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The 37 best tools for data visualization

The 37 best tools for data visualization
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Transforming Data into Visualization Data visualization explains a story to the user; a story that if told well should help the viewer discern information and relationships between the data. Data visualization, for a designer, is the process of taking a complex structure and breaking it down in a way that the reader can easily comprehend. It is a powerful tool used to translate complex data into accessible insights. In this article, I’ll explain the four critical steps we took to create a visualization graph for the World Economic Forum (WEF). Step 1: Decipher the Data The first step in any data visualization process begins with unpacking all of the elements and establishing the goal of the visualization or infographic. The Networked Readiness Index (NRI) is an index comprised of four sub indexes and ten pillars. Step 2: Iterate…Iterate…Iterate We embarked on an iterative process exploring a variety of graphic structures before we reached a solution where the viewer could unquestionably discern the data.

The Agas Map Our new (as of the beginning of 2015) implementation of the Agas Map is based on the OpenLayers 3.0 library. It presents the map as a zoomable, rotatable tiled image with several hundred locations plotted on it. In the default view, the locations are initially hidden; you can show them by checking checkboxes in the navigation panel which appears at the top right of the map. Locations in the navigation panel are sorted into categories; click on a category name to expand it and see all the locations. Zoom in and out using the scroll wheel on your mouse, or the zoom control at the top left. Apart from this, these are the main things you will want to do with the map: Find one or more specific locations and show them This is best done by searching in the navigation panel. You can also search for a MoEML @xml:id value in the search box, so if you happen to know the id of a location, but not its name, you can find it quickly that way. Look at one specific type of location Bookmark what you see

The Antiquities Coalition Site - Culture Under Threat Map LAYER: Areas Under Threat or Control of Terror Groups What it Displays: A heat map of areas that are under the direct control of terrorist groups or threatened by areas they have occupied between January and October 2015. Information from no earlier than 2015 was included due to the continually shifting nature of the MENA conflicts. The terrorist groups included in this map were based on terror groups as defined by the National Counterterrorism Center. Sources of Information: Institute for Study of War (ISW), the Carter Center Syrian Conflict Mapping Project, National Counterterrorism Center and international media reports on terror-controlled territories. LAYER: Heritage Sites Attacked, Targeted, or Destroyed What it Displays: A map of cultural heritage sites that have been deliberately targeted for destruction, demolition, or attack by violent extremist non-state actors and organizations. LAYER: UNESCO World Heritage and Tentative List Sites

Data visualization: Science on the map Illustration by the Project Twins When linguist Lauren Gawne roams the valleys of Nepal documenting endangered Tibetan languages, she takes pains to distinguish each dialect's geographical origin. But when it came to producing maps of her results, for many years her cartographic methods were somewhat crude. “My old maps were [made] using MS Paint on top of some copyrighted map that I really shouldn't have been using,” she says. Lauren Gawne Lauren Gawne's maps: with mother's help (A) and in TileMill (B). So in 2013, she jumped at the chance to join a workshop on mapping and visualization at the University of Melbourne in Australia, where she was working on her PhD. TileMill is just one tool in the emerging field of customized mapping, where a bevy of open-source technologies and start-ups have given rise to an abundance of offerings for researchers and enthusiasts (see ‘Get on the map’). Get on the map The following tools may also be useful for specific mapping purposes: Storage hubs

The Geography of Genius 1400 - 1950 by Frank Jacobs Genius follows its own law of gravity. It migrates in ever greater numbers to where it thrives. Hence places like Silicon Valley – and attempts to replicate it elsewhere, like London's Silicon Roundabout. Focusing on four creative disciplines, they chart the geography of genius in Europe and, over three consecutive periods (1400-1600, 1600-1800 and 1800-1950), the drastic changes to that geography. In the 15th and 16th century, three distinct areas emerged as the centres of creative genius. In the second period, the four 'valleys' have moved and/or changed shape. In the last period, 'art' has intensified in the Low Countries and northern France, and made the leap across the Channel to London and the south east of England, presenting a contiguous zone dense with artists. Strange Maps #678

The globe of economic complexity About close x The Globe of Economic Complexity The globe of economic complexity dynamically maps out the entire world production of goods to create an economic landscape of countries around the globe. The original Atlas of Economic Complexity The Globe is built upon The Atlas of Economic Complexity, a powerful interactive tool that enables users to visualize a country’s total trade, track how these dynamics change over time and explore growth opportunities for more than a hundred countries worldwide. The Center for international development Associated Paper This project will be featured at the 2015 IEEE VIS conference in Chicago. Data Used Technology This visualization was built with webGL, a new graphics library that enables to create new 3D worlds in the browser. Contact Aknowledgements We would like to thank Marcela Escobari, Ricardo Hausmann, Gus Wezerek and Tim Cheston for their insight and support.

8 tools for visualizing data with open source Data visualization is the mechanism of taking tabular or spatial data and conveying it in a human-friendly and visual way. There are several open source tools that can help you create useful, informative graphs. In this post we will take a look at eight open source, data visualization tools. Datawrapper Datawrapper was created by journalism organizations from Europe, designed to make data visualization easy for news institutes. To create a graph, click on the "New Chart" link on the top menu bar. Image provided by Nitish Tiwari. Chart JS Chart JS is a clean charting library. Charted Created by the product science team at Medium, this is one of most minimal charting tools available online. Image provided by Nitish Tiwari. D3 stands for data driven documents. Image provided by Nitish Tiwari. Dygraphs Dygraphs is a flexible, JavaScript-based charting library. Image provided by Nitish Tiwari. Raw Timeline Leaflet Mobile readiness is the key to high traffic and good conversion rates.

Si la créativité m’était contée : 14 Mars à 16h | Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires Si la créativité m’était contée : une discussion sur la créativité en compagnie de Eitan Altman, Pierre Carlès, et François Taddei, suivie par une séance de dédicaces de son dernier livre par Sandra Huret (Des étoiles dans la tête : approche psychologique de la créativité chez les artistes et les scientifiques) The “Rules” of Data Visualization Get an Update Geoff McGhee is a journalist and data visualizer at Stanford University’s Bill Lane Center for the American West. Data Points is a new series where we explore the world of data visualization, information graphics, and cartography. In the past decade, computer-aided data visualization has migrated from the halls of science and academia into journalism, marketing, political discourse, and many other parts of everyday life. A lively conversation has developed online about data visualization, with blogs and social media accounts devoted to critiquing them. But what are the rules of a complex practice that draws on research into cognitive theory, graphical perception, statistics and journalism? With his 2012 book The Functional Art, the journalist and educator Alberto Cairo helped tie together many strands into a compelling and easy-to-follow guide to data visualization and information graphics. Alberto Cairo: Today you have confluence of factors.

Wo Europas Bevölkerung wächst – und wo sie schrumpft Wo wächst und schrumpft Europa wirklich? Die Karte zeigt erstmals ein detailliertes Bild über die Bevölkerungsentwicklung in 119.406 Gemeinden aus 43 europäischen Staaten (mit der Türkei). Die Anwendung basiert auf den Berechnungen des Bundesinstituts für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR), das seine Analyse im Juni zusammen mit einer Karte veröffentlicht hatte. Die Berliner Morgenpost macht diese Erhebungen nun interaktiv sichtbar – mit Daten für jede einzelne Gemeinde und Schnellanalysen. Auffallend sind die besonders hohen Zuwächse im Westen Europas, während in weiten Teilen der östlichen und südlichen Länder die Bevölkerung schrumpft. Auch für Deutschland zeichnet sich ein deutliches Bild: Im 25. Ein solches Ausdünnen großer zusammenhängender Regionen ist sonst nur noch in Osteuropa (Rumänien, Bulgarien, Baltikum), im Nordosten Spaniens, in Portugal und in Teilen Nordeuropas zu sehen. Weitaus schwächer ausgeprägt ist dieser Trend ist Frankreich.

Sew Me | Alors, c'est qui le patron ? Savoir et création dans Dialogue " Peut-on construire des savoirs sans faire acte de création ? Peut-on faire acte de création sans construire ses savoirs ?" La revue du GFEN reprend cette interrogation sous l'angle de l'émancipation. La revue donne largement la parole aux praticiens. Par exemple on découvre une séquence de géographie qui mène les élèves à une lecture citoyenne de leur ville et finalement à participer à un séminaire universitaire. Des ateliers d'écriture , de maths alimentent aussi la réflexion. " Articuler création et savoir, c'est permettre de découvrir nos potentiels d'imaginaire en construction constante grâce aux perturbations causées par les autres, grâce aux dérangements et déplacements qu'ils provoquent dans notre compréhension du monde. Le sommaire
