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Create Your Own Knowledge Games For Free!

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Overview - Welcome to Flubaroo The grades created by Flubaroo will be located in an adjacent worksheet called "Grades", as shown: For each submission, Flubaroo will show which questions were answered correctly ("1" point"), which incorrectly ("0" points), and which were not graded. If less than 60% of students got a question correct, the question will be highlighted in orange to alert you. Additionally, students who scored less than 70% on the assignment will be highlighted in red. The Flubaroo menu will now offer you the ability to email each student their grades, view a summary report, or regrade the assignment. You might want to regrade the assignment if more students submitted answers, or if you want to throw out a question that most students got wrong. If you choose to email each student their grade, you'll be given the option to include an answer key in the email. Choosing "View Report" shows you a summary report of the grading. Want to try it out?

Teaching Empathy Through Digital Game Play Digital Tools Quandary The playful approach to learning a new concept that kids usually take when playing a video game can be just the right jumping-off point for diving deeply into a topic. Games can’t do all the teaching, but can engage kids to start thinking. At least that’s how MIT’s Education Arcade and the Learning Games Network are approaching their new free game Quandary. Quandary approaches the broad topic of ethics by helping students understand how to take a different perspective and learn how to empathize. “We see games as an organized space for playful exploration and through the process people encounter and form new ideas and concepts, they begin to construct knowledge.” The game currently has three episodes that follow a similar pattern. “Every time I play a fact, the value of each drops down, so I can only play them a limited number of times,” explained Peter Stidwill, executive producer of the Learning Games Network in an BrainPOP Educators webinar. Related

Online Teaching: Kubbu Serious Games To Learn About A Biologically Diverse Ecosystem Serious Games addressing biodiversity, ecosystems, and natural selection Related posts: TyrAnt, by Preloaded, is one of the three Serious Games nominated in 2014 for the Games for Change Best Gameplay award category. Gone Home and Papers, Please are the other two nominees. The winning games will be announced on April 23 at the 11th Anniversary Games for Change Festival. Preloaded has been working with Amplify to produce a series of games to be sold to schools across the United States, designed for the Amplify Tablet and a variety of other platforms including iOS. As part of their focus on Science they have developed TyrAnt, a light, Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game where the player seeks to protect and grow a colony of ants. Serious Game to experience how ants reproduce within a delicate and biologically diverse ecosystem Developed for Android and iOS platforms, the game allows players to discover the hidden world of ants through intuitive touchscreen controls and strategic mechanics.

AppShed - Build HTML5, iPhone and Android apps online for schools, education and business Jeopardy Rocks: strumento per creare quiz a squadre in classe Jeopardy Rocks è uno strumento appartenente alla famiglia dei review games, la stessa di eQuizShow e FlipQuiz. Consente di creare delle batterie di domande da sottoporre a squadre di alunni, fino ad un massimo di 4. Per creare una sfida dovrete registrarvi gratuitamente al servizio e cliccare su Build Now e scegliere un indirizzo URL per la singola partita. Per inserire le vostre domande è sufficiente fare clic sui singoli rettangoli e scrivere la domanda e la risposta corretta. È possibile tornare indietro e modificare il gioco da tabellone in qualsiasi momento. Una volta terminata la reparazione delle domande potrete utilizzare la LIM digitando l'URL del gioco e cliccando su Play Game e Play Now, scegliere il numero di squadre e l'avatar di ogni team. La versione gratuita consente di inserire solo testi nelle domande. Ecco un esempio di quiz che ho creato con Jeopardy Rocks Articoli correlati

Quizlet for learners: a step-by-step guide Quizlet is a website that enables anybody who wishes to learn anything to make flashcards related to that topic. In the case of English language learners, it is a very useful tool for learning and revising vocabulary. Using Quizlet, learners can make their own sets of flashcards, then use these flashcards in various modes for studying, testing themselves and playing games to improve their recall of the vocabulary. I have just finished making a step-by-step guide to Quizlet, so that my learners can try using it themselves at home. My materials contain step-by-step instructions and screenshots, showing learners how to: find Quizlet(!) Of course, if you, as a teacher, are unfamiliar with this website, you could also use these to help you get to grips with it, so that you are more comfortable recommending it to your students! Here is a link to the materials I have made: Using Quizlet! I hope these are useful to you. I will write a follow-up post in due course (there’s a surprise! Like this:

13 in de Oorlog A Serious Game on Biodiversity in Wheat Farming | KTM Advance April 28, 2014 A Serious Game on Biodiversity in Wheat Farming Lu, the leading French cookie manufacturer, further confirmed its desire to minimize the company’s impact on the environment by creating LU Harmony. This new wheat network, created in partnership with French farmers, favors biodiversity and guarantees quality wheat farming. The “Harmonyculteurs,” or “Harmony Farmers,” deals with complex information in a fun and accessible way.

gettingsmart According to Common Sense Media, 95% of teachers agree that using technology increases student engagement and 92% of teachers want to add more technology to their classroom. We at Getting Smart are still basking in an ISTE afterglow… we’d like to share 10 great tools that we were introduced to there and the reasons they are so worth taking the time to master this summer. These are the tools that will transform your classroom in the fall because you will notice the definite threads that run throughout all these applications… real-time, collaborate and creative! Those words together are sure to build a lot of excitement around exactly how educational technology is developing and transforming what school looks like! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

8. Voici un site internet qui permet de créer des activités interactives qui instruisent et qui sont amusantes. Par exemple, on peut demander d'identifier sur une figure les différentes structures qu'on y trouve. Il s'agit en quelque sorte d'un jeu éducatif que l'on crée nous même, donc qui évalue exactement ce que nous avons en tête. Très intéressant à connaître! by camillebonneau Mar 21

Ce site vous permet de trouver différents petits quiz qui peuvent être faits en classe ou par les élèves à la maison. On y retrouve plusieurs catégories qui couvrent une grande quantité de matière. De plus, si aucun quiz ne correspond à ce que l'on recherche, on peut créer le notre. C'est facile et cela rajoute un côté intéractif aux cours. by emilie212 Mar 20

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