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Tests Anglais Grammaire Le Super Bowl aura lieu le 13 février prochain aux États-Unis. Que s'y passera-t-il ... Complétez cette lettre au Père Noël avec les modaux nécessaires... ... Tous les tests de grammaire Conjugaison Complétez ce récit de vacances d'été avec les temps adéquats... ... Complétez le dialogue ci-dessous en conjuguant les verbes entre parenthèses de maniè ... Tous les tests de conjugaison Vocabulaire Révisez le vocabulaire de l’avion. Ces mots ont-ils réellement le sens que vous leur attribuez ? Tous les tests de vocabulaire Culture Quel crack êtes-vous en anglais ? Épreuves, disciplines, palmarès... Tous les tests de culture Anglais Professionnel Répondez aux 10 questions suivantes en lien avec le thème de l'immobilier. Graphique, flèche, camembert... Tous les tests d'anglais professionnel Compréhension A quelle figure de style ces mots se rapportent-ils ? Nous inaugurons dans nos pages une nouvelle rubrique consacrée aux J.O. de Londres. Tous les tests de compréhension

Learn English and listen to English with podcasts in English British Council LearnEnglish Teens | Free resources for teens to help improve your English Skill-up with us at SummerEd! Learning Experience Design (LxD) for educators Wednesday, August 18, 2021 What goes into the design of a learning experience? How do we best respond to our modern student, particularly in a hybrid classroom? Register today Learning Experience Design (LxD) for educators Wednesday, August 18, 2021 What goes into the design of a learning experience? Register today

ESL Kids Classroom Games & Activities Airplane competition: First, have your students make some paper airplanes. Stand the students in a line and let them test fly their planes. For the competition, assign different classroom objects points (e.g. table 5 points, door 10 points, trash can 20 points). Ask a S a question and if s/he answers correctly then s/he can throw and try to hit one of the target objects to win points. This works well as a team game. Apple Pass: Have all students sit in a circle. Art Gallery: This is a great activity for reviewing vocab. Attention: Call out commands such as: Attention, salute, march in place...stop, sit down, stand up, walk in a circle, clap your hands...stop, run in place...stop, jumping jacks...stop, swim in place....stop, etc. Worksheets for ESL Kids Over 1,000 printable worksheets right here on ESL KidStuff. Backs to the Board Game: This one is good for higher level kids. Badminton: Good for reviewing target vocabulary (words or communicative expressions). Bang! Buzz: A counting game.

tubequizard From EFL to ELF: Materials Writing for English as a Lingua Franca – A Summary – Clare's ELT Compendium As part of the Materials Writing SIG pre-conference event at IATEFL 2018, Marek Kiczkowiak gave a talk entitled “From EFL to ELF: Materials Writing for English as a Lingua Franca.” Now, I teach and write for an EFL setting – generally homogenous groups of speakers of German studying English Studies in English. Most of them intend to be EFL teachers themselves one day. But I found the talk interesting nonetheless and came away with a few ideas for updating my teaching materials to fit a more English as a lingua-franca (ELF) paradigm, which can benefit the students who are not aiming to be secondary-school EFL teachers here in Germany, but also without taking anything away from the others’ learning experience. (I have to say, a general sentiment that I had after the day, especially after this and Rom Neves’ talk, is that all learners can use materials written with those with specific needs in mind – no harm is done, so to speak, so why not?) Like this: Like Loading... Related Uncategorized

Science Games and Videos | Educational Games for Kids Step By Step: Using Your Dictionary To Expand Topic Vocabulary These days, there might only be one topic of conversation in the news, on social media, and in our own chats to friends and family. Along with new ways of working, teaching and learning, we are even adopting a new lexicon to help us talk about it. My own personal “Health” topic vocabulary has grown to include such words and phrases as self-isolation, social distancing and herd immunity. Using topic vocabulary to enhance learning Collecting words together in topics has long been seen as a good way to help students learn vocabulary. Using Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries Topics pages Large topic areas are subdivided into smaller ones, and once you open a word list you can filter on CEFR level. Here are a few activities that you might like to try: 1) A topic a week Choose your topic vocabulary and allocate words to learn each day by using the click-through feature to check meaning, pronunciation and usage in the dictionary. Food and drink > Cooking and eating > Taste and texture of food Like this:
