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The wars that inspired Game of Thrones - Alex Gendler

The wars that inspired Game of Thrones - Alex Gendler
Related:  MYTHS AND HEROESHistory

GCSE Bitesize - Hamlet Intro to U.S. Involvement in WWI - And What Kids Say About Tom Richey's Videos Tom Richey recently released a new video for students in U.S. history courses. The United States in World War I is a video in which Tom provides students with an overview of why the United States got involved in the war, why U.S. involvement was significant, and Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points. It's hard to provide depth in a ten minute, but Tom does a great job of providing students with an overview of U.S. involvement in WWI. Tom has more than 87,000 followers on YouTube. "I already passed AP US History last year, but I still watch your videos." "I love your videos, always helping me out before a quiz!" "Thank you! "I’m not even in AP EURO anymore but I love these videos so much!" How does Tom make videos that get comments like these?

How the Chicken Conquered the World | History & Archaeology The chickens that saved Western civilization were discovered, according to legend, by the side of a road in Greece in the first decade of the fifth century B.C. The Athenian general Themistocles, on his way to confront the invading Persian forces, stopped to watch two cocks fighting and summoned his troops, saying: “Behold, these do not fight for their household gods, for the monuments of their ancestors, for glory, for liberty or the safety of their children, but only because one will not give way to the other.” The tale does not describe what happened to the loser, nor explain why the soldiers found this display of instinctive aggression inspirational rather than pointless and depressing. But history records that the Greeks, thus heartened, went on to repel the invaders, preserving the civilization that today honors those same creatures by breading, frying and dipping them into one’s choice of sauce. How did the chicken achieve such cultural and culinary dominance?

165. Billy Joel : "We Didn't Start The Fire" (1989) Une chanson pour réviser ! Les baby boomers (nés entre 1945 et le début des années 1970) sont-ils responsables de l'État du monde qu'ils nous laissent ? Vaste question me direz-vous. Le chanteur Billy Joel, né en 1949, et originaire de Levittown près de New York, sans doute un peu agacé de voir sa génération mise en accusation, a répondu en 1989 par cette chanson en forme de chronologie. Sa réponse : "Nous n'avons pas allumé le feu. Il a toujours brûlé depuis que la terre tourne. La chanson cartonne à sa sortie en 1989 en offrant précisément aux Baby boomers une sorte d'hymne pour se souvenir des années qu'elle a vécues. Précisons que Billy Joel avait accompli deux ans plus tôt une tournée en URSS, une première pour un rocker américain. En 1989, avec "We Didn't Start The Fire", Joel obtient sa 3ème première place au hit-parade et lance admirablement l'album dont elle fait partie Storm Front, qui est alors également numéro 1 des ventes. Harry Truman Président démocrate des Etats-Unis de 1945 à 1953.

Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Activities October 3rd, 2016 | Vol. 188, No. 13 | U.S. Eight days after San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick dropped to his knee as the national anthem was played before a Sept. 1 NFL preseason game in San Diego, Preston Brown gathered the Woodrow Wilson High School football team on their practice field nearly 3,000 miles away in Camden, N.J. Like his young, mostly African-American players, Brown grew up in the ailing city outside Philadelphia, and its bleak statistics–52% of kids below the poverty line, a college-graduation rate under 9%–left a lasting mark. “Come and experience some of the things these kids have to go through,” says Brown. So on Sept. 9, one day before Woodrow Wilson’s first game of the season, the coach stood on the field and announced that he planned to follow Kaepernick’s lead and kneel during the national anthem to protest racial injustice. They were far from alone. “I thought a lot about it, read a lot about it and just felt, How can I not kneel too?” The criticism came hard and fast. Many are trying.

Family tree of the Greek gods Family tree of gods, goddesses and other divine figures from Ancient Greek mythology and Ancient Greek religion The following is a family tree of gods, goddesses and many other divine and semi-divine figures from Ancient Greek mythology and Ancient Greek religion. (The tree does not include creatures; for these, see List of Greek mythological creatures.) Key: The essential Olympians' names are given in bold font. Key: The original 12 Titans' names have a greenish background. See also List of Greek mythological figures Notes References

America is unilateralist, not isolationist hen the incredible litany of silly reasons for great events is written, top billing must surely go to this rationale from the 1950s for American policy towards Pakistan. I owe the anecdote to an excellent new book, The Brothers, by Stephen Kinzer. For eight years during the Dwight Eisenhower administration, John Foster Dulles, as a puritan secretary of state, and Allen, as the rather more amorous CIA chief, constituted the most powerful sibling partnership in American history. To be fair, they had just emerged from a barbarous war in which millions were killed in the name of patriotism, and a genocide occurred in the heart of Europe. Nothing, however, quite explains the naiveté of John Foster, at least in this instance. Dulles was very keen to bring Pakistan into yet another of his regional alliances against Communists. Dulles explained to the journalist Walter Lippman in an interview. A puzzled Lippman pointed out: "But Foster, the Gurkhas aren't Pakistanis." "No matter!"

Da non perdere Compito autentico: costruisci un tuo sito web su un argomento a piacere. Proponiamo questo lavoro ad alunni dai 9 ai 18 anni. La tecnica è molto intuitiva. Per adeguare il contenuto all'età basta modificare le richieste specifiche della checklist. L'esempio seguente è tarato su 14-15enni. Crea un sito web personale seguendo le istruzioni di questo tutorial. Prima di cominciare, verifica se possiedi già una casella di posta gmail. Se non hai una gmail o non ti ricordi la sua password, devi crearne una cliccando qui. A questo punto con la tua gmail aperta, clicca qui per entrare nella pagina di creazione del tuo nuovo sito Google. Aggiungi una bella immagine a piacere di argomento, ad esempio, biologico e metti come titolo grande: "La biologia di ....." seguita dal tuo nome e cognome. Nella parte inferiore riporta con semplici e brevi frasi, schemi, immagini o video, una descrizione di quelle attività svolte nei mesi scorsi che ti hanno maggiormente interessato. Checklist di autovalutazione

"This is America" de Childish Gambino : les trois détails à ne pas manquer dans le clip choc sur le racisme aux États-Unis MUSIQUE - Après le sublime et planant "Redbone", Donald Glover alias Childish Gambino donne sa vision des États-Unis dans "This is America". Et ce portrait est si sombre que le clip, dévoilé ce week-end, a fait l'effet d'une bombe outre-Atlantique. En 24 heures, la vidéo a été vue plus de 14 millions de fois. En France, elle tombe à point nommé face à la dernière polémique de Donald Trump mimant la tuerie du Bataclan. Dans cette vision de l'Amérique livrée en quatre minutes, l'artiste aux multiples casquettes surprend et choque par les changements de rythmes et de propos de son morceau. Dès les premiers instants, les chants joyeux sur la fête et la danse portés par Young Thug sont brusquement interrompus par la mise à mort d'un homme noir. Mais pour porter ce message, le clip réalisé par Hiro Murai regorge de détails ne demandant qu'à être interrogés et interprétés. Les armes sont mieux traitées que les Hommes Trois fusillades sont au cœur de ce clip événement. Childish Gambino YouTube
