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Online Data Analyst Course

Online Data Analyst Course
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HarvardX Data Science Professional Certificate The demand for skilled data science practitioners in industry, academia, and government is rapidly growing. The HarvardX Data Science program prepares you with the necessary knowledge base and useful skills to tackle real-world data analysis challenges. The program covers concepts such as probability, inference, regression, and machine learning and helps you develop an essential skill set that includes R programming, data wrangling with dplyr, data visualization with ggplot2, file organization with Unix/Linux, version control with git and GitHub, and reproducible document preparation with RStudio. In each course, we use motivating case studies, ask specific questions, and learn by answering these through data analysis. Throughout the program, we will be using the R software environment.

Jupyter and the future of IPython — IPython Competitive Advantage - Online Course Apple, Facebook and Google are three of today’s most vibrant companies. And they have something in common: they understand that the value of their business is built on what they know about their business and their customers, and this gives them their competitive advantage. Information is the key to contemporary business success. Learn how information can give you a competitive edge This online course looks at the value of information to businesses and how using what you know can give you a competitive advantage. Learn from the business experts Deakin University’s Business School is a global leader in business and management education. Take your learning to the next stage This course is a free introduction to a Deakin University postgraduate degree in Information technology and Cyber security which can be studied wholly online on FutureLearn

Data Science for Beginners: Hands-On Data Science in Python Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are the most demanding skills in today's world, Almost every Multi-National company is working on these new technologies With this Mega Course you will learn all the required tools for Data Science from the very beginning ! We will cover below topics, 1) Data Pre-Processing: Importing Libraries, Importing Dataset, Working with missing data, Encoding categorical data, Splitting dataset into train and test set, Feature scaling 2) Regression Analysis: Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Evaluating the Model Performance 3) Classification Techniques: Logistic Regression, KNN, SVM, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest 4) Cluster Analysis: K means, Hierarchical 5) Natural Language Processing: NLTK, Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization, Stop Words, POS Tagging, Chunking, Named Entity Recognition, Text Classification Regards, Vijay Gadhave Regards,

NumPy — Numpy Inteligencia de negocios La Certificación Profesional de Inteligencia de negocios (business intelligence) proporciona los fundamentos y conocimientos necesarios para el uso e implementación de herramientas que permiten analizar los datos de las actividades y operaciones de una organización. La inteligencia de negocios es una habilidad en gran demanda en el mercado laboral actual, las proyecciones de crecimiento de puestos laborales en esta área son altas, debido a que puede ser implementada en cualquier tipo de organización para la toma de decisiones de gran impacto. Esta certificación se divide en dos cursos: Estadística aplicada a los negocios.Inteligencia de negocios: herramientas y procesos. El primer curso proporciona una introducción al análisis de datos en base a las principales herramientas estadísticas, enfocándose en la estadística descriptiva y la estadística inferencial.

Specialization Current session: Nov 7 — Dec 12. About the Course Welcome to the Cloud Computing Applications course, the second part of a two-course series designed to give you a comprehensive view on the world of Cloud Computing and Big Data! In this second course we continue Cloud Computing Applications by exploring how the Cloud opens up data analytics of huge volumes of data that are static or streamed at high velocity and represent an enormous variety of information. Cloud applications and data analytics represent a disruptive change in the ways that society is informed by, and uses information. Home — TensorFlow The Analytics Edge In the last decade, the amount of data available to organizations has reached unprecedented levels. Data is transforming business, social interactions, and the future of our society. In this course, you will learn how to use data and analytics to give an edge to your career and your life. We will examine real world examples of how analytics have been used to significantly improve a business or industry. These examples include Moneyball, eHarmony, the Framingham Heart Study, Twitter, IBM Watson, and Netflix. Through these examples and many more, we will teach you the following analytics methods: linear regression, logistic regression, trees, text analytics, clustering, visualization, and optimization. The class will consist of lecture videos, which are broken into small pieces, usually between 4 and 8 minutes each.

Artificial Intelligence This is an Archived Course EdX keeps courses open for enrollment after they end to allow learners to explore content and continue learning. All features and materials may not be available, and course content will not be updated. Artificial intelligence is already all around you, from web search to video games. The course will introduce the basic ideas and techniques underlying the design of intelligent computer systems. Statistical and decision–theoretic modeling paradigm. Join us today to learn more about how AI affects your life, and where it is headed in the future.

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