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Related:  loicbouillonInternet Safety/Cyberbullying/Digital Citizenship for Middle Schoolers

BestCours TONESCOPE | The Musician's Toolkit Education Nationale : quand le travail pousse au suicide À 58 ans, la directrice de l’école maternelle Méhul, à Pantin (Seine-Saint-Denis), a mis fin à ses jours lundi 23 septembre. Son corps a été retrouvé avant l’arrivée des enfants, dans la grande nef de cette école. Avant sa mort, Christine Renon avait envoyé à son inspecteur d’académie et à tous les directeurs et toutes les directrices d’établissements scolaires de sa ville une lettre. Il tente une explication sur les raisons qui ont pu pousser cette directrice d'école à commettre ce geste désespéré. Vincent de Gauléjac : Ce drame illustre la souffrance que vivent de nombreux agents des institutions publiques que ce soit dans l’éducation, à l’hôpital, dans la police, dans le travail social. Que se passe-t-il dans ces institutions ? Vincent de Gauléjac : Les réformes successives qui y sont mises en oeuvre, cette réorganisation permanente, pèsent de plus en plus sur les agents et même sur leur hiérarchie. D'où vient ce sentiment de ne plus arriver à bien faire son travail ?

Quick Digital Citizenship Activities for Middle and High School Distance Learning Use these short, self-guided activities to create a positive culture around digital learning. Digital citizenship will be especially important this fall as middle and high school students across the country return to school virtually, in one form or another. Students will be on their devices, communicating, collaborating, and creating with digital tools more than ever before. But amid the pressures of distance learning, we know that educators may not have as much instructional time for things like digital citizenship. To address this, we've pulled together a collection of short digital citizenship activities that students can complete independently, or with parents or caregivers. Watch and Reflect Videos: 15-Minute Activities Our videos are a great way to spark critical thinking and discussion around a variety of digital citizenship topics. Also, we worked with our partners at KQED Education to produce three digital-citizenship-themed episodes for their Above the Noise series. 6th Grade

Setup, send, and maintain recurring reminders - Pricing Quotas for paid plans are on a per month basis and reset on the 1st of the month. Every recipient on an email counts as a "send". Friendly Support SendRecurring has GREAT support, it really does. No Hidden Fees The prices are what they are. Cancel Anytime SendRecurring does not want to lock you in. 30-Day money back guarantee If you cancel within 30 days of enrolling in a paid option you get 100% of your money back, no questions asked, just smiles and maintained friendships. Text Message Country Support SendRecurring's text messaging is powered by Plivo.

Où trouver des tutoriaux ? daria a dit… Merci pour le lien ; ): ) 11 juin, 2007 19:18 apolit66 a dit… Merci pour tous ces liens.Je sais pas si vous connaissez (linux et windows)=> tutos aussi. ;) 12 juin, 2007 14:12 Jeanviet a dit… Comme ils disent sur MySpace...thanks for the add ! 13 juin, 2007 19:56 Anonyme a dit… Je me permet de vous proposez mon site de tutos illustrator, photoshop, et flash, si jamaais ça vous intéresse.www.artbooktuto.canalblog.comle blog est mis a jour très régulièrement 17 janvier, 2008 09:25 Paul a dit… Un site intéréssant sur des tuto open source réseau et sécurité. 28 mars, 2008 16:14 jerome1487 a dit… hé nous tu nous a pas mis ? 31 mars, 2008 00:35 Jean-Claude a dit… Je me permet de vous proposez mon site de Trucs et Astuces en images. 08 mai, 2008 23:20 irfane a dit… J'ai apercu hier sur le blog un article sur, apparemment l'article a disparu aujourd'hui (bizarre ?)... 01 juin, 2008 10:45 thebloom a dit…

powtoon Accessibility StatementCompliance status We firmly believe that the internet should be available and accessible to anyone and are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the broadest possible audience, regardless of ability. To fulfill this, we aim to adhere as strictly as possible to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) at the AA level. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people with a wide array of disabilities. Complying with those guidelines helps us ensure that the website is accessible to blind people, people with motor impairments, visual impairment, cognitive disabilities, and more. This website utilizes various technologies that are meant to make it as accessible as possible at all times. Additionally, the website utilizes an AI-based application that runs in the background and optimizes its accessibility level constantly. Screen-reader and keyboard navigation

Le plug-in Libre Office Les plug-in Libre Office du Cartable Fantastique permettent aux élèves de réaliser plus simplement à l’ordinateur un certain nombre d’actions qui sont essentielles au travail en classe et aux enseignants d’adapter leur supports scolaires en quelques clics. Ils répondent à une demande explicite de nos utilisateurs qui n’utilisent pas la suite Office de Microsoft sous Windows, ainsi qu’à ceux qui travaillent sous un environnement Mac0S ou Linux. Trois versions sont disponibles au téléchargement : Le plug-in primaire Le plug-in primaire comporte les barres Lire, Mathématiques, Écrire et Tableau pour rendre les textes et les tableaux accessibles, poser des opérations, encadrer des mots ou des phrases, inclure des tableaux de conversion et de numération, etc. Pour en savoir + et télécharger le plug-in cliquez ICI. Le plug-in collège Pour en savoir + et télécharger le plug-in cliquez ICI. Le plug-in adaptateur Pour en savoir + et télécharger le plug-in cliquez ICI. Les acteurs du projet :

Middle & High School: Digital Citizenship Password Reset Please enter your e-mail address. You will receive a new password via e-mail. CWK is in the process of updating the Digital Citizenship documentaries to reflect current technology and the prevalent issues and challenges associated with screen devices, apps, websites, and social media. Print Middle School Lesson Plans for Grades 6-8 Click the images below to download Connect with Kids middle school lesson plans for digital citizenship topics. High School Lesson Plans for Grades 9-12 Extra Click the links below to download Connect with Kids high school lesson plans for digital citizenship topics. Art and Music Print Arts Integrated Lessons for Grades 9-12 The five lessons in this section address student interaction with social media through deep examination of photographs. Music Integrated Lessons for Grades 9-12 The five lessons in this section address student interaction with social media through deep examination of social commentary in music. From the Archives Print & Video

If I have a gas leak in my home, will I die? "<img src=" width="828" alt="holding&#x20;nose&#x20;about&#x20;gas&#x20;leak" border="0">" That sulfuric, rotten egg odor that signals a natural gas leak isn't an ordinary component of the carbon-hydrogen compound. Because of the potential danger associated with natural gas leaks, suppliers add the noxious scent to natural gas as an olfactory warning that the harmful vapors are loose in the air. This precautionary measure indicates the inherent hazards of natural gas that can, at the right levels, kill you. Although generally safe to use in the home, when natural gas does not burn up completely because of faulty installation or lack of ventilation, it emits a byproduct of carbon monoxide. That said, natural gas is considered one of the safest and cleanest-burning fossil fuel sources.

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