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40 Quotes that Will Quiet Your Mind

40 Quotes that Will Quiet Your Mind
post written by: Angel Chernoff Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. You know how you always turn down the volume on the radio when you need to think clearly about something complicated or confusing? The same is true for your life in general. Turning down the radio refocuses your mind and offers you clarity when you need it most. Now it’s time to apply this same strategy to all the other noise in your life, starting with the noise in your head. Here are 40 quotes gathered from our blog archive that can be used as reminders to help tweak your thoughts and quiet your anxious mind: Reminder: Have you checked out our book? Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality. Your turn… What’s one quote or personal reminder that helps you quiet your mind, think more clearly, or live more positively when life gets noisy and stressful? Related:  Forgivenessother items

Learn to Forgive Yourself No Matter What One of the greatest, most unproductive and destructive mind traps many of us face is self-blame. It’s as if the brain doesn’t know what to do with the uncomfortable feeling that’s there and it projects it inward. I’ve never seen a single example where self-blame is constructive. We all make mistakes in life, some greater than others. But there is a simple truth in life that is worth understanding, we all do the best we can with what we know in any given time. It could never be any other way. There’s a simple thing to practice that can bring us back to our senses with a bit more self-compassion. Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it. No matter what you’ve done, it doesn’t serve you or anyone else to stew in self-blame. In Uncovering Happiness I share a very personal story where in my twenties I was incredibly destructive to my mind and body. This kept me stuck in a shame cycle. Consider what you might be blaming yourself for. Warmly, Elisha Goldstein

How To Be Motivated: 4 New Insights From Research Sometimes there is not enough coffee in universe to get you going. How to be motivated is something we all struggle with at some time or another. Or, um, daily. Motivation is such a mystery. Dan Pink wrote the book on motivation. He’s the New York Times bestselling author of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. His books have sold more than 2 million copies. Here’s what I love about Dan: He’s not the type to write a book and just move on. Here’s what you’ll get from this post: Why you don’t feel motivated.What the research says really produces motivation.The single most motivating thing there is and how to have it in your life.The biggest mistake you’re making when it comes to motivation. Let’s get to it… 1) This Is Why You Don’t Feel Motivated You’re probably thinking too much about the rewards involved. You might be enthusiastic about the “carrot” or afraid of the “stick”, but you’re just not excited about doing the task itself. Rewards like money are tricky. Here’s Dan:

How to Practice Forgiving Yourself Self-blame is a human dilemma. We may blame ourselves for shouting at our kids or not protecting our siblings from abusive parents when we were young, or hating ourselves for something we wish we hadn’t said. But blame creates a destructive amount of continual stress that holds us back from learning from our mistakes and also uncovering a real happiness. So, assuming many of us agree that forgiving ourselves and learning from past mistakes is important for our health and well-being, the next question is how do we actually go about forgiving ourselves? Know that you are not the first or the last One of the first things to do is understand that you are not the first person who has made this mistake; it has likely been made thousands if not millions of times before you by other people. Understand that it’s in the past Another thing to remind yourself of is that this act you may have committed is now in the past, it is not present, and you are not currently doing it. Adopt a learning mindset

How to Beat Procrastination This is Part 2. You won’t get Part 2 if you haven’t read Part 1 yet. Here’s Part 1. PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) pro-cras-ti-na-tion |prəˌkrastəˈnāSHən, prō-| nounthe action of ruining your own life for no apparent reason Let me start by saying that I’ve had just about enough of the irony of battling through crippling procrastination while trying to write posts on procrastination and how to beat it. A couple notes before we begin: I’m not a professional at any of this, just a lifelong procrastinator who thinks about this topic all the time. Alright, so last week we dove into the everyday inner struggle of the procrastinator to examine the underlying psychology going on. We know about the Instant Gratification Monkey (the part of your brain that makes you procrastinate) and his dominion over the Rational Decision Maker, but what’s really happening there? Planning A big list of icky, daunting tasks and undertakings.

How to Forgive Yourself and Why It’s Important You made a mistake. You made a bad decision. You hurt someone. You didn’t get your point across during an important meeting or presentation. For many of us, these are the situations that make us angry with ourselves. And yet these are all moments when self-forgiveness is important. According to psychotherapist Ashley Eder, LPC, “Self-forgiveness is accepting responsibility for our actions both compassionately and seriously, while also cradling the hurt part that was acting out.” She noted that it’s saying to ourselves: “I am sad that you acted this way. So how do you forgive yourself? “Compassion is the basis of forgiveness,” Eder said. Eder gave this example: You’re on deadline for an article. Does that motivate you to write your article? What happens when you say to yourself: “Of course you don’t feel like writing — it’s been a long week and you’re not feeling it today. Your mood shifts, and you’re more likely to work on your piece. Focus on the two layers of self-forgiveness

7 Critical Skills That Predict Success What skills do you really need to succeed? In school, they taught us history and algebra and if we got good SAT scores they said we'd succeed. But are those the skills we really need? Developmental psychologist Susan Engel researched the skills that actually predicted success. 1. Of course, you can read. I'd like to ask a different question: Do you read? 2. If you're running a startup, you probably already have this skill down. Are ideas encouraged? 3. Sometimes we get focused on the solution we think is right, and we forget that there are many different angles for looking at each problem. Have you really looked at your decisions from all sides? 4. Engel identifies conversation as a way that children gain not only the ability to communicate, but also pegs it as a way that children actually learn. 5. Are you working together with others, or simply directing their work? 6. How successful are you on a project that you hate and wish you could avoid? What about your team? 7.

How Forgiveness Changes a Person Forgiveness is often prescribed as a remedy for healing from a traumatic experience. It is a very effective tool in bringing closure. Instead of remaining a victim, the offended person can regain control over a trauma by choosing a forgiving response. In many ways this destroys the offender’s influence over the life of another and reinforces the empowerment of the offended. However, too often forgiveness becomes a task on the counseling to-do list instead of a change of heart. Understand the reason for forgiveness. Having an attitude of forgiveness changes an individual’s perspective on even difficult events. Christine Hammond is the award-winning author of The Exhausted Woman’s Handbook available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iBooks.

10 Signs You're A Critical Thinker Critical thinkers are able to analyze issues from a wide variety of angles, resulting in more success in business and life. Discover your ability to think critically today with these ten signs you’re a critical thinker. 1. Critical thinkers know that partisan politics come into play at any mainstream media outlet, so they strive to learn about the world from a variety of sources that offer different journalistic voices. 2. Critical thinkers are not afraid of a healthy debate. 3. Critical thinkers know that it is impossible to be right about everything all the time. 4. Critical thinkers are often frustrated at the total lack of rationality that surrounds them on the Internet. 5. Critical thinkers wake up every day, excited to have another opportunity to sharpen their thinking ability. 6. Critical thinkers have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. 7. Critical thinkers would rather innovate than regurgitate. 8. 9. 10. Did you see yourself in these signs you’re a critical thinker?

The Forgiveness Instinct Early on the morning of October, 26, 2001, 25-year-old Chante Mallard was driving home along Interstate 820, just southeast of Fort Worth, Texas, after a long night of partying. Fatigue, combined with the many substances in her bloodstream—alcohol, marijuana, ecstasy—had impaired her judgment and slowed her reaction time. As she rounded the horseshoe-shaped curve to merge onto Route 287, Mallard drove her car straight into a man who had been walking along the dark highway. Gregory Biggs, 37 years old, was catapulted onto the hood of Mallard’s car. His head and upper body went crashing through the windshield and landed on the passenger side floorboard. His legs remained trapped inside the windshield. With all of the drugs and the noise and the broken glass, Mallard was so disoriented at first that she didn’t even know that a human being was stuck in her windshield. A female chimpanzee (right) kisses a male as they reconcile after a fight. Both of those assumptions are wrong.

Teaching Guide: Dealing with Feelings - Character Education - Social Emotional Learning - Life Skills - Lesson Plans & Curriculum This material is from the teaching guidefor the video “Dealing with Feelings“in the 10-part DVD series You Can Choose! HOW TO COPEWith An Unpleasant Feeling Sometimes we feel good, and sometimes we feel bad. Both kinds of feelings are normal. Of course, we all enjoy good feelings. But when we don’t like the way we are feeling, sometimes we don’t know what to do about it. 1. 2. 3. 4. * The above material is borrowed from the book “Dealing With Feelings,” by Dr. (If you wish to copy or use any material from this website, please click here for Terms of Use.) If you are using the DVD, ask the first three questions before viewing. 1. 2. 3. Questions to ask after showing the DVD. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. Other teaching guides in this series: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To enlist the involvement of parents, make copies of the “For Parents” block (see below) and send them home with the children. 1. 2. 3. (Copy this block and send it home to the parents.) Dear Parent,
