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8.1.2 (HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen)

8.1.2 (HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen)
Willkommen im SELFHTML-Wiki. Im Abschnitt Was ist das SELFHTML-Wiki? unterhalb der Themenauflistung finden Sie weitere Informationen zu diesem Wiki. Falls Sie Interesse an einer – übrigens sehr willkommenen – Mitarbeit haben, finden Sie einige Starthilfen für einen gelungenen Einstieg. Gern können Sie uns auch per E-Mail unter kontaktieren. Favoriten Was ist das SELFHTML-Wiki? Das SELFHTML-Wiki ist eine Dokumentation mit dem Ziel, die essentiellen Webtechnologien zum Webpublishing zu dokumentieren, die bestehende SELFHTML-Dokumentation 8.1.2 zu überarbeiten und zu ergänzen und wichtige Neuerungen aufzunehmen. Das SELFHTML-Wiki möchte dabei besonders Anfänger ansprechen und ihnen die Grundlagen und Technologien in deutscher Sprache vermitteln, Fortgeschrittenen ein Nachschlagewerk in Form von Referenzen bieten und in Form von Fachartikeln und Kursen ergänzendes Wissen vermitteln. Die alte SELFHTML-Dokumentation wurde bisher durch einen kleineren Autorenkreis gepflegt.

The Ultimate Mac Setup for Web Designers (60 Apps) « AppStorm There’s little doubt that OS X is a popular platform for web designers – it offers an enormous range of software for designing, managing, developing and publishing websites. Whether you prefer to use an all-in-one environment for designing websites or a range of different applications, there’s a tool to suit you perfectly. This article will round up 60 different web design apps for every different conceivable need. And don’t worry if design isn’t your area of expertise; much of the software covered is fairly multi-purpose, suited to a variety of tasks.

What is CGI and How To Use Your CGI-BIN CGI Tutorial and Perl Introduction for Beginners A lot of people have Web pages but most feel that CGI scripts are "over their head". Nonsense! If you know basic HTML and know how to use an FTP program like WS_FTP to transfer files, chances are you can be using a CGI script on your Web pages in about 15 minutes. Design a Prettier Web Form with CSS 3 Thanks to advanced CSS properties, such as gradients and shadows, it’s now quite easy to turn a dull web form into something beautiful – with minimal effort. I’ll show you how in today’s tutorial! This tutorial includes a screencast available to Tuts+ Premium members. Subtle background gradients give depth to the fields while shadows lift them from the page. Even more impressive is that this is done without any images at all. By following this tutorial you will not only end up with a lightweight and beautiful form, you’ll also learn and understand new CSS3 techniques, such as box-shadow, gradients, opaque colors, and rounded corners.

CSS pamācības Since previous article about CSS text effects got really big attention I decided to research and find more interesting articles and websites just focused on CSS3, teaching you how to use it, showing pros and cons and much more. To be honest it’s hard for me to keep up with technologies myself, but we really cannot not to use those new great selectors to make our designs even more beautiful, user-friendly and lightweighted. However since HTML5 is sort of tied with CSS3, I will soon continue with HTML5 article as well, so don’t miss it and keep coming back! Enjoy! 1.

Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide: About Memory Management Application memory management is the process of allocating memory during your program’s runtime, using it, and freeing it when you are done with it. A well-written program uses as little memory as possible. In Objective-C, it can also be seen as a way of distributing ownership of limited memory resources among many pieces of data and code. When you have finished working through this guide, you will have the knowledge you need to manage your application’s memory by explicitly managing the life cycle of objects and freeing them when they are no longer needed. Although memory management is typically considered at the level of an individual object, your goal is actually to manage object graphs. You want to make sure that you have no more objects in memory than you actually need.

Design Then Code: Building iOS Apps From Scratch Before taking a crack at any Design Then Code project tutorials you'll need some knowledge of Xcode, Objective-C, Cocoa and UIKit. My goal is for this guide to help bridge the gap between having no knowledge of iOS development and having enough to start tackling more interesting projects. Tools

Model–view–controller Model–view–controller (MVC) is a software pattern for implementing user interfaces. It divides a given software application into three interconnected parts, so as to separate internal representations of information from the ways that information is presented to or accepted from the user.[1][2] The central component, the model, consists of application data, business rules, logic and functions. A view can be any output representation of information, such as a chart or a diagram. Multiple views of the same information are possible, such as a bar chart for management and a tabular view for accountants. The third part, the controller, accepts input and converts it to commands for the model or view.[3]

List of content management systems This is a list of notable content management systems that are used to organize and facilitate collaborative content creation. Many of them are built on top of separate content management frameworks. Open source software[edit] This section lists free and open-source software that can be installed and managed on a web server. A Checklist for Content Work In content strategy, there is no playbook of generic strategies you can pick from to assemble a plan for your client or project. Instead, our discipline rests on a series of core principles about what makes content effective—what makes it work, what makes it good. Content may need to have other qualities to work within a particular project, but this list is limited to qualities shared across all sorts of content.

How The SharePoint 2010 Architecture Will Change The Way Businesses Look At SharePoint The architecture of SharePoint 2010 fundamentally changes the way organizations will think about the platform. Smaller companies that have heretofore been limited to vanilla SharePoint hosting offerings will now be able to deploy customized solutions on a shared hosting platform.Large organizations that deploy a SharePoint server farm for shared services use by their employee base will no longer have to so tightly constrain their internal customers’ use of the product because of governance issues.And third party providers will now have a vehicle for delivery of their value added features, functions and applications to the mass market via hosted services. How will this all be possible? Following are some specific examples of what the new architecture offers: Multi-Tenancy and Distributed Services – For large enterprises who host SharePoint farms and distribute ownership of sites to administrators throughout the corporation, there is now the notion of tenancy.

Publish apps for SharePoint Find articles and resources to help you publish your apps for SharePoint. You've finished developing your app for SharePoint—the final step is making that app available to your users. You can do this by publishing the app to one of two places: The public Office Store. Publish your app to the Office Store to make the app publically available, so that it can be acquired by users of any SharePoint deployment.
