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33 Websites That Will Make You a Genius — Personal Growth

33 Websites That Will Make You a Genius — Personal Growth
The web is increasingly becoming a powerful resource that can easily help you learn something new everyday. These awesome sites are just what you need. “I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein There is a good chance you’ll be able to put at least one of these learning tools to good use and come out as a better person than you were last year. These are some of the best websites that will make you smarter every day. BBC — Future — Making you smarter, every day. 2. 99U (YouTube) — Actionable insights on productivity, organization, and leadership to help creative people push ideas forward. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. iTunes U — Learning on the go, from some of the world’s top universities. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Brain Pickings — Insightful long form posts on life, art, science, design, history, philosophy, and more. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. edX — Take online courses from the world’s best universities. 31. 32. 33. Related:  Allmänt lärande

These Are The 4 Concepts Shaping 21st Century Learning December, 2014 Today's learning landscape is enriched with a variety of new concepts that were to the recent past foreign to many. Of course learning is a dynamic field and it will always keep developing as human knowledge progresses. But the last two to three decades in particular have witnessed the outburst of several new conceptions and theoretical frameworks that, among other things, attempt to capture the latest developments in learning . This cheat sheet features a number of these concepts. I am also sharing with you the visual below which highlights three more concepts shaping the 21st century learning. To these I added the concept of Andragogy. 1- Andragogy Andragogy is a teaching strategy developed for adult learners. Related : Pedagogy Vs Andragogy 2-HeutagogyHeutagogy is the study of self-directed learning and self- determined learning. Check out this post to learn more about Peeragogy.

WIRED's security special: do not click here Hours after January's murderous assault on Charlie Hebdo's office -- and on free speech itself -- Andrew Parker, director general of MI5, warned that intelligence agencies risked losing their ability to monitor "the dark places from where those who wish us harm can plot and plan". David Cameron pledged "legislation that makes sure we do not allow terrorists safe space to communicate". Encrypted communications, complained the US National Security Agency, the FBI and the Metropolitan Police, favour the bad guys. Only government-accessible back doors in every phone, app or laptop can prevent jihadists from undermining our society. WIRED respectfully disagrees. That's why we've put together this accessible guide to encryption tools already on the market. We show you how: How encryption protects our intellectual privacy (and why you should care) What encryption can (and can't) do for you Encrypt your life Tested: secure messaging services How to use Tor How to stay safe from online spies

Know what you know | Cerego Next >Done How do I build Memory Permanence on Cerego? By following your personalized study schedule, you'll spend less time working for better retention with short, frequent bursts of studying spaced over longer and longer time periods. 5 Reviews Week 1 0 Reviews Week 4 Measure my memory? Cerego is the first learning tool to track memory permanence.Review your memories at the recommended times, and level up your memories. Click the pulsating orb to learn more about your memory bank. What is Cerego? Cerego is a tool for learning foundational knowledge. Click the orbs to explore what you can learn

FLIPPED LEARNING IN FINLAND: Research for flipped learning Flipped learning in mathematics has recently attracted considerable interest around the world. Even though the manner in which each teacher actually flips the teaching and learning process of mathematics in his or her own classes varies, flipped learning does require the teacher to reassess his or her pedagogical habits and beliefs. Flipped learning raises the question of whether humanist perspectives, such as freedom, dignity, and potential of humans, should have a higher profile in teaching and students’ learning in mathematics. The main aim of this blog and articles published here is to elicit fresh understandings about the culture of flipped learning and to consider it as a pedagogical approach in mathematics via general theoretical point of view offered by the learning and motivation theories. To meet the aim of this big research project I am concentrating on teachers who regularly use flipped learning in their class.

A Beginner's Guide to Drinking Better Oolong Tea [Photographs: Vicky Wasik, unless otherwise noted] Imagine if you went to a bar and the only beers on the menu were the lightest, most crisp pilsners and darkest, most molassesy porters. No nutty brown ales, bitter-citrusy IPAs, or twangy sours. For a round or two, you'd probably make do. Pilsners can be great! And I love a good porter now and then. For tea people in the U.S., this is pretty much everywhere. But tell someone you'd like an oolong and they'll likely just stare. Oolongs are the wide, wide category of tea in between green and black, and through skilled, labor-intensive processing, a tea-maker can coax anything from buttery florals to deep chocolate to roasted nuts to tropical fruit out of a single batch of leaves. What We Talk About When We Talk About Oolongs [Photograph: Max Falkowitz] In a way, oolongs are the most cheffy teas out there. So what does it mean to get an oolong right? As soon as you pluck a tea leaf, it starts to oxidize. But it's not just a matter of timing.

L'Âge de la multitude | Entreprendre et gouverner après la révolution numérique Paulaharjun yhteisöllinen verkkolehti | Lukkari 2.0 Suurin eroavaisuus perinteiseen alaluokkien lukkariin on se, että perinteinen on tehty luokka- ja opettajakohtaisesti. Tässä se on tehty solu- tai luokka-aste kohtaisesti. Silloin oppilas voi valita useamman opettajan tai opetustyylin tarjoamasta valikoimasta itselleen sopivimman. Ohessa ensimmäisen vanha visualisoitu kiteytysversio alaluokkien Lukkarista Thinglinkillä. Keltainen= Matemaatiikka ja luonnontieteet Oranssi= Kielet ja sivistysaineet Vihreä= taito- ja taideaineet Tummansininen= Valittu painotus joko oman kiinnostuksen tai yhteisesti sovitun tuetun näkökulmasta tuntikehysaineista Vaaleansinen= Valittu painotus kerhotunnin omaisesti vapaista teemoista kuten koodaus, draama tai yrittäjyys. Perjantain integroitu teemapäivä vastaa uuden opsin ilmiöopetuspainotukseen. Taito- ja taideaineissa voi olla haasteenaa erikoisluokkien varaus. Pieniä huomautuksia: väripalkkeihin ei ole otettu orjallisesti kaikkia olemassaolevia aineita.

7 Cool Books That Bill Gates Loves A few hours ago, Bill Gates blogged his suggestions for summer reading. His previous year's suggestions were somewhat weighty tomes, but this year, he's suggesting books that he characterizes as "beach reading." Here are his picks: Hyperbole and a Half, by Allie Brosh Gates comments: "Based on Brosh's wildly popular website, [the book] consists of brief vignettes and comic drawings about her young life. The adventures she recounts are mostly inside her head, where we hear and see the kind of inner thoughts most of us are too timid to let out in public." The Magic of Reality, by Richard Dawkins Gates comments: "An engaging, well-illustrated science textbook offering compelling answers to big questions [and] a plea for readers of all ages to approach mysteries with rigor and curiosity." Of the seven Gates picked, two are among my favorite books. Based on Gates's comments, I can tell that the other five are right up my alley, too.

#hypertextual | Organisations, Cultures, 21st Century opeverkostot - home 12 Books Steve Jobs Wanted You to Read | Toward the end of his life, Steve Jobs was open to the idea of an afterlife. Not long after his untimely death, a Buddhist sect claimed that Jobs had been reincarnated as a "celestial warrior-philosopher living in a mystical glass palace hovering above his old office." If that's true, perhaps in the moments that's he's not screaming "No! No! No!" What strikes me most about Jobs's list is that, unlike Bill Gates's list, almost all the books are about a single individual overcoming enormous odds and obstacles in order to transform either the world, himself, or both. 1. 1984, by George Orwell What it's about: One man's desperate struggle against an all-pervasive state that is committed to controlling people's thoughts as well as their behaviors. Fun factoid: The book inspired the famous Apple "1984" Super Bowl commercial that preannounced the Macintosh. Best quote: "Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them." 2.

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