscripts[edit] Other dialects[edit] See also[edit] Further reading[edit] External links[edit]

Radovan Richta Czech philosopher Radovan Richta (June 6, 1924 – July 21, 1983) was a Czech philosopher who coined the term technological evolution; a theory about how societies diminish physical labour by increasing mental labour.[1] Richta was born in Prague.[1] Richta's first work was Člověk a technika v revoluci našich dnů ("Man and Technology in the Revolution of Our Day"), published in 1963. Richta developed the famous term of "Socialism with a human face" serving as a motto of the Prague Spring period. Life[edit] During World War II, Richta organized a resistance movement against the Nazis, and his organization became part of the communist resistance in the critical moment of the worst persecution (or man-hunting). After the war Richta became quite ill, and beginning in 1958 he periodically spent time in sanatoria.[6] In between bouts of sickness, and in a compromise with his doctors who prescribed complete bed rest, Richta studied and worked very hard. Selected works[edit] Notes[edit] See also[edit]

Goffman-La presentacion de la persona en la vida cotidiana Goffman – Lapresentación de la persona en la vida cotidiana 1. Actuaciones Confianza en el papel que desempeña el individuo Cuando u individuo desempeña un papel, solicita implícitamente a sus observadores que lo tomen en serio, que crean que el sujeto posee en realidad los atributos que aparenta poseer, que la tarea que realiza tendrá las consecuencias que en forma implícita pretende y que, en general, las cosas son como aparentan ser. El actuante puede creer por completo en sus propios actos. El actuante puede querer guiar la convicción de su público solo como medio para otros fines, sin un interés fundamental en la concepción que de el o de la situación tiene este. No todos los actuantes cínicos que tienen interés por engañar a su auditorio tienen un “interés por si mismo”, puede engañarlo en bien de este (médicos que dan placebos a los pacientes). Hasta aquí 2 extremos: un individuo puede creer en sus propios actos o ser escéptico acerca de ellos. Fachada Realización dramática 1. 2. 3.

Paul Tillich Paul Johannes Tillich (August 20, 1886 – October 22, 1965) was a German-American Christian existentialist philosopher and Lutheran Protestant theologian who is widely regarded as one of the most influential theologians of the twentieth century.[2] Among the general public, he is best known for his works The Courage to Be (1952) and Dynamics of Faith (1957), which introduced issues of theology and modern culture to a general readership. In academic theology, he is best known for his major three-volume work Systematic Theology (1951–63) in which he developed his "method of correlation", an approach of exploring the symbols of Christian revelation as answers to the problems of human existence raised by contemporary existential philosophical analysis.[3][4] Biography[edit] Tillich was born on August 20, 1886, in the small village of Starzeddel (Starosiedle), Province of Brandenburg, which was then part of Germany. At the age of 47, Tillich moved with his family to the United States. ... ...

Daniel Bell American sociologist, writer, editor, and professor (1919–2011) Daniel Bell (May 10, 1919 – January 25, 2011)[1] was an American sociologist, writer, editor, and professor at Harvard University, best known for his contributions to the study of post-industrialism. He has been described as "one of the leading American intellectuals of the postwar era".[2] His three best known works are The End of Ideology, The Coming of Post-Industrial Society, and The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism.[3] Biography[edit] Early life[edit] Daniel Bell was born in 1919 in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City. Education[edit] Bell was graduated from Stuyvesant High School. Career[edit] Bell also was the visiting Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions at Cambridge University in 1987. Bell received honorary degrees from Harvard, the University of Chicago, and fourteen other universities in the United States, as well as from Edinburgh Napier University and Keio University in Japan.

Hans-Georg Gadamer Hans-Georg Gadamer (Marburgo, 11 de febrero de 1900 – Heidelberg, 13 de marzo de 2002) fue un filósofo alemán especialmente conocido por su obra Verdad y método (Wahrheit und Methode) y por su renovación de la Hermenéutica. El fenómeno del lenguaje es misterioso y atractivo al mismo tiempo, pues no es una cosa aislada, sino que refiere a nuestra condición en el mundo, que es un "vivir en diálogo", "habitamos en la palabra".[1] Biografía[editar] El padre de Gadamer era químico farmacéutico, posteriormente también fue rector de la universidad de Marburgo. Poco después Gadamer visitó Friburgo de Brisgovia y comenzó a estudiar con Martin Heidegger, quien aún no era profesor titular pero sí un brillante profesor asistente. Gadamer hizo su habilitación académica en el año 1929, y comenzó a enseñar en Marburgo durante los primeros años de la década de los 30. Obra[editar] Es el fundador de la Escuela Hermenéutica. Placa conmemorativa a Gadamer en Breslavia La estética gadameriana[editar]

Tertullian Unlike many Church fathers, Tertullian was never recognized as a saint by the Eastern or Western catholic tradition churches. Several of his teachings on issues such as the clear subordination of the Son and Spirit to the Father,[12][14] and his condemnation of remarriage for widows and of fleeing from persecution, contradicted the doctrines of these traditions. Life[edit] Scant reliable evidence exists to inform us about Tertullian's life; most history about him comes from passing references in his own writings. Further, Tertullian has been thought to be a lawyer based on his use of legal analogies and an identification of him with the jurist Tertullianus, who is quoted in the Pandects. His conversion to Christianity perhaps took place about 197–198 (cf. In the time of Augustine, a group of "Tertullianists" still had a basilica in Carthage which, within that same period, passed to the orthodox Church. Writings[edit] General character[edit] Chronology and contents[edit] Theology[edit] 1. 1.

Walter Reuther Labor union leader and progressive activist (1907–1970) A powerful ally of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement,[20] Reuther marched with King in Detroit, Selma,[21] Birmingham,[22] Montgomery,[23] and Jackson.[24][25] When King and others including children were jailed in Birmingham, Alabama, and King authored his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail, Reuther arranged $160,000 for the protestors' release.[26] He also helped organize and finance the March on Washington on August 28, 1963, delivering remarks from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial shortly before King gave his historic "I Have a Dream" speech on the National Mall.[22][27] An early supporter of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers, he asked Robert F. Early life and education[edit] Sign in Reuther's hometown of Wheeling, West Virginia The Reuthers were frugal and learned not to waste. From an early age, the Reuther boys received lessons on racism. Left home for Detroit[edit] World tour[edit] Chrysler[edit]

Simone Weil Simone Weil, 1921 Formació i primeres activitats polítiques[modifica | modifica el codi] D'origen jueu, el 1917 entra en un lycée per primera vegada, i alterna els estudis amb classes particulars i l'aprenentatge del grec antic. Des de 1927 manifesta posicions pacifistes participant en el grup Volonté de paix, fundat per Madeleine Vernet. La seva tesi de llicenciatura és Science et perception dans Descartes, escrita el 1929-1930. Després de llicenciar-se en filosofia el 1931, treballa com a professora d'aquesta matèria i de grec a l'institut de Le Puy. El 1932 visita Alemanya per conèixer-ne de prop la situació. El 1932 fa classes a l'institud d'Auxerre, on manté l'activitat sindical dins la Fédération Général de l'Enseignement, adscrita a la CGTU, i el 1933 en el de Roanne. Pacifisme i experiència a la Guerra d'Espanya[modifica | modifica el codi] Fa classes en un lycée de Bourges i, davant l'esclat de la guerra a Espanya, decideix travessar la frontera. Visita els Estats Units i Itàlia.

Douglas Harding Douglas Edison Harding (12 February 1909 – 11 January 2007) was an English philosophical writer, mystic, spiritual teacher and author of a number of books, including On Having No Head, Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious. He was born in Lowestoft in the county of Suffolk and raised in the Exclusive Plymouth Brethren, a Christian sect, from which he apostatised at the age of 21. Biography[edit] In 1943, aged 34, after some ten years of intense self-enquiry, study and writing, Harding had worked out that he was made of layers, like an onion. In other words, what he was depended on the range of the observer. As a result of his studies, Harding was convinced that he was human only at a certain range. Harding continued to write, however, but it was not until 1964 that he clearly shared the experience of 'headlessness' with another person - his secretary. Harding travelled widely, sharing Seeing. Harding was married twice and had two sons and a daughter. Books[edit] Films[edit] Headless

Why the Hacks Hate Michael Hastings One can’t doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed. Clearly this long-haired Buckley fellow is a defeatist and ought to be ignored. Perhaps he submitted the essay in question to Rolling Stone before running it in his own magazine? Hastings refers to “the doomed offensive in Marja,” which makes it sound as though the Taliban repulsed us, when we took actually took the city (although the Taliban is still carrying out attacks). Hastings may have chosen the term “doomed” because the offensive eventually led to a problematic occupation which McChrystal himself terms an “ulcer,” due to its not having achieved what it was meant to achieve. Boot also notes how the experts quoted by Hastings are all critical of the war. … except, of course, for Gen. All of which underlines the poor judgment in giving this guy such access. Here, finally, Lowry has hit upon a valid point. Seriously, though, look at the ads in National Review some time.
