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Migratory routes map

Migratory routes map
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DGs - Migration and Home Affairs - What we do - Policies - European Agenda on Migration Why a new European Agenda on Migration? The EU’s external borders have increasingly been the scene of human tragedies to which the EU, together with its Member States, must take immediate action. At the same time, migration needs to be better managed in all its aspects; through this new Agenda, the EU aims at providing its Member States with tools to do so in the medium as well as long term. Migration management is a shared responsibility, not only among EU Member States, but also vis-à-vis non-EU countries of transit and origin of migrants. The European Agenda on Migration responds to the priorities identified in the Political Guidelines of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. What are the short term priorities of the European Agenda on Migration? What are the medium to long term priorities of the European Agenda on Migration? Migration is both an opportunity and a challenge for the EU.

Réfugiés : l'accueil en France et en Europe, . A la une, © Lydia Geissler, Durant le premier semestre 2015, 340 000 personnes, issues majoritairement de Syrie, d’Irak ou d’Erythrée, sont arrivées en Europe et sont entrées dans l’Espace SchengenEspace SchengenAu sein de l’Union européenne, espace de libre circulation des personnes entre les États signataires de l’accord de Schengen.. Ce mouvement s’est encore amplifié pendant l’été. Lors du Conseil des ministresConseil des ministresFormation collégiale réunissant l’ensemble des ministres. du 9 septembre 2015, le ministre de l’Intérieur a fait le point sur l’accueil des réfugiés en France et en Europe. la loi relative à la réforme du droit d’asile a été promulguée le 29 juillet 2015, elle doit permettre de raccourcir les délais d’examen des demandes d’asile. le plan migrants adopté le 17 juin 2015 prévoit la création de 11 000 places et la lutte contre l’immigration économique irrégulière et les filières de passeurs.

Danida: Analyse af migration og flygtningebevægelser til Europa 2016/03 A cookie is a small text file, which is placed on your computer or other devices. It makes it possible for us to recognize your computer and gather information about which pages and functions are visited with your computer. Cookies contain only anonymous information. Cookies are used by most websites and are in many cases essential for the website to work properly. Cookies on this website We use cookies on this website for various purposes related to functionality, web analysis and marketing. You can read more about the cookies we use under the three tabs. No to cookies If you wish to decline the use of cookies now or in the future, you can change the permission in your browser settings. Read more about how you control cookies in your browser on What happens if I say no to cookies? If you choose to decline cookies in your browser, your device will not be tracked when you browse the internet. Why inform about cookies?

U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Stats and Summaries U.S. Customs and Border Protection Snapshot - March 2016 The CBP Snapshot provides a general overview of CBP leadership, mission sets, basic statistics and more. CBP Border Security Report Fiscal Year 2015 This report summarizes CBP’s fiscal year 2015 border enforcement efforts, which reflect CBP’s focus on transparency and building partnerships to secure a 21st Century border against a variety of threats and adversaries. Southwest Border Unaccompanied Alien Children Beginning last year and specifically in the last few months, CBP has seen an overall increase in the apprehension of Unaccompanied Alien Children from Central America at the Southwest Border, specifically in the Rio Grande Valley. CBP Use Of Force This report summarizes CBP’s Use of Force statistics, which reflect CBP’s focus on transparency and continued efforts to adapt to the evolving nature of our border environment. Web Performance Metrics

Plus de 200 000 migrants ont tenté de traverser la Méditerranée cette année La Méditérranée, route migratoire la plus mortelle du monde. C'est le constat de l'agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (UNHCR). Car “mare nostrum” est aussi la route maritime la plus empruntée. Syriens et Erythréens représentent à eux seuls la moitié de ces 207 000 migrants, venus de pays d'Afrique et du Proche-Orient et qui ont pris le risque de traverser la Méditerranée dans l'espoir de débarquer dans les pays du Sud de l'Europe. Read the article on News Republic Read the original article

Migration Policy Institute Unauthorized Immigrant Population Profiles Learn about the estimated 11 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States. Where do they live? When did they arrive in the United States, and from which origin countries? Hover over a state for data, and for dark teal states, click on state for detailed profile County Profiles To access detailed data profiles for the 117 counties in the United States with the largest unauthorized populations, click on the state of interest below to display individual profiles. Acknowledgments & Methodology This data tool is based on a methodology that imputes unauthorized status using U.S.

Chibanis, l’éternel exil des travailleurs maghrébins Dans les années 1950, les besoins de main-d’œuvre sont énormes. Pour l’État français, se pose très vite la question de l’hébergement de ces travailleurs immigrés, dont le séjour se veut provisoire. De nombreux bidonvilles voient le jour en périphérie des grandes agglomérations, comme celui de Nanterre en 1953. Entre 1950 et 1970, les foyers de travailleurs migrants sont construits notamment par le biais de la Société nationale de construction de logements pour les travailleurs (Sonacotral ), un organisme aujourd’hui appelé Adoma. Il s’agit le plus souvent de dortoirs ou de minuscules chambres individuelles, avec des espaces communs comme la cuisine et les sanitaires. Les conditions de logement à travers les années Mohamed Benazzouz, directeur d’exploitation chez Aralis : "À l’époque, tout le monde pensait que ces travailleurs allaient finir par tous rentrer chez eux. À l’origine, les foyers Aralis Aujourd’hui, ils vieillissent ici pour plusieurs raisons. Raïssa, 24 ans, animatrice

Asylum figures The national figures on asylum The Federal Office publishes data updated on a monthly basis concerning developments in the asylum applications filed in Germany, on the ten countries of origin with the highest number of applicants arriving, as well as on the decisions made by the Federal Office concerning the asylum applications, and statistical data on transfer requests that have been filed in the Dublin Procedure. The statistics also provide information on how the data have developed in comparison to previous years. In accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EC) NO 862/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Community statistics on migration and international protection, the Federal Office is the national data supplier for the European Commission (Eurostat) in the field of asylum statistics. Developments in the numbers of asylum applications Differences between national and European asylum statistics At the moment these statistics are only available in German.

International migration: a recent history There is considerable interest in the impact of migration on the UK population, economy and society. Part of a series of UK Perspectives providing an overview of key aspects of the nation over the last three decades, this article presents some key statistics on flows of long-term migrants into and out of the UK, and the impact of migration on the UK population. 1. UK net migration has been positive every year since 1994 Net migration is the difference between the number of long-term immigrants coming to the UK and the number of long-term emigrants leaving the UK, and contributes to population change. Long-term international migration into the UK, 1980 to 2013 download the data for this chart Net migration was at a relatively low level during the 1980s and early 1990s. During the 2000s, net migration increased further, partly as a result of immigration of citizens from the countries that have joined the EU since 2004. 2. download the data for this chart 3. download the data for this chart 4.

Le voyage d’une migrante syrienne à travers son fil WhatsApp Jeudi 11 décembre. 12:38. Dash nous a adressé ce message. “Comment je me sens ? Ici, certains ne voulaient pas de réfugiés. Lundi, on doit recevoir notre autorisation pour avoir le droit de rester trois mois, le temps d’obtenir celle pour rester trois ans. Migration Watch UK | MW48 : A summary history of immigration to Britain 1. Introduction 1.1 There have always been episodes of migration to Britain but, as this paper demonstrates, those episodes were small and demographically insignificant until the Second World War. A study of official census records from 1851 until the present shows that the number of people born abroad living in Britain was very small until the middle of the twentieth century and that the growth of this population between censuses was quite slow. Indeed, in the eighty years between 1851 and 1931, the population born abroad increased by only about one million. It increased slowly after the Second World War, growing by less than two million in the forty years between 1951 and 1991. 2. 2.1. 3. 3.1. 4. 4.1. 5. 5.1. 6. 6.1. 7. 7.1. 8. 8.1. 9. 9.1. 10. 10.1. 11. 11.1. 12. 12.1. 12.2. 13. 13.1. 14. 14.1. 14.2. 14.3. 14.4. 14.5. 14.6. 15. 15.1. 15.2. 16. 16.1.
