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Earth Science Picture of the Day

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Fault creep along the Calaveras in Hollister, California Introduction Hollister, California is located South of the San Francisco Bay area. (Here is a regional map courtesy of Xerox PARC.) Plate Tectonics ~ Plate Tectonics Theory ~ What Alfred Wegener didn't know... Plate Tectonics: Why do continents drift?

Geysers erupt because they’re all bendy inside University of California at Berkeley volcanologist Michael Manga and student Esther Adelstein built a laboratory geyser to explain how geysers like Old Faithful work. (Roxanne Makasdjian and Phil Ebiner; additional footage by Eric King and Kristen Fauria/University of California at Berkeley) You'll definitely want to check out the video above, because it features a loop-de-loop lab apparatus designed to spew water into the air. But it's more than just a twist on one of those science fair volcano models: The UC Berkeley earth sciences professor who designed it says it demonstrates the basic mechanics of geysers like Old Faithful.

EarthScienceAnimations Animation: Earth's Atmosphere Lesson 19: Atmospheric Structure contains instruction on the troposphere, the tropopause, the jet stream, the stratosphere, ozone, the production of ozone, the destruction of ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, the stratopause, the mesosphere, the thermosphere, the ionosphere, the exosphere, and the Earth's atmosphere. To begin the animation, click here. You will need to download Macromedia Flash Player to view this lesson. Floating Farms It is fairly straightforward to measure the area of most lakes. Certain satellite sensors, such as the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8, are particularly well suited to the chore because they collect information from several sections, or bands, of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be used to distinguish between water, land, and aquatic vegetation. However, determining the size of Inle Lake poses a special challenge. The second largest lake in Mynamar (Burma) has a unique agricultural system that makes the boundary between land and water remarkably fuzzy. The system, known locally as ye-chan, involves the cultivation of hundreds of hectares of floating “islands” that produce enough tomatoes and other vegetables to drive the region’s economy.

Rock Cycles cycles Rock Cycles Even rocks have a cycle. Rocks are continually circulating in the mantle just below the crust of the earth. They are sometimes thrust up into the crust due to convection currents. Imagine really thick jam slowly cooking in a big pot on a stove. Faults in Xinjiang Just south of the Tien Shan mountains, in northwestern Xinjiang province, a remarkable series of ridges dominates the landscape. The highest hills rise up to 1,200 meters (3,900 feet) above the adjacent basins, and they are decorated with distinctive red, green, and cream-colored sedimentary rock layers. The colors reflect rocks that formed at different times and in different environments. The red layers near the top of the sequence are Devonian sandstones formed by ancient rivers. The green layers are Silurian sandstones formed in a moderately-deep ocean. The cream-colored layers are Cambrian-Ordovician limestone formed in a shallow ocean.

Top 108 Earthquake and Tsunami Sites By Lorri Cardwell-Casey The good news: the scientific community’s succeeded in giving the public plenty of earthquake and tsunami information. The bad news: sometimes, there’s so much information out there, it can feel like a tsunami of data. We’ve done the hard work for you. We’ve searched and sorted through earthquake and tsunami websites, in order to present one easy-to-navigate site with the top 108 sites and resources in this annotated list of over 150+ resources. We can save you time.

IRIS - Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology How were Earth’s layers discovered? What are they? Earth’s interior is broadly grouped into three main layers on the basis of chemical composition: crust, mantle, and core. An egg analogy is used to show relative thicknesses, and a Big Hunk analogy illustrates how a material of a single composition can be either brittle or ductile depending on temperature. This animation shows briefly how scientists figured out where these layers were, what the layers are, and how the crust is often mistaken for the tectonic (aka lithospheric) plates. Keypoints:

untitled Table of Contents | Foreword | Prologue | Preface | Organization | Acknowledgments Geomorphology from Space is an out of print 1986 NASA publication edited by Nicholas M. Short, Sr. and Robert W. Blair, Jr. designed for use by the remote sensing science and educational communities to study landforms and landscapes. The core of this book is a gallery of space imagery consisting of 237 plates, each treating a geographic region where a particular landform theme is exemplified. Commentary, photographs, locator maps, and sometimes a geologic map accompany each plate. Geologic Resources » Education Adirondack Mountains. Adirondack The Adirondack province is an extension of the Canadian Shield, which is the nucleus of North America. Forming most of northern New York, this uplifted complex of Precambrian metamorphic rocks is part of the ancient Grenville Orogeny.

Resources for Educators This page highlights resources and documents related to using lidar topography and OpenTopography in the classroom. To learn more about using OpenTopography or lidar data, please visit the tutorials page. Other resources are highlighted on the resources for students and resources for researchers pages, which we encourage users to explore. If you have any questions, visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) or email us at Lidar in the Classroom

Geologic Resources » Education Plate Tectonics Fault Types Learn what the different fault types are and what the difference between the Hanging Wall and Foot Wall in these illustrations. 310 KB JPEG Source: Trista L. Prologue Earth science is an inherently local subject. No two places share exactly the same sequence of events that led to the way they are today. In this sense, Earth science is a subject to be explored in one’s own neighborhood, examining the detailed sequence of rocks for the history that has gone on under our feet. What is not possible from only one location is making sense of why this particular sequence of events took place when and where it did, particularly relative to sequences in other places around it. The distribution of rocks and landforms can be explained by processes that shape areas covering thousands of kilometers, such as the volcanism, mountain building, and sedimentary basins that accompany converging plates. These processes link widely separated sequences in a common history.
