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Station of Awakening, Soul Cross by 4xEyes1987 on DeviantArt. 【前端福利】用grunt搭建自动化的web前端开发环境-完整教程 - 王福朋. jQuery在使用grunt,bootstrap在使用grunt,百度UEditor在使用grunt,你没有理由不学、不用!

【前端福利】用grunt搭建自动化的web前端开发环境-完整教程 - 王福朋

各位web前端开发人员,如果你现在还不知道grunt或者听说过、但是不会熟练使用grunt,那你就真的真的真的out了(三个“真的”重复,表示重点)。 至于grunt的作用,这里不详细说了,总之你如果做web前端开发,你一定要用grunt。 还有一点,它完全免费,没有盗版。 既强大又免费的东西,为何不用? 当然了,你如果你能找到更好的替代grunt的其他工具也是可以的,例如gulp。 本文章旨在讲解grunt入门,以及讲解grunt最常用的几个插件的使用。 (PS:碰巧,本文基于windows环境写的,而视频教程是基于mac os录制的,两者兼备了) 废话不多少,视频教程你也先别看,钱别着急花。 Grunt和所有grunt插件都是基于nodejs来运行的,如果你的电脑上没有nodejs,就去安装吧。 安装了nodejs之后,可以在你的控制台中输入“node -v”来查看nodejs的版本,也顺便试验nodejs是否安装成功。 注意两点。 【前端福利】用grunt搭建自动化的web前端开发环境-完整教程 - 王福朋. 海德沙龙(HeadSalon)

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Celebrating Love. SUSIE LINFIELD: An Excerpt from 'The Cruel Radiance, Photography and Political Violence' (2010) Eddie Adams, Saigon Execution, Vietnam, 1968 A Little History of Photography Criticism; or, Why Do Photography Critics Hate Photography?

SUSIE LINFIELD: An Excerpt from 'The Cruel Radiance, Photography and Political Violence' (2010)

(An excerpt from The Cruel Radiance, Photography and Political Violence) By Susie Linfield In 1846, Charles Baudelaire wrote a short essay called “What Is the Good of Criticism?” This is something that virtually every critic asks herself at some point, and that many have had trouble answering; it has been known to evoke hopelessness, despair, even self-loathing. By “pleasure” and “love” Baudelaire and Fuller didn’t mean that critics should write only about things that make them happy or that they can praise. Eugene Richards, from Cocaine True, Cocaine Blue, 2004 For these critics and others—those I would consider at the center of the modern tradition—cultivating this sense of lived experience was at the heart of writing good criticism.

The great exception to this approach is photography criticism. Antonin Kratochvil, from Zambia The Cruel Radiance. Montauk, Andy Warhol and His Fascinating Neighbor Peter Beard. It seems one of the reasons Lee spent 1972 in Montauk had to do with Andy’s charismatic next door neighbor, Peter Beard.

Montauk, Andy Warhol and His Fascinating Neighbor Peter Beard

Andy described him as – “one of the most fascinating men in the world …… he’s like a modern Tarzan. He jumps in and out of the snake pit he keeps at his home. He cuts himself and paints with the blood. He wears sandals and no socks in the middle of Winter. He lived in a parked car on 13th Street for six months. GOWIN, FRIEDLANDER & CALLAHAN: "The Model Wife" (2001) By Arthur Ollman, Excerpt from the book The Model Wife, Director of the Museum of Photographic Art I.

GOWIN, FRIEDLANDER & CALLAHAN: "The Model Wife" (2001)

Emmet Gowin, (b. 1941) Emmet Gowin is a contemplative man. Contemplation is a solitary activity. The Family Albums of Ralph Eugene Meatyard (2006) By Theodore McDermott Photographer Ralph Eugene Meatyard, who was born in Normal, Illinois, in 1925 and died of cancer in Lexington, Kentucky, in 1972, worked his entire adult life as an optician, making lenses for glasses.

The Family Albums of Ralph Eugene Meatyard (2006)

Though he took and developed thousands of pictures, only a sampling of his work has been published. A slim Phaidon 55’s selection appeared in 2002; Ralph Eugene Meatyard, compiled by writer and critic Guy Davenport in 2004, attempts a fuller account of his entire oeuvre; and, finally, Meatyard’s own The Family Album of Lucybelle Crater, first published in 1974, is a fictional photo album of people wearing costume-shop masks. Pieter Hugo - 'The Hyena and Other Men' (2008) The Hyena and Other Men Text by Adetokunbo Abiola Ahmadu was 15 years old when he joined his father’s business in the small town of Malumfashi in Katsina State, Nigeria.

Pieter Hugo - 'The Hyena and Other Men' (2008)

This meant that he had to acquire his own hyena, as his family made their living as entertainers accompanied by hyenas, snakes and monkeys, in addition to selling the fetishes and herbal medicines that are popular in Nigeria. Abdullahi’s grandfather, Nalado Ahmadu, taught him how to catch and control the animals, and introduced him to the charms that help subdue the creatures and protect their captors from harm. Metal Blade Records. An Interview with Thomas Sauvin: On Smoker’s Ettiquette and the Right to Nitrate. Thomas Sauvin occupies a strange place in photography.

An Interview with Thomas Sauvin: On Smoker’s Ettiquette and the Right to Nitrate

His output is sincere, his knowledge of classic hiphop is un-fuckwittable, and his publications are highly coveted gems in the photographic book fetish world. That, and he is a lovely man trying to salvage a history of china through nitrate detritus. Not a small summation of parts. Sauvin has collected in what he has termed “The Silvermine”. It is a large collection of original negatives that he has salvaged from a factory over the course of years.

Sauvin, like many of us collectors of the vernacular has also found himself on that odd crossroads of what it means to collect and edit material over what it means to disseminate the imagery, like Hans-Peter Feldman as art product. “I never bathed. -Mao Brad Feuerhelm: You and I have had an ongoing conversation regarding the burden of collecting images over the burden of editor vs. artist. T-Money: Mao was a notorious chain-smoker. An Interview with Thomas Sauvin: On Smoker’s Ettiquette and the Right to Nitrate. S Adventure Machine. Tolkien Gateway. Steven Greaves' Portfolio - home. De la musique pour tous. 陌上互联数字媒体广告云平台. 马文·明斯基:音乐、情绪和认知 - 今日头条( 新智元推荐1 来源:科学松鼠会 译者:红猪 这是人工智能泰斗马文.明斯基(Marvin Minsky)教授在英国广播公司的一档音乐节目中接受的访谈,主题是音乐和情绪的关系。

马文·明斯基:音乐、情绪和认知 - 今日头条(

明斯基教授一直在研究让计算机如何产生情绪。 一般认为思维比较容易模拟,而情绪则难以捉摸,但明斯基教授却从目标(goal)、进程(process)和资源(resource)的角度来看待这两种看似截然对立的意识活动,并指出两者其实可以看作是一回事,因而建造情绪机器并非天方夜谭。 文中C代表主持人,M代表明斯基教授 C: 首先欢迎《情绪机器》。 M: 这音乐如此简单,却又如此丰富。 C: 明斯基教授,我随便问了几个人:情绪是什么? M: 这是个很好的问题。 C: 我们笼统地用这个词语表达许多东西。 M: 没错。 C: 这么说它们已在脑中预先接好线路的。 M: 没错。 C: 那么,情绪是如何运作的呢,用生物学的术语来说? M: 我喜欢把脑看作是一大片资源,脑有四百种不同的机制,你要是把它们统统打开,就会发生交通堵塞。 C: 这些过程大多是无意识的吧? M: 就算我们觉得自己意识到了,我们其实也并没真的有意识到,我们的脑没有足够的空间来表征其本身。