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TOGAF®, an Open Group standard

TOGAF®, an Open Group standard
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DQBRN - Brasil é maior devedor da convenção de desarmamento da ONU O Brasil é o maior devedor da Convenção da ONU para Armas Biológicas e Tóxicas, que proíbe o uso desses armamentos e tenta dissuadir governos a recorrer a ataques químicos ou biológicos. Dados obtidos pelo Estado revelam que o Brasil devia US$ 298,4 mil ao organismo. O governo brasileiro também é o maior devedor para todas as iniciativas de desarmamento da ONU, com uma dívida de US$ 550 mil. Há duas semanas, quando um ataque químico foi registrado na Síria, o Itamaraty apressou-se em condená-lo. “O Brasil reitera sua veemente condenação ao uso de armas químicas, sob quaisquer circunstâncias”, indicou o comunicado da chancelaria. Nos bastidores, a situação é outra. “Sem uma solução, as estruturas e decisões tomadas estarão ameaçadas”, disse. No total, o déficit registrado pela Convenção era de US$ 379 mil, de um orçamento previsto para US$ 1,1 milhão em 2017. A crise forçou alguns países a pagar mais que o acordo estabelecido para garantir que o mecanismo continuasse funcionando.

Synthetic Biology Open Language Institute For Enterprise Architecture Developments Dark Energy, Dark Matter | Science Mission Directorate In the early 1990s, one thing was fairly certain about the expansion of the universe. It might have enough energy density to stop its expansion and recollapse, it might have so little energy density that it would never stop expanding, but gravity was certain to slow the expansion as time went on. Granted, the slowing had not been observed, but, theoretically, the universe had to slow. The universe is full of matter and the attractive force of gravity pulls all matter together. Then came 1998 and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of very distant supernovae that showed that, a long time ago, the universe was actually expanding more slowly than it is today. So the expansion of the universe has not been slowing due to gravity, as everyone thought, it has been accelerating. Eventually theorists came up with three sorts of explanations. What Is Dark Energy? More is unknown than is known. Credit: NASA/STSci/Ann Feild What Is Dark Matter? Recent Discoveries

20+ Cheatsheets & Infographics For Photographers We love cheatsheets as one can refer to them and make quick amendments to better our skills. Since many loved our last compilation of cheatsheet for designers, we’ve decided to compile another set of cheatsheets, this time for photographers. Amateur photographers, and even pros can easily benefit from these cheatsheets as it is a resource for fresh and new ideas. We’ve scoured the Web and have found a wide variety of cheatsheets covering various aspects of photography and catering to the many levels of skills and interest of anyone who calls themselves a photographer. Most of the pictures you see here are cropped for a nice fit, so remember to click on the links to check out the entire cheatsheet or infographic. Some of them are really long and can give you a ton of worthwhile information that you really can’t do without. Recommended Reading: Five Vital Black & White Photography Tips Focal Lengths Manual Photography 3 Ways to Affect Depth of Field Photography Cheatsheet 3 Elements of Exposure

The top 50 apps for creative minds | Technology There’s an ongoing argument in the technology world about whether tablets and smartphones are more focused on consumption than creativity. As time has gone on, though, the number of apps helping us do more than passively read, watch and listen has grown. Many also fall into a longer heritage of technology that democratises activities like film-making, photography and music-making. Video and photography apps now contain editing features based on those used in professional software, but made accessible enough for anyone to use in a couple of taps, and music-making apps are reducing the barrier to making listenable sounds. In all cases, this isn’t about you suddenly becoming a professional just because an app is holding your hand – instead, it’s about opening up the experience of artistic creation to a wider audience. Creativity means different things to different people. Other apps, such as Vine, cater to different levels of skill. Music Sing! Video Photography Art Writing Children

Recent Changes Map Fundep - Cadastro de Vagas e Oportunidades - Fundep Fundep Menu do site Menu do site Portal da Transparência Intranet Imprensa Acessibilidade deste site Tam. do texto: A A A Contraste: Opção 1 Opção 2 Espaço do Colaborador Espaço do Coordenador Financiar Portal de Compras Notícias Assine o Feed Novas aplicações terapêuticas do guaraná Financiada pela Fapemig e CNPq, pesquisa da UFMG revela atividade anti-inflamatória da planta brasileira e busca o desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos. Oportunidade Edital Cemig - Programa P&D Aneel Chamada seleciona projetos de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico. + Ver mais notícias Assine a Newsletter Receba novidades e clipping de notícias no seu email: Você está em: Vagas e Oportunidades Página Inicial > Vagas e Oportunidades A Fundep tem em seus recursos humanos o maior diferencial para a prestação de serviços. - Analista de Testes - Tecnologia de InformaçãoLocal de trabalho: Fundep - Av. - Analista de Sistemas I Local de trabalho: Fundep Sede - Av. * Cenex/Coltec UFMG Para formação de banco de currículos: Fundep

Hive Plots - Linear Layout for Network Visualization - Visually Interpreting Network Structure and Content Made Possible A misteriosa base que a China está construindo na Patagônia argentina - 19/03/2016 - Ciência Image copyright CONAE Protagonizado pela China, o mais novo capítulo da corrida espacial internacional se desenrola em um dos pontos mais remotos da América do Sul: a Patagônia argentina. Depois de um polêmico acordo com o país sul-americano, o gigante asiático está construindo sua terceira e "mais moderna estação interplanetária e a primeira fora de seu próprio território" em Paraje de Quintuco, na província de Neuquén, no coração da região. A base é parte do Programa Nacional da China de Exploração da Lua e Marte. A chamada "Estação Espacial Distante" deve começar a operar no final de 2016, de acordo com o cronograma oficial. Mas a instalação da base, que inclui uma poderosa antena de 35 metros para pesquisas do "espaço profundo", está cercada de polêmica, mistério e suspeitas. O principal questionamento está relacionado a seu possível uso militar e à existência de cláusulas secretas no contrato bilateral que permitiu sua construção. 'Fins pacíficos' 50 anos Image copyright Getty Lua Tensões

yhat | Predictive Model Management Consumo Colaborativo Force-directed graph drawing Visualization of links between pages on a wiki using a force-directed layout. While graph drawing can be a difficult problem, force-directed algorithms, being physical simulations, usually require no special knowledge about graph theory such as planarity. Forces[edit] An alternative model considers a spring-like force for every pair of nodes where the ideal length of each spring is proportional to the graph-theoretic distance between nodes i and j, without using a separate repulsive force. Methods[edit] Once the forces on the nodes and edges of a graph have been defined, the behavior of the entire graph under these sources may then be simulated as if it were a physical system. It is also possible to employ mechanisms that search more directly for energy minima, either instead of or in conjunction with physical simulation. Advantages[edit] The following are among the most important advantages of force-directed algorithms: Good-quality results Flexibility Intuitive Simplicity Interactivity
