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Apprenez à préparer votre propre Vicks VapoRub chez vous

Apprenez à préparer votre propre Vicks VapoRub chez vous
Mondialement connu pour son action décongestive, le « Vicks » (comme on l’appelle populairement) sert à mieux respirer et à soulager les symptômes des rhumes et des grippes. Grâce à un simple massage sur la poitrine avec un peu de ce médicament, les fosses nasales se débouchent et le rhume se réduit. Dans l’article suivant, vous découvrirez comment préparer votre propre Vicks VapoRub chez vous. Les caractéristiques du Vicks VapoRub Les principes actifs de ce remède sont au nombre de trois : le menthol, le camphre et l’huile d’eucalyptus. Son action, qui décongestionne, agit en améliorant les récepteurs du froid du nez, ce qui provoque une grande sensation de fraîcheur dans les voies respiratoires et une augmentation du passage de l’air. D’autre part, il a une action contre la toux sèche, et en même temps, soulage rapidement les symptômes de rhumes et de grippe. Pour quoi peut s’utiliser le Vicks VapoRub ? Il soulage les pieds Il soulage les maux de tête Il soulage les muscles endoloris Related:  Santé / Bien-être

L'arthrose - Laura Azenard : «Voici comment j'ai vaincu l'arthrose» : Qu’est-ce qui vous a poussée à écrire ce livre ? Laura Azenard : Je me suis réveillée un matin, à 40 ans, avec de l’arthrose alors que j’avais toujours été en bonne santé, jamais touchée ne serait-ce que par un rhume. Je n’ai rien vu venir du tout, et en 10 minutes de consultation le rhumatologue m’a expliqué que ma vie ne serait plus jamais la même. Sonnée, j’ai passé quelques nuits blanches à essayer de comprendre, à lire des livres expliquant ce qu’est l’arthrose, comment vivre avec, en guérir. Des livres plutôt écrits par des médecins, assez sérieux et s’adressant plutôt à des personnes plus âgées que moi. J’ai donc choisi d’y prendre ce qu’il y avait à y prendre et de me composer mon programme anti-arthrose. Que pensez-vous de l’accompagnement des personnes atteintes d’arthrose aujourd’hui en France ? Comment une maladie qui touche 10 millions de personnes peut être aussi mal prise en charge ? Vous avez testé une vingtaine de traitements en un an. Oui, clairement.

La flore intestinale dit au cerveau quand elle n’a plus faim 20 min après un repas, les bactéries E. coli produisent des protéines qui diraient au cerveau qu'il faut arrêter de manger. Vous n’êtes pas seul à décider ce que vous allez manger : vos bactéries intestinales contrôlent elles aussi votre appétit ! C’est ce que montre une étude de l’Inserm et de l’université de Rouen qui paraît dans Cell Metabolism. L’appétit est contrôlé par des hormones qui signalent au cerveau quand il faut manger ou pas. Lire : Le soir, la lumière des écrans ouvre l'appétit Dans cet article, les chercheurs ont étudié comment la bactérie commensale Escherichia coli, qui vit dans l'intestin humain,active les voies de la satiété de son hôte. De plus, 20 min d’après le début du repas, les bactéries E. coli produisaient des protéines différentes de celles produites avant le repas. Ainsi, ClpB est une protéine bactérienne produite en phase stationnaire de croissance par E.coli. Lire : Les bactéries intestinales nous feraient manger ce qui les arrange Source

5 Unexpected Lifestyle Habits That Boost Immunity According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu season usually peaks around February and can last as long as until May. The common cold is also a big problem throughout the winter months mainly due to the fact that people tend to spend more time indoors and therefore spread their germs to others more easily. You can protect yourself from getting sick by eating nutritious foods high in vitamins and minerals, getting enough sleep, managing stress, washing your hands regularly and even getting a flu shot. These things are all pretty obvious, but there are a few more obscure habits you probably already do that could potentially give your immune system a bit of a boost. Consider picking out one or two from the list below that you can incorporate more frequently into your daily life this winter to help keep you healthy until cold and flu season finally lets up in the spring. 1. Love This? 2. 3. They say laughter is the best medicine, and science has proven it to be true. 4. 5.

4-ways-to-reduce-the-damage-of-prolonged-sitting Research is mounting that chronic sitting is associated with cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity and even early death. But sitting can be hard to avoid in modern life, so what can you do about it? It turns out there are many small actions you can take throughout the day to help reduce your risks of developing sitting-related health problems. 1. Take a 10-minute walk Researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine found that blood circulation and vascular function in your limbs is impaired when you sit for prolonged periods of time. The study specifically looked at participants who had sat for six hours straight. It’s fairly easy to fit a 10-minute walk into your day. Love This? 2. A study published in Diabetes Care showed that 5 minutes of standing for every 30 minutes of sitting was linked to improved blood sugar regulation, whether or not the participants stood still for the 5 minutes or walked around. Dr. But don’t get carried away. 3. 4.

14 Tips for Using Less Heat this Season Whether you have electric or gas heat, warming your home isn’t so hot for the environment. The majority of our electricity here in the U.S. comes from dirty coal. Natural gas drilling often uses a dangerous method called hydraulic fracturing or “fracking,” which contaminates water in the areas around drilling sites. Never fear! 1. Nope, I’m not talking about avoiding military service. You can purchase draft dodgers online, and if you’re feeling crafty it’s quite easy to whip up your own! 2. If possible, keep your blinds open during the day and close them at night. 3. Not the Christmas tree! Love This? 4. You know how unpleasant it is to step out of bed onto a cold floor. 5. It’s hard to fall asleep if you’re lying in bed shivering. If you’ve got a thermostat on a timer, you can even set it to start warming the house 30 minutes or so before you’re planning to get up, so you don’t have to hop out of bed into a chilly room. 6. Heading out for the day? If you have pets, keep them in mind! 7.

10 Best Foods for a Summer Detox Summer is a great time to detox because fresh organic fruit and vegetables are more available. Also, when it is warm, it is easier for the body to be in a detox process. This is a natural process. Everyone loves the taste of watermelon, but it also has amazing health and cleansing benefits. 1. Is extremely alkaline-forming in the body. Read more about Watermelon Health Benefits. 2. A half-cup of sliced cucumber only has 8 calories.Highly Alkaline-Forming Food. Lemons and lemon water are a refreshing way to detox your body. 3. Are alkalizing for the body. 4. Have been found to reduce inflammation in many studies on animals;Have antiviral properties and help to block toxins from crossing the blood-brain barrier to gain access to the delicate brain. Raspberries are great for weight loss. 5. The glycemic index of raspberries is 3, meaning they are a low glycemic load food. 6. Full of anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Celery takes more calories to digest than it gives you. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Mindfulness Techniques to Reduce Stress | Care2 Healthy Living As the pace of life seems to be constantly accelerating, it’s all too easy to fall prey to the ravages of stress on our physical and emotional wellbeing. But did you know that something as easy as practicing mindfulness can have tangible health benefits,1 including the following: Reduced stressImproved attentionBetter working memoryMore positive emotionsReduced blood pressure What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is a practice with roots reaching as far back as the ancient traditions of Buddhist meditation. Mindfulness is essentially awareness. Contrary to popular belief, mindfulness isn’t about trying to attain some sort of nirvana or enlightened state. What’s the Difference between Mindfulness and Meditation? While many people think mindfulness and meditation are the same thing, they’re actually quite different. Meditation: Traditional meditation typically involves sitting, relaxed but attentive with your eyes closed, in a quiet place conducive to peacefulness. Got a busy schedule? Mindful Yoga

La Détox Il y a une chose que nous sommes très peu à faire : c'est s'écouter. Pas nécessairement écouter les petites voix dans la tête ou ressasser les soucis et autres préoccupations ou plaisir, mais écouter en premier lieu son corps : quels sont ses besoins, ses besoins véritables?! Santé et saisonsN'avez-vous jamais remarqué que l'été, nous avons une envie accrue de frais, de tomates juteuses, de melons bien mûrs et qu'au contraire, l'hiver, nous sommes plus attirés par des plats roboratifs? Ecouter ses envies pour répondre à ses besoinsFinalement, consommer de saison n'est pas qu'une question de saveur, d'écologie ni même d'économie. Détoxifier quoi ? L'intérêt de pratiquer une cure détox vient lorsqu'on a du mal à maintenir annuellement une hygiène alimentaire, ou tout simplement pour faciliter la régénération du printemps. Celle-ci repose sur plusieurs grands principes : Que cherche-t-on avant tout à détoxifier? La détox: comment? • Choisissez votre GRAS! • SUCREZ moins! Noémie

Blue Mind: Why Being Around Water is Good For You Blue Mind: A mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peace, unity, and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment. When Ishmael, the narrator of Herman Melville’s classic novel Moby-Dick, found himself “growing grim about the mouth” and in need of “driving off the spleen,” he took to the sea. We could all learn something from Ishmael. Modern life may be even tougher than 19th-century Nantucket. We experience chronic stress. And, of course, the knowledge that our way of living is so unhealthy is yet another source of stress. Still, what if taking to the sea — or even just the bathtub — could make a significant difference in our well-being? According to current research in cognitive neuroscience (which now echoes much historical wisdom), when you spend time around water, what happens is very good indeed. From Red Mind to Blue Mind As a marine biologist and ocean-conservancy researcher, I host a conference each year called Blue Mind. This Is Your Brain on Water

How To Rid Your Body Of 5 Common Toxins Spring is typically the time of year we start thinking about “cleaning.” We may spring clean our houses or feel inspired to take a walk outside and breathe in the fresh springtime air. On a broad scale, we may start clearing things from our lives to make way for the new. This natural inclination towards cleansing is part of engaging in the cycles of life. We have the opportunity to rebirth ourselves within our environment every year. However, you don’t have to fear toxins! Love This? Thanks for subscribing! Food Food is an easy place to check first. The chemicals you want to avoid tend to like fat; so if you eat many fatty animal products, you might be getting a larger load. Air We may forget about the impact of air quality, because we breathe without thinking about it. Water We are constantly taking in water – drinking it from the tap or from plastic bottles, cooking and bathing in it. Personal Care Products The skin is the largest organ of the body. Relationships Dr.
