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Tolkien Gateway
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Dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings :: Hear the world’s sounds Ted Nasmith - Tolkien Illustrations An Interview with Thomas Sauvin: On Smoker’s Ettiquette and the Right to Nitrate | #ASX Thomas Sauvin occupies a strange place in photography. His output is sincere, his knowledge of classic hiphop is un-fuckwittable, and his publications are highly coveted gems in the photographic book fetish world. That, and he is a lovely man trying to salvage a history of china through nitrate detritus. Sauvin has collected in what he has termed “The Silvermine”. Sauvin, like many of us collectors of the vernacular has also found himself on that odd crossroads of what it means to collect and edit material over what it means to disseminate the imagery, like Hans-Peter Feldman as art product. “I never bathed. -Mao Brad Feuerhelm: You and I have had an ongoing conversation regarding the burden of collecting images over the burden of editor vs. artist. Thomas Sauvin: I guess it’s something, which came the most naturally from the moment I had to share the project in the forms of exhibitions and books. T-Money: Mao was a notorious chain-smoker. T-Money: Oh no! Til death do us part

Elvish Pronunciation Guide This page aims to give a guide to the pronunciation of the Elvish languages for those who are not confident that they understand Tolkien's own guide to the pronunciation. I have used some technical terms of phonetics, but they are always (I hope) introduced in a context which makes it clear roughly what they mean. The hyperlinks refer to sound files of me speaking the sounds. Currently only the guide for Quenya is here. Quenya presents few problems in pronunciation; for native English speakers, the main point to watch is the vowels. Vowels The vowels of Quenya will be pronounced more or less correctly by a native speaker of practically any mainland European language (well, OK, not Danish!). The long vowels are pronounced thus: á, í, ú: just like the short vowels, but longer! Quenya also has a set of six diphthongs (note that all other pairs of vowels should be pronounced separately). Examples: ai, oi, ui, au, eu, iu (old), iu (3rd Age)Ainu, coimas, cuivie, Laurelin, leuca, miule Consonants

Pieter Hugo - 'The Hyena and Other Men' (2008) | #ASX The Hyena and Other Men Text by Adetokunbo Abiola Ahmadu was 15 years old when he joined his father’s business in the small town of Malumfashi in Katsina State, Nigeria. This meant that he had to acquire his own hyena, as his family made their living as entertainers accompanied by hyenas, snakes and monkeys, in addition to selling the fetishes and herbal medicines that are popular in Nigeria. Today Abdullahi is an experienced animal handler in his early thirties, who travels across Nigeria as part of a troupe of entertainers including his younger brother, Yahaya, and other members of his extended family. The first time I met up with the hyena men, as they have become known, the group was staying in a ramshackle three-bedroom apartment in Dei Dei Junction, a suburb of the Nigerian capital, Abuja. When setting out on an expedition to capture a hyena, Abdullahi and his partners drink a protective potion and also bathe themselves with it.

Tolkien Pronunciation Recordings (last updated 22nd December 2005) This is an ongoing recording project in which I record all well known non-English names and some expressions in Tolkien's works, showing how I pronounce them. I do not claim that these samples give the perfect pronunciation - therefore I wish to receive feedback on them so that I can record anew those that people find incorrect - but I do claim without hesitation that they represent a pronunciation that is better than most people's, because I have a good understanding of Tolkien's pronunciation rules and my own inherent accent suits them very well. The samples are in the MP3 format and can be downloaded and either be saved to your hard drive to be played or played directly with an MP3 player, for example Winamp or foobar2000. The names that there are more than one sample of are ones of which the correct pronunciation I am not sure about, so I give the alternatives. A zip file containing all samples The list of samples so far:

The Family Albums of Ralph Eugene Meatyard (2006) | #ASX By Theodore McDermott Photographer Ralph Eugene Meatyard, who was born in Normal, Illinois, in 1925 and died of cancer in Lexington, Kentucky, in 1972, worked his entire adult life as an optician, making lenses for glasses. Though he took and developed thousands of pictures, only a sampling of his work has been published. A slim Phaidon 55’s selection appeared in 2002; Ralph Eugene Meatyard, compiled by writer and critic Guy Davenport in 2004, attempts a fuller account of his entire oeuvre; and, finally, Meatyard’s own The Family Album of Lucybelle Crater, first published in 1974, is a fictional photo album of people wearing costume-shop masks. Meatyard took all of his photographs in and around Lexington, where he moved in 1950 and stayed until his death. In the essay that precedes the photographs in Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Davenport reveals that Meatyard bought his first camera at the age of twentyfive to photograph his first child. BOOKS: Ralph Eugene Meatyard

Writing With Elvish Fonts This is a tutorial for some of the fonts and tools that can be used for writing in Tengwar on a Windows PC. Contents Direct links to some notes in the text: "About installing fonts"; "A frequently asked question about TengScribe"; "A possible problem with Windows 2000 and XP". About this tutorial [ToC] This tutorial will show how the Tengwar , J.R.R. The text is primarily targeted for readers with little or no previous experience in using the Tengwar. Some of the tools that are introduced here can in fact be used without knowing much about the Tengwar, but the user should be aware of their limitations. About the Tengwar Tengwar is the most prominent of Tolkien's invented writing systems. Cirth ("runes"), and will not be discussed here. In their fictional setting, the Tengwar came to be known in a wide geographic area, and were used for writing many Elvish and non-Elvish languages. modes Using a keyboard designed for the Latin alphabet for writing in any of these modes is far from ideal. tehtar

GOWIN, FRIEDLANDER & CALLAHAN: "The Model Wife" (2001) By Arthur Ollman, Excerpt from the book The Model Wife, Director of the Museum of Photographic Art I. Emmet Gowin, (b. 1941) Emmet Gowin is a contemplative man. Contemplation is a solitary activity. Emmet Gowin’s work is romantic, and his romanticism is inflected by contemporary fin cie siècle awareness of time; its conflation, its melt, the way it sticks to us. In 1960, he met Edith Morris at a YMCA dance. In 1963, he visited Robert Frank in New York who encouraged him to go to graduate school only if he cared to be a photography teacher, and if he did, to study with Harry Callahan at the Rhode Island School of Design. Edith, 1970 @ Emmet Gowin Edith, Newtown (Pennsylvania), 1994 @ Emmet Gowin Edith and Rennie Booher, Danville, Virginia, 1970 @ Emmet Gowin Emmet’s photographs of Edith identify her as playful and spontaneous. Many of the Edith photographs are quite revealing. Throughout the course of these photographs of the 1970s and 80s, one senses increasing depth in Edith’s portrayal.

Merin Essi ar Quenteli! Montauk, Andy Warhol and His Fascinating Neighbor Peter Beard It seems one of the reasons Lee spent 1972 in Montauk had to do with Andy’s charismatic next door neighbor, Peter Beard. Andy described him as – “one of the most fascinating men in the world …… he’s like a modern Tarzan. He jumps in and out of the snake pit he keeps at his home. He cuts himself and paints with the blood. Peter was both Andy’s neighbor and artist in arms. I’ll Write Whenever I Can, Koobi Fora, Lake Rudolf, 1965 @ Peter Beard @ Peter Beard Peter first came to know Andy through his uncle, Jerome Hill, one of the early partners in Andy’s Interview magazine. While on tour Peter became good friends with Mick Jagger. The final date of the tour was scheduled for Mick’s birthday – July 26, at Madison Square Garden. Continue Reading @ Montauk Life (All rights reserved.

SUSIE LINFIELD: An Excerpt from 'The Cruel Radiance, Photography and Political Violence' (2010) | #ASX Eddie Adams, Saigon Execution, Vietnam, 1968 A Little History of Photography Criticism; or, Why Do Photography Critics Hate Photography? (An excerpt from The Cruel Radiance, Photography and Political Violence) By Susie Linfield In 1846, Charles Baudelaire wrote a short essay called “What Is the Good of Criticism?” By “pleasure” and “love” Baudelaire and Fuller didn’t mean that critics should write only about things that make them happy or that they can praise. Eugene Richards, from Cocaine True, Cocaine Blue, 2004 For these critics and others—those I would consider at the center of the modern tradition—cultivating this sense of lived experience was at the heart of writing good criticism. The great exception to this approach is photography criticism. Susan Sontag’s On Photography was published in 1977, though the individual essays that comprise the book began appearing, and making an impact, in 1973. Antonin Kratochvil, from Zambia Three years later came Roland Barthes’s Camera Lucida.

马文·明斯基:音乐、情绪和认知 - 今日头条( 新智元推荐1 来源:科学松鼠会 译者:红猪 这是人工智能泰斗马文.明斯基(Marvin Minsky)教授在英国广播公司的一档音乐节目中接受的访谈,主题是音乐和情绪的关系。明斯基教授一直在研究让计算机如何产生情绪。 文中C代表主持人,M代表明斯基教授 C: 首先欢迎《情绪机器》。 M: 这音乐如此简单,却又如此丰富。 C: 明斯基教授,我随便问了几个人:情绪是什么? M: 这是个很好的问题。 C: 我们笼统地用这个词语表达许多东西。 M: 没错。 C: 这么说它们已在脑中预先接好线路的。 M: 没错。 C: 那么,情绪是如何运作的呢,用生物学的术语来说? M: 我喜欢把脑看作是一大片资源,脑有四百种不同的机制,你要是把它们统统打开,就会发生交通堵塞。 C: 这些过程大多是无意识的吧? M: 就算我们觉得自己意识到了,我们其实也并没真的有意识到,我们的脑没有足够的空间来表征其本身。 C: 它会无限自指。 M: 没错,你要是不断问自己“我为什么做了我做的事?” C: 可以说,它们都是阿基米德或空想家。 M: 没错,这就是个矛盾了。 我们只有几个词语来描述思维状态。 C: 我觉得人们一般认为思考是理性的,而情绪是非理性的。 M: 说到情绪,人们常认为人只是本能的集合,这种观点把人看成了简单肤浅的机器。 C: 此外,“理性”也分几种。 M: 我觉得这是因为这些心理状态都对脑的其他部分具有相似的功能和影响。 C: 此外,我们的姿态似乎也在告诉他人我们正在经历这种过程,我们哭泣或尖叫时都是如此。 M: 是的,这源于你的文化。 C: 为什么情绪会有用处。 M: 它是达成目标的绝好策略,因为当某人愤怒时,他会脸色变红、呼吸异常、牙齿外露,如果你正与人冲突,这些反应就能很好地让对方明白你会不讲道理、不会听他们的论辩。 C: 那么爱情的功能是什么呢? M: 没错,动物不会面临繁殖的问题。 C: 有种蜘蛛必须引开配偶的注意,好让自己不被对方吃掉,并且有时间进行交配。 M: 脑中发生的事大概差不多吧。 C:贝多芬的清洁女工看到他整天在纸上涂写,一定也会觉得困惑吧。 M:没错,再想想他是怎么指挥第九交响曲的,传说观众鼓掌时他茫然无知,直到有人帮他转过身来。 (开始评论第九交响曲,略) C:音乐为什么会激发类似真实情绪的感觉呢? M:确实奇怪,贝多芬已经过世一百年,为什么还能从坟墓中控制我的意识呢? C:没错,叫人愤慨。 M:没错。 C:那么,我们为何会对音乐做出反应呢?
