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Tangled Online Magazine

Tangled Online Magazine
Related:  Crochet

Anleitung: Sunburst Flower Granny Square haekeln « Kasa Amend Geschafft: Meine Foto-Anleitung zum Häkeln der Sunburst Flower Granny Squares für eine dieser tollen Decken, wie sie viele wahrscheinlich von Sandra Juto oder dieser Flickr Group kennen, ist fertig. Für eine Freundin, die heute Geburtstag hat, wollte ich schon längst mal meine kleine Übersetzung dieser englischen Anleitung von MaryjoO abtippen. Nun hab ich mir etwas mehr Zeit genommen, um die Anleitung noch etwas detaillierter auszuarbeiten. Wolle: Cool Wool 2000/ Merino Superfein von Lana Grossa (Das aber nur als Info, ihr könnt selbstverständlich auch ganz andere Wolle nehmen. Häkelnadel: 4,0 (etwas dicker als zur Wolle empfohlen, dadurch wird die Decke schön locker) Bedarf: Etwa 9 g Wolle habe ich pro Granny Square verhäkelt. ::::: RUNDE 1: Der innere Strahlenkreis ::::: Beginne mit einer einfachen Schlaufe und häkel 4 Luftmaschen. Verbinde die Luftmaschen mit einer Kettmasche zu einem Kreis. Jetzt kann es mit den Strahlen losgehen. Doppelstäbchen: ::::: RUNDE 2: Puff-Stiche :::::

Water Marble Tutorial. Supplies: orange stick or... Water Marble Tutorial. Supplies: orange stick or toothpick, shot glass or cup (the smaller the circumference, the less polish you end up wasting), room temp. water, nail polish, tape (optional, but it helps with the clean up) I like to begin by prepping my nails with base coat and one coat of polish. Here I used China Glaze Innocence for a nice neutral base. Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Most importantly, have fun! We would love to see pictures of all your water marbling attempts, so get dipping!

Little Tin Bird » Basic Granny Square Pattern As promised, here is my pattern for the Basic Granny Square. I didn’t invent this pattern in the slightest, (obviously) but I’m going to show you step by step how to make the basic granny square. When I started to learn I couldn’t find a pattern that I could understand easily and so I hope to change that by doing one with lots of pictures :-) This is the pattern I used to make the squares for the Granny Alice blanket (above). For this pattern, you will need to know how to chain stitch, and how to make a UK treble (TR) stitch. If you don’t know how to make a TR stitch, have a look HERE. I am using Rowan Handknit Cotton DK (and a 4mm hook) to write this pattern as I think it’s easier to see the stitches with cotton than wool. Basic Granny Square Pattern. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. You may wish to block your squares. I hope this pattern is of some help to you anyway :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Windowsill Sprouting my way through the Winter. My orchids are dark speckled and bruised from the cold. The flowery Lantana shrubs are like coarse twine unraveled in a pile on the ground. The tall ornamental grasses, which I love for their swaying grace, stand in stiff bunches like little scarecrows scattered across the lawn. My herbs…oh, let’s not even go there (I think thyme and cilantro are barely holding on). Then there’s the pile of dead and crispy Christmas trees strewn around the fire pit. We like to collect the discarded trees at the end of the season and use them for firewood throughout the winter, but right now, as I look out across the pathetic winter landscape of our backyard, they only add to the overall state of things. My windowsill, on the other hand, is more alive than ever- with lentil sprouts galore! Tricking yourself into thinking its springtime is one way of looking at it, but sprouting lentils is also a great way to add a super fresh, nutrient packed component to a meal or salad.

On japanese crochet road Chain-Chomp This is Chain-Chomp from the Mario Brothers games. I made this because my middle daughter begged me to. LOL. If the cube portion of the pattern just isn't working for you, you can always make a cube by crocheting 6 squares that are 3 to 4 inches in size and sew them together to form a cube. Materials: WW black, grey, white and red yarnsG HookSmall amount of white feltThread to match the feltYarn NeedleFiberfil This pattern requires a little more advanced work than most of the patterns I have to date. Gauge isn't really important, but your hook, yarn and natural tension should combine to create a moderately tight stitch. I tried using continuous rounds on this pattern, but it just doesn't work out as well due to it's nature. Numbers in ( ) at the end of each round/row indicate the total number of stitches that should be in each round/row. Using black yarn, make two half domes as follows: Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic ring. (6) Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (12) Rnd 7-9: sc in each sc around (36) Ch 16.

Passion-Crochet Mary Jane Slippers « ohmygoodknits! By Lisa Gutierrez on 04/01/2008 **I thought this was obvious, but apparently not: PLEASE OH PLEEASE do not use any of my photos without my permission! I’m a nice person, so if YOU ask nicely, I’d make a consideration. Also, don’t post this pattern anywhere else. A simple link to this page would be a great way to share it. PRINTER-FRIENDLY version link at bottom! I’ve received many messages via Ravelry about these slippers. Crocheted Mary Jane Slippers (women’s large–9.5-10) Materials: worsted weight yarnH-hook2 buttonstapestry needleyou’ll also need some yarn in a contrasting color. First, start with 8 DC into a circle. see the little tail on bottom? after cinching, slst into the top of the first DC, ch 2. [See THIS POST, if you need more information about the beginning round.] This is what my piece looked like after round 4: Work 2 rounds even (NO INCREASING). Now, we’re going to be working back and forth in ROWS. Keep working back and forth over these 23 stitches for 12 rows. Here goes!

Pendue au crochet © Photo Carole Ventura L'origine du crochet est incertaine. Les théories s'affrontent sur le fait de savoir s'il est né en Chine -on y trouve très tôt des poupées réalisées au crochet-, au Pérou -on retrouve sa trace en Amérique du Sud où certaines tribus primitives utilisaient des parures au crochet dans les rites de la puberté-, en Tunisie, en Egypte ou au Royame du Danemark.Certains pensent qu'il proviendrait d'Arabie d'où il se serait diffusé vers l'Est jusqu'en Anatolie, dans la région du Pamir, en Ouzbékistan, au Thibet... où il se pratique un art de la chaussette au crochet jacquard connu sous le nom de Jourab, Jurabi ou encore dzhuraby, puis vers l'ouest jusqu'en Espagne. En définitive il aurait suivi la route de la soie ainsi que les itinéraires commerciaux arabes à destination des autres pays méditerranéens. © Photo Larisa Vilenksy Via Project Gutenberg En Norvège, la technique du crochet s'appelle pjoning et se pratique (ou se pratiquait ?) Via Knitting in the Swamp

Mini Mario Mushroom Amigurumi « Amy's Odyssey The mini mushrooms in the world of Mario are tasked with many things. The little red ones have the special job of helping Mario and his friends grow bigger and stronger to assist them on their adventures. However, not all the mushrooms are sure of their fate. This mini Mario Mushroom is questioning whether it is really his destiny to help people grow large. He is off on a journey of self discovery, to see whether he can find a more fulfilling place in the world. So far he has become enamoured with the idea of Christmas, and plans to spend the next month as an ornament on a Christmas tree. He is very grateful for my hospitality and has shared with me the secret of how the mini mushrooms are created. My patterns are written down as I create my amigurumi, but let me know if there is anything missing. Techniques Materials * Yarn: Red, White, and Scrap length of Black for the eyes (but try all different colours for your mushrooms!) Pattern Mushroom Start with Red Yarn

trapilho un panier carré cette fois ! (Tuto inside) Crealididom Encore une pelote à ma disposition, envie de réitérer l’opération mais cette fois-ci un petit panier carré pour ranger des chaussettes, des barrettes, des colliers, des bracelets, des collants, des mouchoirs…. Le choix ne manque pas. Étant donné le succès de cette nouvelle matière, je vous ai fait également un tuto. Si vous constatez des erreurs, n’hésitez pas à m’en faire part. Le fond du panier : Avec du trapilho ou de la laine se crochetant en 10, monter 11 mailles en l’air en formant une chainette. Piquer le crochet dans la 9ème maille en l’air de la chainette et réaliser une maille serrée. Tourner votre travail (le crochet dans votre main droite et les mailles dans votre main gauche si vous êtes droitière, nous crochetons toujours de droite à gauche) Faites une maille en l’air et continuez en réalisant une maille serrée dans chaque maille serrée du rang précédent jusqu’à la fin du rang. Les côté du panier : Nous allons désormais monter les côtés du panier.

stencil with freezer paper (harry potter tee) Yes, I am a nerd. I came up with a brilliant idea for a Harry Potter t-shirt and I couldn't resist. "Expecto Patronum!" However, you can make whatever kind of design you want with a freezer paper stencil. It doesn't have to be Harry Potter related. (Although it would be awesome if it was.) I learned about the joys of freezer paper back in my early college days. Basically, freezer paper is backed with a plastic coating that will stick to soft surfaces when ironed, but it peels off cleanly and easily. To make a sweet t-shirt you will need: paper & pencil a t-shirt an iron a piece of cardboard or poster board fabric paint & brush Start by drawing your design on some regular old paper. My design kept getting bigger, so I taped two sheets together. Next, place your design underneath a sheet of freezer paper and trace it neatly with a sharpie. The marker gives your lines greater width making it easier to cut them out and paint them in later. Important: Set these shapes aside.
