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Roboquad | IR Codes ( The RoboQuad modulation scheme is the same as the RSV2 12-bit encoding described at the top of the IR Codes V2 page. The first 4 bits are "0110" for the RoboQuad (hex $6). Movement Commands (direction pad) $600 + SHIFT ($600,$620,$640,$680) = stop$601 + SHIFT ($601,$621,$641,$681) = forward$602 + SHIFT ($602,$622,$642,$682) = backward$603 + SHIFT ($603,$623,$643,$683) = left$604 + SHIFT ($604,$624,$644,$684) = right$605 + SHIFT ($605,$625,$645,$685) = top+left$606 + SHIFT ($606,$626,$646,$686) = top+right$607 + SHIFT ($607,$627,$647,$687) = bottom+left$608 + SHIFT ($608,$628,$648,$688) = bottom+right SHIFT = $00 (shift level 1, LED off), $20 (shift level 2, green), $40 (shift level 3, orange) or $80 (shift level 4, red). Special Personality setting (when any of 3 personality buttons pressed, no shift) $6C0 + activity_level * 1 + awareness_level * 4 + aggression_level * $10activity/awareness/aggression level = 0 (low, green), 1 (medium, orange) or 2 (high, red) To Examine (may do nothing)

Visual Programming Arduino: modkit and the others | Not long ago, our friend [Ed Baafi] told us about the amazing work he was doing on ModKit: a very interesting project in bringing visual programming on the Arduino side. Making programming as easy as building bricks is the common Quest of many different projects, aimed to work in the Educational field, teaching kids build their own programs (and toys). Modkit is an in-browser graphical programming environment for little devices called embedded systems. Brian’s post has a good review about all the other arduino visual programmers. I’ll try to update and add some expreriences to this list (thanks Brian!) [Amici] EduWear’s project: EduWear aims at contributing to the reduction of inhibiting factors by employing an approach rooted both in education and in ICT development. [Babuinobot] Project Babuino is a software program that combines the power of the Arduino hardware platform with the intuitive and fun Logo programming language using a click and drag GUI interface. Via [Make] and [TransiLab]

Futuristic and Unique Wallpaper with LED – LED Wallpaper Futuristic and Unique Wallpaper with LED This is an unique wallpaper designed by Ingo Maurer from Architects Paper. This is a great idea for wallpaper that will not only make your interior looks great but also illuminate your room. The LED light can be dimmed and hung in more or fewer strips and lengths according to the architecture and furnishing of a room. detail of Futuristic and Unique Wallpaper with LED blue Futuristic and Unique Wallpaper with LED plan of Futuristic and Unique Wallpaper with LED Design of Wall Panel

ShiftOut Learning Examples | Foundations | Hacking | Links Started by Carlyn Maw and Tom Igoe Nov, 06 Shifting Out & the 595 chip At sometime or another you may run out of pins on your Arduino board and need to extend it with shift registers. This example is based on the 74HC595. How this all works is through something called "synchronous serial communication," i.e. you can pulse one pin up and down thereby communicating a data byte to the register bit by bit. The "serial output" part of this component comes from its extra pin which can pass the serial information received from the microcontroller out again unchanged. "3 states" refers to the fact that you can set the output pins as either high, low or "high impedance." Here is a table explaining the pin-outs adapted from the Phillip's datasheet. Example 1: One Shift Register The first step is to extend your Arduino with one shift register. The Circuit 1. Make the following connections: 2. 3. Circuit Diagram The Code Here are three code examples. 1. 2.

Checking Your IR Remote and Replacing Your IR LED in the Roboquad: RoboCommunity Wait! Don't throw your batteries away in your remote until you do this check! If this check doesn't work, the problem may be your IR LED. If you didn't see that in your digital camera, then it just might be the IR LED, a transistor, or the CPU. First, we are working on the Roboquad Remote. Step 1 - Make sure you have tried new batteries and that the batteries are seated well - then retry the steps in the video. Step 2 - Open the remote. Once this is done, then it's time to crack it open. Now, let's check the LED to see if we are getting anything to it. If that did not work, then what could be the problem? Next, we should test the crystal. To remove the PCB board, remove the batteries and you will again have to remove 6 screws: 2 on top, 2 in the middle, and 2 on the bottom. Make sure that when you reinstall the new LED, that you put it in correctly: the flat spot of the LED is to the left for the remote. Until then, GWJax

Babuinobot What is Babuino? Babuino is a software program that combines the power of the Arduino hardware platform with the intuitive and fun Logo programming language using a click and drag GUI interface. This allows even young children to build their own programs and run them on a microcontroller. The program on the left uses only 5 blocks to make a speaker beep whenever a button is pressed. Any child that can operate a mouse, fit simple puzzle pieces together, and has basic language skills can learn to program. What is so Special About the Babuinobot? It's Affordable Costs will vary considerably depending on bulk purchase discounts, availability of local materials, re-using parts and materials from discarded waste and electronics, etc. Free Open Source Software All of the software mentioned in this website for programming the Babuinobot is free, as in "you do not need to pay for it." Open Source Hardware Accommodates a Wide Range of Programming Abilities It's Flexible But, Most Importantly...

nootropic design | Video Experimenter Arduino Interrupts Often when working on microcontroller projects you need a background function to run at regular intervals. This is often done by setting up a hardware timer to generate an interrupt. The interrupt triggers an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) to handle the periodic interrupt. In this article I describe setting up the 8-Bit Timer2 to generate interrupts on an Arduino ATMega168. If you are following the Arduino sound articles this one will be important to read as well. The Arduino default processor is an ATMega168 (datasheet link). Interrupts? Interrupts Links When a new character arrives the UART system generates an interrupt. If you have lots of interrupts firing or fast timer interrupts your main code will execute slower because the microcontroller is spreading it’s processing time between your main code and all the ISR functions. You may be thinking, why not just check for a new character every now and then instead of using this complicated interrupt process.
