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Unique Montessori Apps

Unique Montessori Apps
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Apps basadas en la pedagogía Montessori Uno de los principales objetivos del método Montessori es que cada niño pueda desarrollar su potencial en un ambiente de aprendizaje estructurado. El método se basa en la aplicación del conocimiento ciéntifico sobre las etapas del desarollo del niño, para crear los materiales didácticos apropiados a cada nivel educativo. Según Montessori, entre los dos y los seis años, los niños se encuentran en una etapa en la que desarrollan su autonomía, exploran e interiorizan el ambiente a través de los sentidos; viendo, tocando, nombrando o explorando, gracias a lo cual, pueden organizar el mundo que les rodea. Investigadores y educadores formados en el modelo Montessori han desarrollado tanto desde la universidad como desde empresas privadas diversas aplicaciones basadas en este modelo pedagógico. Edoki es una web fundada por Les Trois Elles Interactive una empresa francesa formada por investigadores de diversas universidades y especialistas en el método Montessori.

PT #APPS: +50 APPS DE INTERÉS PARA DOCENTES CON IPAD Manejar y publicar documentos, tomar notas, crear gráficos, preparar presentaciones o videopresentaciones, practicar mindfulness, curar contenidos, trabajar en cooperativo o colaborativo, aumentar la realidad, aprender a pensar, hacer mapas mentales, saber contar historias, jugar, fabricar actividades interactivas, tener una identidad digital... Esta es una lista (por momentos interminable) con algunas de las habilidades que todo docente del siglo XXI debería poseer, practicar y transmitir a sus alumnos dentro del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. El desarrollo de las TIC ha ido generando herramientas para facilitar la adquisición de estas habilidades y creando otras nuevas. Para no perderse en este mundo de apps os presento a continuación, a través de un Pearltrees, una selección de apps para docentes con iPad. +50 apps de interés para docentes con iPad, by emengol

5 STEM APPS for the Elementary Classroom | Sweet Integrations With so many classrooms having iPads, teachers are always looking for great apps to use with their teaching. I've found some apps that are recommended for teaching STEM. Some of these apps are for building and some are for beginning programming. Hopscotch is recommended for grades 4-6. Students can create their own invention with gears and gadgets or try to master the puzzles in TinkerBox. This fun app engages students in the fundamentals of physics. Young programmers may need a little assistance with Cargo-Bot. I'm sure most of you have heard of Scratch. I would love for you to add more apps that you may have used in teaching STEM in your classroom.

s BYOD Dream Tools: Free Tools that Work on ANY device! Other TeachersFirst Special Topics Collections This collection of reviewed tools from TeachersFirst includes apps that are available for FREE on iOS (iPad, iPhone), Android, and web devices. Ideal for BYOD classrooms or 1:1 computer/tablet programs, these reviewed tools allow users to create and access projects using the same app, no matter what kind of device they have. This collection includes only "DATs" (device agnostic tools) that are FREE on all devices and offer free access with sufficient features to be useful without upgrading to a paid account. Whether you call it an "app" or a "web tool," a DAT allows you to access your projects from almost any device. Be sure to read the "Edge Features" list at the end of each review to know whether you need to create individual accounts, how products can be shared, and other tips on using these DATs safely and within school policies. Even the best DAT has slight differences in capabilities on different devices. (image credit: Jeremy Keith)

5 Top Augmented Reality Apps For Education The concept of augmented reality has been in existence for a few years now despite the fact that many users of mobile devices are under the impression that it is a new phenomenon. New technologies such as Google’s augmented reality glasses which are the first computing eyewear are still in the testing phase. This leads mobile device users to believe augmented reality is new on the horizon. Even though Google Glasses have yet to be officially released, there are hundreds of augmented reality apps that you can get for your smartphone which work just as well. 1. This is an augmented reality app which makes learning about astronomy interesting and fun. Simply hold your smartphone up in the direction of the sky to receive automatic identification of stars and constellations. Google Sky Map is a free augmented reality app and works with Android 1.6 and higher. Download Google Sky Map (Android) 2. Recently released by PBS KIDS, FETCH! FETCH! Download FETCH! 3. Download GeoGoggle (Android) 4. 5.

22 Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom 22 Of The Best Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom by TeachThought Staff In education, perhaps one of the least utilized talents of iOS hardware is creating exceptional video. While it’s not uncommon for teachers and students to use iPads to create videos, creating stunning videos that are compelling, well-produced, innovative, truly social, and/or something worth sharing with the world isn’t so easy. Truth be told, that’s less about the technology and more a matter of teaching, learning, and planning–who is creating the video, why are they creating it, and who are they creating it for. Below are 22 apps we’ve handpicked as powerful teaching and learning tools to work with digital media in your classroom. How can I help students turn these iPads into tools for magnificent creation? 22 Of The Newest Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom; 22 Of The Newest–And Best–Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom

10 Personalized Learning Apps By the Eduspire Blog Team There are dozens of sources (with varying perspectives) that talk about what personalized learning is, why it’s beneficial, and how it can be implemented. But what’s really missing is the what: What tools or delivery methods make personalized learning a reality and not just a lofty goal? Many schools and teachers want to try personalized learning, but don’t know which tools and resources are available to them in order to make it happen. Instead of walking away with your hands in the air, assuming it’s impossible, use these tips and tools to test your ideas and learn from trial and error. Personalized Learning: The Set-Up The Roles The role of today’s teacher has changed. With personalized learning, this shift is even more important. Mass-Customized Learning (MCL) Mass customization is all around us—never before have we had so many choices. More: 5 Ways to Amplify Student Voice With Technology The Techniques Inquiry Project-Based Learning The Technology

Technology in the Classroom: Amazing iPad Apps for Educators When one looks at how technology has changed education over the past decade, one can’t help but be blown away by the sheer number of iPad apps for educators that have absolutely flooded the electronic marketplace. There are so many iPad apps for teachers released every month that even the most plugged-in educator would have a difficult time processing and utilizing them all. Luckily, when teachers are looking to learn how to use iPads in the classroom, they need to look no further than TeachHUB magazine and -- an educator’s primary go-to resource when researching iPad apps for teachers and iPads in the classroom. Read on to learn about TeachHUB magazine and’s updated list of the hottest iPad apps for teachers and iPad apps for education, destined to forever alter your curriculum landscape, organized here by subject. Scroll down for an index of many of TeachHUB's helpful iPads in the classroom app reviews and more of the best usage of iPads in the classroom. Trello

7 Excellent Science Apps for Elementary Students March , 2016 Looking for some very good science apps to try with your elementary students? The list below is a great place to start with. We have carefully curated 7 of the best iPad apps designed specifically for young learners to help them with their science learning. 1- Britannica Kids: Volcanoes This is an awesome app kids can use to learn all about volcanoes. 2- KidScience Premium This app challenges kids' minds with some engaging experiments using everyday materials. 3- Video Science This app, as its name suggests, provides kids with a library of video tutorials to help them understand key science concepts. 4- Clever Bird Early Science Another great app that makes simple and easy-to-understand lessons to help kids learn about different science topics. 5- The Elements This is one of the most popular periodic table apps out there. This app offers kids some engaging experiments usually made with ordinary household artefacts.
