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Religion ascribed to the teachings of Zoroaster With possible roots dating back to the Second Millennium BCE, Zoroastrianism enters written history in the 5th century BCE.[13] It served as the state religion of the ancient Iranian empires for more than a millennium, from around 600 BCE to 650 CE, but declined from the 7th century CE onwards following the Muslim conquest of Persia of 633–654 and subsequent persecution of the Zoroastrian people. Recent estimates place the current number of Zoroastrians at around 110,000–120,000[15] at most, with the majority living in India, Iran, and North America; their number has been thought to be declining.[16][17] The most important texts of the religion are those contained within the Avesta, which includes as central the writings of Zoroaster known as the Gathas, poems within the Yasna that define the teachings of the Zoroaster, the main worship service of Zoroastrianism. Terminology Overview Theology Practices History Classical antiquity Late antiquity

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lifehack We tend to apologise for our mistakes because we assumed people would appreciate our politeness and good manner. However, the truth is, people like to receive appreciation and recognition for their patience and kindness more than hearing “I’m sorry” for a million time. By looking as comics illustrated by Yao Xiao, you would realise that it’s actually better to say thank you instead of sorry in some daily situations. Making small habit change today will reward you with fruitful relationships with others. The Science of Developing Mental Toughness in Your Health, Work, and Life Have you ever wondered what makes someone a good athlete? Or a good leader? Or a good parent? Why do some people accomplish their goals while others fail? What makes the difference? Usually we answer these questions by talking about the talent of top performers.

109 Random Acts of Kindness You Can Start Doing Today We can get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we often forget to think of others. But a small gesture of kindness can not only make someone else’s entire day, but it can also make you feel good. So why not spread the love and try a random act of kindness today? Here are 109 ideas to get you started: [Related: 42 Little Things You Can Do Today to Find Your Passion] lifehack Until recently, I cannot remember the last time I felt that I had experienced a manageable morning. From my experience, mornings have always brought about a great deal of stress in my life and for the longest time I was completely befuddled. Why did I always wake up with a head full of chaos and an impending sense of doom lurking over my shoulder?

Heroin-Addicted Prostitutes Share Their Tragic Stories In Their Own Words Make no mistake, at first glance this short film initially makes for uncomfortable and confronting viewing. Titled 'Downtown Divas' it sees Eastern Europe's prostitutes, their bodies ravaged by heroin addiction, sharing their intimate stories to camera. No make-up, no stylish edits, just real women unfiltered, unedited and entirely in their own words. Capital - The one hack you need to truly stop procrastinating Does this sound familiar: You start the day with a long to-do list and several deadlines to meet. At the end of the day, you’re not sure where the time went, but you definitely didn’t cross a whole lot off the list. Me too. That’s why a few months ago, I decided to create a daily calendar to plan out each hour of my typically unstructured workday.

The Origins of Everyday Nastiness Views: 13749 It happens pretty much all the time: a small jabbing comment, a joke at our expense amidst a group of old friends, a line of sarcasm, a sneering assessment, a provocative comment on the internet. These things hurt a lot – more than we’re ever allowed to admit. In the privacy of our minds, we search for explanations, but anything satisfying and soothing is usually hard to come by. the-ultimate-guide-to-increasing-your-intelligence-part-1-of-2?ref=mail&mtype=daily_newsletter&mid=20160617_customized&uid=757365&email=puhnner@hotmail It’s easy to say to ourselves and one another, “Just follow your dreams and everything will work out.” While the first half of this sentence isn’t necessarily bad advice, it must be balanced with a truth that few people genuinely accept. Yes, pursuing one’s passion has rarely been a poor choice within the heart, but what’s one characteristic we all value for its infinite practicality?
