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Collaborative annotation of images

Collaborative annotation of images

Book Chook Favourites - Online Image Editors Book Chook Favourites - Online Image Editors by Susan Stephenson, Ribbet: Ribbet is probably the online image editor I use the most. Because I've used it often, I know my way around, and it's quicker for me to edit an image there than it is to open software. I often use it to illustrate my posts here at The Book Chook. Pizap: I talked about Pizap in Play with Words and Images at Pizap. Pic Monkey: PicMonkey seems a very popular image editor for Bloggers, judging by what I observe on Pinterest. Tuxpi: Tuxpi is a big online image editor I told you about in Tuxpi - 42 Photo Effects and Picture Frames. Fotor: Fotor is fairly new to me, but my familiarity with other image editors as well as its slick interface make it a breeze to use. Picfont: If you want an image editor that simply and easily lets you add text to an image, give PicFont a try. Iaza: Perhaps you remember my post, Visual Literacy - Play with Images at Iaza?

Crea revistas y libros virtuales con Living Junction Los libros virtuales, las revistas digitales y cualquier contenido educativo en forma de libro interactivo, son recursos que nos interesan mucho para nuestro trabajo diario como docentes ya que los podemos utilizar para presentar contenidos, recopilar enlaces, ampliar los materiales de clase, etc. En el artículo de hoy os presentamos una herramienta 2.0 para crear libros interactivos de forma online y gratuita. Se trata de Living Junction, es sencilla y muy práctica. La recomendamos tanto para la creación de materiales propios por parte de los profesores como para que los alumnos la conviertan en una herramienta más de trabajo en clase. Cómo utilizarla Nos registramos en la web Living Junction con los datos que habitualmente se solicitan. Para ir añadiendo nuevas páginas hacemos clic en la opción "Add page" situada en la parte horizontal superior del escritorio. Utilidades didácticas Ejemplos Para saber más Tienes todas las Herramientas y Recetas disponibles en...

Tux Paint Panoramio - Photos of the World partager les photos d'un même événement : Quand on fait une fête, il y a à peu près des photographes en herbe qui mitraillent la foule et tout le monde est content de faire la pose qui va bien, mais personne ne réclame ensuite qu’on ne voit pratiquement jamais les photos. Non? Pas vous? En tout cas maintenant des méthodes existent mais il faut que tout le monde comprennent un peu comment ça fonctionne. A titre d’exemple voilà le lien qui m’a permis de faire le test et si ça vous chante vous pouvez ajouter vos photos Une fois les photos récupérées de tous vos amis, (encore faut-il que vous puissez leur envoyer le lien) vous pouvez faire des commentaires sur chaque photo et taguer les photos avec vos amis qui sont bien entendus tous sur facebook. Pour d’autres service voyez donc la compilation.

Picture Perfect: A Guide to Choosing Images for eLearning Picture Perfect: A Guide to Choosing Images for eLearning A picture is worth a thousand words. It’s trite but true. Good images are more than just pretty visuals. While image fundamentals such as size, composition, quality and exposure are important things to look for, they alone don’t guarantee that a particular image is best for your eLearning material. Ask, instead, these following questions: Relevancy: Does the image reinforce or support your message? If you answer yes to all these questions, then the image works. 1) Consider, first, the goal of your slide or screen. It’s not a good idea to start a photo search looking for inspiration. Images should serve the primary purpose of a specific slide. 2) Next, take time to find the right images. You perfectly understood the goal of each screen, now it’s time to look for the right image—one that would complement the key message. Don’t rush. Also, don’t be lazy. Extra Tip: Using Compfight Suggested resources: 3) Modify images to enhance them.

StoryToolz : Resources for Authors flauntR flauntR flauntR is a free online suite of digital photoediting tools that provides a range of features that are typically only been available in expensive photoediting software. RIA Application build on Adobe Flex The FlauntR RIA (Rich Internet Application) application has been widely cited as an example of intuitive user interface design and use of cutting edge technology. The FlauntR interface engineered using Adobe Flex, Flash and J2EE technologies has been featured on and the Yahoo Gallery among others. Social Network Integration and Facebook Application flauntR features extensive and indepth integrations with over 16 social networks and Web2.0 applications including Facebook, Bebo, Flickr, Picasa, Open Social among others.flauntR is available as an application on Facebook, Bebo and will also be integrating with a range of other sites.

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