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Welcome to the United Nations: It's Your World

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Globalization Globalisation (or globalization) is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture.[1][2] Advances in transportation and telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are major factors in globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities.[3] Though scholars place the origins of globalization in modern times, others trace its history long before the European age of discovery and voyages to the New World. Some even trace the origins to the third millennium BCE.[4][5] In the late 19th century and early 20th century, the connectedness of the world's economies and cultures grew very quickly. Overview[edit] Humans have interacted over long distances for thousands of years. Airline personnel from the "Jet set" age, circa 1960. Etymology and usage[edit] Sociologists Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King define globalization as:

遠見華人精英論壇 | 世大運啟示:參與永遠是最重要的 世大運成功落幕,中華隊選手優異的表現振奮了國人,也讓台灣重現團結氣象。如果一次舉辦世大運可以讓台灣有如此收獲,我想最大的意涵是:參與,永遠是最重要的。 的確,「中華台北」這個名字,作為中華民國國民或者說作為台灣人都不會滿意,看到在頒獎儀式升起的不是青天白日滿地紅,也沒有國歌,會讓我們感失落和心酸,但這些不會掩蓋選手想要以最好的表現回報給滿場觀眾的努力,也不會影響在台灣的中華民國人民為選手加油的熱情。 玫瑰不是因它的名字而芬芳,認知到了此點,也就能知道,為了虛無的名義之爭,台灣失去了多少。 2011年,大陸之所以能夠「不反對」台北爭取世大運,不分藍綠,都了解那是因為馬政府兩岸路線的關係。 九二共識的果實是世大運,而世大運的果實是今天台灣的團結、熱情、凝聚。 蔡總統拒絕承認九二共識,其實所爭執的就是「玫瑰的名字」,可是所影響的卻是台灣人民實實在在的民生、福祉。 既然我們願意委屈以「中華台北」的名字,來維持選手實際參與國際賽事的機會,那麼承認「一中各表」,來維持台灣與國際社會的連結度,不也是相同的內涵嗎? 筆者希望提醒檯面上政治人物的是,柯文哲市長的民調高,其實不是從世大運結束開始,是從柯市長「雙城論壇」上主張「兩岸命運共同體」之後,讓大家驚訝地看到,柯文哲是現在的政治人物中,唯一一位「大陸可以接受,台灣人民可以信任」的政治人物,上一位有如此光環的是曾經的馬英九總統。 如果蔡英文總統還誇言青年世代「天然獨」的話,「兩岸命運共同體」是一個最顯著的反證;如果吳敦義主席還在因為國民黨的兩岸路線自慚形穢,那麼柯文哲市長公開說「我是台灣人也是中國人」(蔣故總統經國先生的話),也應該要讓至今不敢說「我是台灣人也是中國人」的吳敦義辨清國民黨氣勢低迷的關鍵。 問題不在「九二共識」、「一中各表」,國民黨衰弱的關鍵在國民黨本身。 邱吉爾說,「對傑出內閣的無情,是偉大人民的象徵」,套用在台灣就是,如果國民黨扛不起重責大任,那麼藍軍支持者的無情不會猶豫;如果柯文哲市長能夠成為穩定兩岸關係的關鍵人物,那麼藍軍的支持與擁護,也是順理成章。 從政治盤算來看,或許國民黨看到柯文哲的崛勢,感受到的是威脅,但追求兩岸穩定、台灣和平的人,看到的卻是希望。 參與,才是最重要的事。 (原文刊載於2017年9月4日《中國時報》;本文獲作者授權轉載。)

UNHCR: UK Oceans - United Nations Sustainable Development Translation procedures, strategies and methods 1. Introduction ranslation typically has been used to transfer written or spoken SL texts to equivalent written or spoken TL texts. In general, the purpose of translation is to reproduce various kinds of texts—including religious, literary, scientific, and philosophical texts—in another language and thus making them available to wider readers. If language were just a classification for a set of general or universal concepts, it would be easy to translate from an SL to a TL; furthermore, under the circumstances the process of learning an L2 would be much easier than it actually is. The difference between an SL and a TL and the variation in their cultures make the process of translating a real challenge. 2. The translating procedures, as depicted by Nida (1964) are as follow: Technical procedures: analysis of the source and target languages;a through study of the source language text before making attempts translate it;Making judgments of the semantic and syntactic approximations. 2.1.

Global Issues : social, political, economic and environmental issues that affect us all — Global Issues 【臺灣】世大運、福衛五號的啟示 世大運臺灣隊金牌得主們及我國自主研發的福衛五號衛星。 臺灣民眾近日沉浸在世大運賽事,與我選手頻頻勇奪獎牌的喜悅之中,金牌數量之多,創下臺灣在國際比賽的新紀錄,使人產生臺灣將可躋身體育大國的期待。同時,十年磨一劍,我自主研發的福衛五號衛星發射成功,展現了臺灣高科技的技術與製造強項,許多默默奉獻,推動自製衛星的故事浮現,令人動容。 世大運臺灣隊金牌得主們及我國自主研發的福衛五號衛星。 不可諱言的,這些年來臺灣人極度缺乏自信,充滿自卑與挫折感,尤其與國力快速增長的中國對比,更是大感處處不如人,悲觀的氛圍籠罩整個社會。 然而,意外發生了,衰運跌到谷底的同時,驚喜也跟著出現了。 世大運與福衛五號的成功,重塑國人的信心,不過全面翻轉國人的信心,卻是艱辛漫長的過程,因為臺灣人信心低迷已是普遍現象,並非一、二次正向能量的釋放,就能挽回頹勢。 其實,臺灣優質供應鏈不僅在於蘋果,電動車即將成汽車產業主流,而扮演開路先鋒的特斯拉,臺廠亦是關鍵供應商,未來隨著電動車的飛快成長,這些供應鏈將成為推動我經濟成長的重要動力。 臺灣近年處於逆境,內外壓力與挑戰接踵而來,尤其中國在政治、經濟、軍事、外交的打壓,如強風暴雨襲來,恣意摧折臺灣。

Jobs and Internships Please be aware of scam internet job listings advertising false opportunities with UNHCR London. The only valid format for UNHCR email addresses is: Please see below for our London Internship programme and employment opportunities outside of the UK. Current Vacancies Digital/Donor Communication Associate Internships with UNHCR For information on internship programmes in UNHCR's London offices please click here. International Internships For information on internship programmes with UNHCR in other offices please click here. Voluntary Work Abroad If you are interested in working overseas, you may want to try the following organisations: United Nations Volunteers - Voluntary Service Overseas - Employment Opportunities With UNHCR, visit the administration section of With the United Nations, visit the UN employment section of international humanitarian agencies, visit

10 Things You Can Do to Save the Ocean -- National Geographic 1. Mind Your Carbon Footprint and Reduce Energy Consumption Reduce the effects of climate change on the ocean by leaving the car at home when you can and being conscious of your energy use at home and work. A few things you can do to get started today: Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs, take the stairs, and bundle up or use a fan to avoid oversetting your thermostat. 2. Global fish populations are rapidly being depleted due to demand, loss of habitat, and unsustainable fishing practices. 3. Plastics that end up as ocean debris contribute to habitat destruction and entangle and kill tens of thousands of marine animals each year. 4. Whether you enjoy diving, surfing, or relaxing on the beach, always clean up after yourself. 5. Certain products contribute to the harming of fragile coral reefs and marine populations. 6. Read pet food labels and consider seafood sustainability when choosing a diet for your pet. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Translation page Translation page Translation: basic notions Some notes on general translation English into Spanish Translation Errors Notes on translation criticism MLA Peer Review Guidelines Bibliography Translate Toolkit SDL Trados (translation zone) Version Variation Visualization (Translation Array)

International organizations 用餵飽全世界行銷殺蟲劑? 聯合國斥不道德 全球人口快速成長,所以我們需要殺蟲劑來增加農產量?聯合國糧食和污染專家指出,這是個迷思。 根據聯合國秘書處本月8日提給人權事務委員會的報告,聯合國強烈抨擊生產殺蟲劑(或廣義的農藥)的跨國企業,批評他們對殺蟲劑危害全面性的否定論、強力而不道德的行銷手法,以及積極遊說政府使殺蟲劑限令停擺等行徑。 報告指出,殺蟲劑對環境、人體健康和整體社會造成極大傷害,包括每年約20萬人死於急性中毒。報告強調,「全世界應該往安全健康的糧食與農業生產轉型。」 殺蟲劑是必需品? 全球人口將在2050年達到90億。 報告作者之一、聯合國糧食問題特別報告員艾弗爾(Hilal Elver)表示,這是個迷思,增加殺蟲劑用量無助減少飢餓。 艾弗爾說,大部分殺蟲劑用在商業作物,如棕櫚油和大豆,不是用在飢餓人口身上。 殺蟲劑管理風險 隱藏健康危機 聯合國報告也發現,只有35%開發中國家有殺蟲劑相關管制政策,而且執法也大有問題,有的國家儘管明文禁用某種殺蟲劑,卻仍生產該殺蟲劑出口。 另一位作者、聯合國毒物問題特別報告員圖卡克(Baskut Tuncak)說:「儘管科學研究證實殺蟲劑的危害,讓大眾知曉殺蟲劑與人體疾病和環境破壞之間的關係卻不容易。 艾弗爾說,已開發國家消費者受到比較好的保護,但是農業工作者往往並非如此。 殺蟲劑產業代表「作物保護協會」(Crop Protection Association)發言人仍然反駁這份報告的說法:「聯合國糧農組織的資料很清楚,沒有作物保護工具,農人可能因為蟲害、雜草和植病損失多達80%的作物...殺蟲劑確保人們有健康、安全、價格合理且可靠的糧食來源。」 聯合國:保護使用者,廠商責無旁貸 報告作者建議以全球性的條約管理殺蟲劑,並往自然方法抑制蟲害和輪作等永續農法轉型,同時鼓勵有機糧食。 報告指出,「研究證實慢性暴露於殺蟲劑,和癌症、阿茲海默症、帕金森氏症、內分泌失調、發展失調和不孕症有關。」 「殺蟲劑產業不斷用『蓄意誤用』的詞彙把殺蟲劑危害責任推到使用者身上。 【編註】根據行政院農委會農業藥物毒物試驗所網站,農藥(pesticide)包含植物生長調節劑、落葉劑、乾燥劑、以及防止未成熟落果、提高農產品質量、減低倉儲損失等所施用的藥劑,如殺蟲劑、除草劑、殺真菌劑等。

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), also known as the UN Refugee Agency, is a United Nations agency mandated to protect and support refugees at the request of a government or the UN itself and assists in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country. Its headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland and is a member of the United Nations Development Group.[1] The UNHCR has won two Nobel Peace Prizes, once in 1954 and again in 1981.[2] History[edit] Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Following the demise of the League of Nations and the formation of the United Nations the international community was acutely aware of the refugee crisis following the end of World War II. In 1947, the International Refugee Organization (IRO) was founded by the United Nations.[3] The IRO was the first international agency to deal comprehensively with all aspects pertaining to refugees' lives. Function[edit] Awards[edit]

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