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Les cinq étapes du déni — Welcome to TheFamily La transition numérique affecte moins les entreprises que les filières. Une filière, rappelons-le, est un ensemble d’entreprises qui travaillent ensemble tout au long d’une chaîne de valeur. Elles sont comme des engrenages qui s’engrènent parfaitement, liées par une culture et des procédures installées et optimisées pendant plusieurs décennies. Chaque maillon d’une filière correspond à un secteur : des entreprises qui exercent la même activité et se partagent les parts d’un même marché (B2B en amont, B2C en aval). L’édition est un secteur, la librairie est un secteur : toutes les deux appartiennent à la filière du livre. Pourquoi la transition numérique affecte-t-elle moins les entreprises que les filières ? la première, ce sont les relations entre maillons de la filière : à mesure des progrès de la transition numérique de la filière du livre, les relations qu’entretiennent les libraires et les éditeurs ne sont plus les mêmes. Avant la transition numérique Etape 1 — L’irruption numérique

The Most Brazen Rip-Off Ever? How the Beverage Industry Brainwashed You to Fear Tap Water The following is the latest in a new series of articles on AlterNet called Fear in America that launched this March. Read the introduction to the series. The biggest con job perpetrated on the consumer is not some shady operation selling bogus cures through TV infomercials. America’s biggest snake-oil salesman is actually the beverage industry, or Big Bev, which resells the simplest and most vital product for thousands of times its value. That product is drinking water. Multinationals like PepsiCo, the Coca-Cola Company and Nestle rake in a combined $110 billion a year selling bottled water worldwide. But the expensive water the beverage industry sells is no better — and possibly worse — than the water you get from your tap (and often, the water they sell is tap water). Fear. And it appears that their tactics are working. To make matters worse, the supposedly healthy alternative is virtually unregulated. Misplaced Doubts But Cleveland only tested a few samples of bottled water.

Welcome to TheFamily trending What Makes an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem? What Makes an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem? The entrepreneurial economy thrives wherever there is know-how, capital, and rebellion Nicolas ColinOct 14, 2015 Do Banks Still Have A Future? Do Banks Still Have A Future? In few sectors are companies so hated as they are in banking. Nicolas ColinNov 30, 2015 Another 100 Days: a Digital New Deal for Workers Another 100 Days: a Digital New Deal for Workers Two spectres are haunting our societies — one that is supposedly destroying jobs, the other that is transforming them Nicolas ColinOct 28, 2015 latest Taxi Strike Redux: Is France Failing its Entrepreneurs? Taxi Strike Redux: Is France Failing its Entrepreneurs? It’s about more than Uber Nicolas Colin3 days ago 11 Notes on Amazon (Part 1) 11 Notes on Amazon (Part 1) The first part of a double issue of ‘TheFamily Papers’ dedicated to understanding Amazon and its business model. Nicolas ColinJan 18 TheFamily Papers TheFamily Papers Nicolas ColinJan 14 Nicolas ColinJan 7

10 Worst Examples of Packaging Waste | Post-Landfill Action Network (PLAN) Packaging waste represents about one-third of all municipal trash – making this type of waste a significant contributor to the global waste crisis. Most of this packaging waste is largely unnecessary. Take a look at these 10 egregious examples of packaging waste to see what we mean! Small Electronics: Lots of small electronics like USBs and storage cards are sold in heavy plastic packages. Plastic Water Bottles: These might be the most wasteful packaged item in stores because there is almost no reason to buy them. Packaged fruits and vegetables: any sort of wrapper or package on fruits and vegetables is a huge waste! Apple iPhones and iPods: Although the boxes tend to be small, in each product there are tons of unnecessary pieces of plastic around each little component in the box. Caprisun: Capri Sun is another example of individually packaged items (drink pouches) inside a larger bulk package (a cardboard box). Can you think of another example of wasteful packaging?

Omixy Peoples Climate Movement 2017 Tyler Willis What is Microhydro Power? | Home Power Magazine What is Microhydro Power? Hydro-electricity is fundamentally the combination of water flow and vertical drop (commonly called “head”). Vertical drop creates pressure, and the continuous flow of water in a hydro system gives us an ongoing source of pressurized liquid energy. People have been tapping the energy in flowing water for centuries, first for mechanical power, and, in the last hundred years, for electricity. A simple formula can give you a rough idea of how much capacity your stream might have. Within this formula is the understanding that systems with low vertical drop (head) need more flow to generate the same amount of energy. There are a wide range of small hydro turbine types to suit the head and flow of the site. Low-head systems may have less than 5 feet of vertical drop—sometimes they may have only 10 or 20 inches. High-head systems may be defined as any site with more than 10 feet of head.

Offres d'emploi (CDI, CDD), apprentissages et stages | Welcome to the Jungle Afficher les filtres Masquer les filtres 439 jobs pour votre recherche Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot Parrot Cubyn Cubyn Cubyn Cubyn Cubyn Cubyn Zenchef Zenchef Zenchef Zenchef Welcome to the Jungle
