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Dr. Sebi: The Man Who Cures AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes and More

Dr. Sebi: The Man Who Cures AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes and More
By Carolanne Wright Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Editor’s note, 7th of August 2016: We are sad to report that Dr. Meet Dr. Standing Up to the Food and Drug Administration Back in the 1980’s, Dr. The judge presiding over the case requested that Dr. Even with his outstanding victory in court, along with testimonials from celebrities and a multitude of people cured by his method, Dr. The basis behind Dr. “Our research reveals that all manifestation of disease finds it genesis when and where the mucous membrane has been compromised. Moreover, mucous in the retina of the eye will cause blindness; if it is found around the thyroid gland, cancer of the thyroid is the result. According to Dr. You may have guessed by this point that consuming an alkaline diet is key. The remedies are classified as natural vegetation cell food and nourish cells at a very deep level. The healing diet is found below. Vegetables Fruits (No canned or seedless fruits) Herbal Teas Spices and Seasonings Mild flavors Related:  The diet debateMisc 2

Enviromedica by Lau'ana Lei There are two main approaches to healing disease from a holistic perspective. These are, first, detoxification and second, immune system improvement. When the body is terribly compromised from metals and chemicals, it is difficult to clear out all toxins. THE CORRELATION OF THE pH FACTOR AND LEAKY GUT SYNDROME IN RELATION TO CHRONIC DISEASE The imbalance of pH, acidity and alkalinity in the body, is a key factor in chronic illness. Leaky gut syndrome is an advanced stage of toxicity characterized by lesions in the walls of the intestinal system, which allow toxins to be reabsorbed into the body instead of being eliminated through the normal procedure. A visual analogy helps here. PROGRAMS FOR HELPING THE LEAKY GUT, BALANCING THE pH AND IMPROVING CELLULAR NUTRITION These are the steps we suggest you check out with your professional if you are chronically ill and don’t seem to be improving: Take a test to find out if you have a leaky gut spreading toxins throughout your body.

The Dynamic Between Physical and Metaphysical Conspiracy 30th November 2015 By Montalk Guest Writer for Wake Up World Dark forces operate on both metaphysical and physical levels. Waking up to what’s going on in the world is important. Take the news, for instance. Why is metaphysics important? This makes no sense to those who are stubbornly stuck in the physical ways of doing things. Being metaphysically potent means acting according to a higher understanding of how consciousness shapes experience, and vice versa. Some might wonder, “But being that we are third density, how are we to know what fourth density principles are and how to apply them?” The agnostic mind likes to moan, “but how can we even know such a thing?” So, to summarize, it is important not to fall for the metaphysical conspiracy by ignorantly limiting yourself to mere understanding of the physical conspiracy. Available in English, German, Spanish, Russian, Croatian, Slovak, Hungarian and Italian, the topics c Previous articles by Montalk: About the author:

12 Reasons Why You Should Eat Eggs Daily (#5 is Almost Unbelievable!) Photo credit: When you think of breakfast, what do you think of? Most people think of cereal, oatmeal, or eggs. There is little debate out there about cereal or oatmeal, but eggs? Well, if you listen to some people, eating eggs is like smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day! If you have been worried about the bad effects that eggs might have on your diet, you can relax. Keep reading and find out how many eggs you can safely eat each week and a whole host of other things you never knew about the incredible, very edible, egg. There is no denying it. There are also a few other trace nutrients in eggs, but if you can get ahold of some omega-3 enriched eggs, even better!

Realm Dynamics - Matrix Version 0.2 :: June 30th 2005 :: :: Download PDF [The principles of Realm Dynamics were inspired by the Cassiopaeans, expanded by the Nexus Seven, refined through numerous discussions with friends, and confirmed by experience.] Introduction An ancient hermetic axiom states that everything is mind, everything vibrates. Since each living thing is uniquely conscious, each living thing carries a unique vibratory signature. This is the study of realm dynamics, how vibrations influence experience, and how experience influences vibration. Vibration When we speak of vibration, we are really talking about waves with amplitude, frequency, and phase. Soul vibrations are no less tangible than sound waves, though their nature and medium of propagation are more exotic. Realm dynamics is essentially about quantum physics, or at least how quantum principles allow consciousness to interface with physical reality. The Fractal Hologram The holographic process has metaphysical parallels.

Antioxidants: Perfect Panacea or Potential Toxins? 7th July 2015 By Raluca Schachter Contributing Writer for Wake Up World “Antioxidant” — these days, definitely a buzz word used by everyone interested in holistic health, or hoping to find a panacea for their multitude of ailments. Look online or in health food stores today and you’ll find a huge variety of precious antioxidants for sale – capsules, powders, fruits and tinctures from all over the world. Most of us have now found out about acai, maqui, goji berries, raw chocolate, green tea, blueberries and the rest. Antioxidants are feted for their never ending list of health benefits… but are they really the magical cure-alls we’re led to believe? An antioxidant is a nutrient or a molecule capable of suppressing the oxidation of another molecule. Other important benefits of antioxidants include the repairing of altered molecules and the chelation of heavy metals. Antioxidants From Food Antioxidants Produced by the Body Glutathione: The Lesser Known Master Antioxidant Article Sources:

Home This website is a portal to the Institute of Noetic Sciences online double-slit experiment, a study that is part of our research program exploring the role of consciousness in the physical world. During the experiment data from an optical system in our laboratory is streamed live to your web browser. We use a double-slit optical system because, as the Nobel Laureate physicist Richard Feynman famously said, "[The double-slit experiment] has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery." The double-slit experiment is especially useful in the present context because it provides a way to empirically investigate the meaning of "observation" in the measurement of quantum systems. The study design is based on two assumptions: (1) If information is gained about the photon’s path as it travels through two slits by any means – then the interference pattern will collapse in proportion to the certainty of the knowledge gained.

Ketogenic diet This article is about a dietary therapy for epilepsy. For information on ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets as a lifestyle choice or for weight loss, see Low-carbohydrate diet. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. The original therapeutic diet for paediatric epilepsy provides just enough protein for body growth and repair, and sufficient calories[Note 1] to maintain the correct weight for age and height. Most dietary fat is made of molecules called long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). The classic therapeutic ketogenic diet was developed for treatment of paediatric epilepsy in the 1920s and was widely used into the next decade, but its popularity waned with the introduction of effective anticonvulsant drugs. Epilepsy[edit] History[edit] Fasting[edit] Diet[edit] Anticonvulsants and decline[edit]

Ted Kaptchuk of Harvard Medical School studies placebos Two weeks into Ted Kaptchuk’s first randomized clinical drug trial, nearly a third of his 270 subjects complained of awful side effects. All the patients had joined the study hoping to alleviate severe arm pain: carpal tunnel, tendinitis, chronic pain in the elbow, shoulder, wrist. In one part of the study, half the subjects received pain-reducing pills; the others were offered acupuncture treatments. Although Kaptchuk, an associate professor of medicine, has spent his career studying these mysterious human reactions, he doesn’t argue that you can simply “think yourself better.” But researchers have found that placebo treatments—interventions with no active drug ingredients—can stimulate real physiological responses, from changes in heart rate and blood pressure to chemical activity in the brain, in cases involving pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, and even some symptoms of Parkinson’s. This was disturbing for Kaptchuk, too; deception played no role in his own success as a healer.

Common Sense Nutrition Facts That Aren’t Common Photo credit: As you are probably already aware, common sense is anything but common. Especially when we are talking about health and nutrition. There are all kinds of myths and misconceptions, rumors and flat out lies that abound, especially on the internet by so called health “experts” and celebrities. What kind of things are we talking about? Keep reading. 1. Just because you decide to eat healthy, that doesn’t mean you completely cut certain foods or groups of foods out of your diet forever. 2. Trans-fats are some nasty stuff. 3. One hundred years ago, more or less, heart disease was almost unheard of. 4. Some people are confused about losing weight. Continue to Page 2

Sound Healing: The Power of Sound (Binaural Beats Meditation Included!) | Wake Up World - Part 2 Diffusing Your Attention with Music This exercise will let you experience what happens when you diffuse your attention. I hope you will realise that many types of meditation and relaxation techniques are based on simply changing your attention style from focusing to diffusing. Once you know how to do it you can get into the ‘zone’ a lot quicker. Click here to get started. Binaural Beats Meditation Exercise — Shumann Resonance 7.38 Hz This is a meditation exercise that includes a binaural beat at the shumman resonance of 7.38 Hz which will help to get your brain into the alpha frequency. Cymatics links: Related articles by Dr. Previous articles by Peter Paul Parker: About the author: Peter Paul Parker has been a musician for most of his career. Peter wrote and produced the album ‘Wild Child’ by The Spoken X and his own album, ‘Stepping Up’, both released by Metro Publishing. Peter is currently working with Dr. Connect with Peter at,
